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Meaning of "sacar" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra sacar procede posiblemente l gótico sakan, pleitear.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


sa · car play


Sacar is a verb.
The verb is the part of the sentence that is conjugated and expresses action and state of being.

See the conjugation of the verb sacar in Spanish.


Click to see the original definition of «sacar» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.

Definition of sacar in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of taking in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is to put something outside the place where it was locked or contained. Another meaning of taking in the dictionary is to remove, remove someone or something from the site or condition in which it is. Remove the child from school. Pull through. Taking out is also learning, finding out, solving something through study. Take out the account La primera definición de sacar en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es poner algo fuera del lugar donde estaba encerrado o contenido. Otro significado de sacar en el diccionario es quitar, apartar a alguien o algo del sitio o condición en que se halla. Sacar al niño de la escuela. Sacar de un apuro. Sacar es también aprender, averiguar, resolver algo por medio del estudio. Sacar la cuenta.

Click to see the original definition of «sacar» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.



yo saco
sacas / sacás
él saca
nos. sacamos
vos. sacáis / sacan
ellos sacan
Pretérito imperfecto
yo sacaba
él sacaba
nos. sacábamos
vos. sacabais / sacaban
ellos sacaban
Pret. perfecto simple
yo saqué
él sacó
nos. sacamos
vos. sacasteis / sacaron
ellos sacaron
Futuro simple
yo sacaré
él sacará
nos. sacaremos
vos. sacaréis / sacarán
ellos sacarán
Condicional simple
yo sacaría
él sacaría
nos. sacaríamos
vos. sacaríais / sacarían
ellos sacarían
Pret. Perf. Compuesto
yo he sacado
has sacado
él ha sacado
nos. hemos sacado
vos. habéis sacado
ellos han sacado
Pret. Pluscuamperfecto
yo había sacado
habías sacado
él había sacado
nos. habíamos sacado
vos. habíais sacado
ellos habían sacado
Pretérito Anterior
yo hube sacado
hubiste sacado
él hubo sacado
nos. hubimos sacado
vos. hubisteis sacado
ellos hubieron sacado
Futuro perfecto
yo habré sacado
habrás sacado
él habrá sacado
nos. habremos sacado
vos. habréis sacado
ellos habrán sacado
Condicional Perfecto
yo habría sacado
habrías sacado
él habría sacado
nos. habríamos sacado
vos. habríais sacado
ellos habrían sacado


yo saque
él saque
nos. saquemos
vos. saquéis / saquen
ellos saquen
Pretérito imperfecto
yo sacara o sacase
sacaras o sacases
él sacara o sacase
nos. sacáramos o sacásemos
vos. sacarais o sacaseis / sacaran o sacasen
ellos sacaran o sacasen
Futuro simple
yo sacare
él sacare
nos. sacáremos
vos. sacareis / sacaren
ellos sacaren
Pret. Perf. Compuesto
yo hube sacado
hubiste sacado
él hubo sacado
nos. hubimos sacado
vos. hubisteis sacado
ellos hubieron sacado
Futuro Perfecto
yo habré sacado
habrás sacado
él habrá sacado
nos. habremos sacado
vos. habréis sacado
ellos habrán sacado
Condicional perfecto
yo habría sacado
habrías sacado
él habría sacado
nos. habríamos sacado
vos. habríais sacado
ellos habrían sacado
saca (tú) / sacá (vos)
sacad (vosotros) / saquen (ustedes)







Synonyms and antonyms of sacar in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «sacar» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish synonyms of sacar


The following Spanish words mean the opposite of «sacar» and also belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish antonyms of sacar

Translation of «sacar» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of sacar to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.
The translations of sacar from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «sacar» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of sacar in the Spanish-English dictionary.

Translator Spanish - Chinese

1,325 millions of speakers


570 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - English

510 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Hindi

380 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Arabic

280 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Russian

278 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Portuguese

270 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Bengali

গ্রহণ করা
260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

220 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Malay

190 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - German

180 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Japanese

130 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Korean

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Javanese

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Vietnamese

80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  draw from ; pull out ; remove ; take out ; withdraw ; draw ; pull from ; put out ; scoop (out) ; pull off ; ferret out ; winkle out ; draw out ; get out.
 These headings may be drawn from an alphabetical list of subject headings or from a classification scheme.
 We go to that record, pull it out, change the item's priority and upgrade it so it gets out to you quickly.
 Folders allow a set of papers to be kept together when a set on a given topic is removed from the file.
 A borrower may sometimes wish to take out a book which has already been loaned out.
 Thus, all cards corresponding to documents covering 'Curricula' are withdrawn from the pack.
 The 'Root Thesaurus' presents other refinements which permit the part of the hierarchy from which a term is drawn to be specified.
 The data is pulled directly from all the bibliographic data bases on DIALOG that have a JN field.
 Naturally people will handle books before they decide to buy them, which means that no more than a couple of copies of each title should be put out so that reserve stock is prevented from getting grubby.
 This service will be useful for end users and for scooping out the availability of information on STN for a variety of search topics.
 The ionisation in the air pulls off massive, if random charges so the speed of lightning is actually less than that of the speed of light.
 As a rule analysts are left on their own to ferret out useful and appropriate areas to be investigated.
 Small business operators can be easy prey for scamsters trying to winkle out money for unsolicited - and unneeded - 'services'.
 First of all, the most important thing before drawing out conclusions is to collect all the information in a single place.
 Dress the dinner table with a nice table cloth, a candle and some napkins, sprinkle with heart-shaped sequins and get out the best wine glasses.
cría cuervos y te sacarán los ojos   [Derivado de la expresión original "Curses, like chickens, come home to roost"]  
what goes around comes around
the chickens come home to roost
you reap what you sow
if you dance, you must pay the piper
 If there's one place where what goes around comes around, it's the United States Senate.
 These particular chickens do come home to roost.
 A popular teaching of the New Testament is the principle that 'you reap what you sow'.
 And as the old saying goes: 'If you dance, you must pay the piper' .
cría cuervos y te sacarán y los ojos 
you've made your bed, now you must lie in it!
 After all, "you've made your bed, now you must lie in it," so there's no sense complaining.
que + Pronombre + sacar + de quicio 
 There are a few things that are irritatingly wrong in this movie.
sacando provecho de 
on the coattails of
 He's hardly the first candidate seeking to be elected on the coattails of a leader who captured the national imagination.
sacar acciones al mercado 
go + public
 This author describes and what happens when a company goes public.
sacar a colación  
bring + Nombre + up
bring up
 The reason I didn't bring this up in my paper is that I've learned from bitter experience that it's well to be radical about one thing at a time.
 When asked to recall our most unforgettable experiences, we often bring up something that marked a turning point in our life.
sacar a colación una cuestión   
bring up + matter
bring up + an issue
bring up + a point
 'Well, that brings up another matter we had discussed among ourselves,' DeSmedt said.
 This brings up the issue of training and motivation.
 Members of the group that carried out the project answered several points brought up in an earlier review.
sacar a colación una idea 
bring up + an idea
 Some of the ideas brought up by the Sengalese project group are now used in systems running in Sweden.
sacar a colación un problema  
bring + problem up
bring up + a problem
 In my books they did the right thing by bringing the problem up as early as they could, the failing was FIA's inability to act on this early enough to do something constructive about it.
 It may be that your student is complaining to you and has never brought up the problem with the roommate.
sacar a colación un tema  
bring up + a topic
bring up + a subject
 She brandishes a 'Hands Off' sign whenever that topic is brought up.
 Since you brought up the subject of money, I'd like to speak for just a moment about the utilization of library resources in the 1970s and beyond, when we have less money in real terms than we used to.
sacar a concurso  
tender for
tender out
 When Nesli tendered for the role of Nesli Managing Agent, there was only one applicant.
 As a consequence, between 1996 and 1999, a large number of Victorian public library services were tendered out and subsequently managed on a contractual basis.
sacar a concurso público  [Verbo irregular: pasado bid/bade, participio bid/bidden Someter a concurso público un servicio]   
bid + Posesivo + business
tender for
tender out
 Chris pointed out that he is buying 1000 more books with the same amount of money after bidding - and that was on an informal bid.
 Smith advised librarians to get the most for their money by bidding their business.
 When Nesli tendered for the role of Nesli Managing Agent, there was only one applicant.
 As a consequence, between 1996 and 1999, a large number of Victorian public library services were tendered out and subsequently managed on a contractual basis.
sacar a convocatoria pública    [Verbo irregular: pasado bid/bade, participio bid/bidden Someter a concurso público un servicio]
tender for
tender out
 When Nesli tendered for the role of Nesli Managing Agent, there was only one applicant.
 As a consequence, between 1996 and 1999, a large number of Victorian public library services were tendered out and subsequently managed on a contractual basis.
 Chris pointed out that he is buying 1000 more books with the same amount of money after bidding - and that was on an informal bid.
sacar a cubos 
bucket out
 We bucketed out the water, but it just came back in as the water table in the ground had risen so much.
sacar adelante 
keep + going
 This article presents ideas which will help the librarian to keep going in the face of budget cuts.
sacar a flote   
get + Nombre + back on + Posesivo + feet
 The chief librarian was given a blank cheque to get the library back on its feet.
 The oldest fishmonger's shop in Sheffield is back in business after being refloated.
 Australian officials raced against the clock on Monday to refloat a massive Chinese ship which grounded and leaked oil.
sacar a golpes 
punch out
 Plates could be corrected: faulty letters were cut or punched out and pieces of type cut off below the face were soldered in their place.
sacar agua de las piedras 
get + water from a stone
 Blood may be thicker than water, but you can't get water from a stone either.
sacar a la luz   
bring to + light
dredge up
dig up
 Her editorial does an excellent job of bringing to light the issues facing libraries, authors, and library patrons regarding the possibility and desirability of a single international copyright law.
 The learning situations must be so structured that the child will dredge up, so to speak, his or her own vocabulary.
 The list of changed headings is almost literally endless if you have the patience to dig them all up.
sacar Algo a relucir 
bring + Nombre + to the surface
 Reading-reportage brings these prejudices to the surface and opens them to discussion not just by the teacher but by the reader's peers.
sacar Algo de 
take + Nombre + out of
 A library, even a small one in a home or a public place takes us out of our noisy, hurry up, present-minded lives and into what Keats called the world of 'silence and slow time'.
sacar a licitación  
tender for
tender out
 When Nesli tendered for the role of Nesli Managing Agent, there was only one applicant.
 As a consequence, between 1996 and 1999, a large number of Victorian public library services were tendered out and subsequently managed on a contractual basis.
sacar al mercado  
bring to + market
put + Nombre + on the market
 SilverPlatter is about to bring to market a new product with a catchy acronym, 'AgRIC'.
 I have a new product i want to put on the market but I have no idea where to start.
sacar al perro a pasear 
walk + the dog
 We don't have a dog, but walking the dog would be one of the things I would gladly let a robot do.
sacar al perro de paseo 
walk + the dog
 We don't have a dog, but walking the dog would be one of the things I would gladly let a robot do.
sacar a relucir    
bring to + the surface
bring to + light
bring to + the fore
point out
 The rapidly increasing volume and variety of electronic information sources has brought to the surface new issues concerning intellectual property.
 Her editorial does an excellent job of bringing to light the issues facing libraries, authors, and library patrons regarding the possibility and desirability of a single international copyright law.
 Installation of new computer terminals may bring the problem to the fore.
 By means of the arrangement of document substitutes in library catalogues, and also by the arrangement of documents themselves, it is possible to point out, or indicate, classes of documents.
sacar a relucir diferencias 
turn up + differences
 However, a detailed comparison of the fourth with the third edition turned up only 13 differences that pertained to card catalogs, and these differences were minute.
sacar a relucir las mejores cualidades de 
bring out + the best in
 All students are talented, so teachers must find ways to bring out the best in each child.
sacar a relucir lo peor de 
bring out + the worst in
 Although there are some bad stepparents in the real world, becoming a stepmother or stepfather does not inevitably bring out the worst in people.
sacar a relucir los trapos sucios delante de otros 
wash + dirty linen in front of others
 'I've always felt that professionals should stick together and not wash their dirty linen in front of others - particularly strangers'.
sacar a relucir los trapos sucios en público 
air + dirty linen in public
 The library's overall image is enhanced more by a tactful handling of an in-house problem without airing the dirty linen in public.
sacar arrastrando 
haul out
 The plank was hauled in and out between the cheeks by girths at each end which were wound round a small windlass underneath the ribs.
sacar a subasta     
put up for + auction
go under + the hammer
come up for + auction
come under + the hammer
 Her home was put up for auction and sold after being foreclosed.
 Thomas Jefferson willed his book collection to the University of Virginia of which he was the first rector (these books, in fact, were auctioned by his executors to satisfy his debts).
 An oil painting depicting Madonna in the nude with her ex-husband Guy Ritchie will go under the hammer this week.
 When Captain Cook's 'Endeavour' journal came up for auction in London, in 1923, it was keenly sought by many libraries.
 Their next property auction will see a total of 40 properties come under the hammer in its biggest commercial property auction since launching in 2010.
sacar beneficio de 
make + a return out of
 The news sector is tough, very tough, and I know some say it is difficult to make a return out of news.
sacar brillo 
 Some will produce a manuscript draft and work on and polish that; others will dictate their material and get a first typewritten draft to work on.
sacar brillo a  
buff up
 This is a naturally-occurring abrasive traditionally employed in buffing metal.
 Let it dry for 15 minutes then buff it up with a soft brush or a soft rag.
sacar conclusiones 
draw + implications
 The author draws implications for various pressing issues concerning the economics of information transfer.
sacar conclusiones generales 
generalise [generalize, -USA]
 Clearly this definition can be generalised in order to compare a number of different systems, and provides a useful comparative measure.
sacar conclusiones precipitadas 
jump to + conclusions
 Although the job market could be better, as could salaries, jumping to wild conclusions by misrepresenting data contributes little progress towards the necessary goals.
sacar con cuidado 
slide off
 This will prevent the bandage from sliding off.
sacar con sifón 
siphon out
 If sludge is covering the bottom of your tank, you'll need to remove it by siphoning it out or completely emptying your tank.
sacar con una bomba 
pump out
 The water of the stuff poured into the middle of the cylinder through its wire-mesh cover, and was immediately pumped out from one end leaving a film of fibres on the surface.
sacar con un cubo 
bucket out
 We bucketed out the water, but it just came back in as the water table in the ground had risen so much.
sacar de   [Generalmente implica fuerza]    [Normalmente implica avance considerable y de modo rápido] 
carry out of
wretch from
tilt + Nombre + out of
take from
catapult + Nombre + out of
pull + Nombre + out from/of
 The first printing presses had two moving parts: the carriage assembly, which carried the type and paper in and out of the press, and the impression assembly, by means of which the paper was pressed down on to the inked type.
 When these studies are wrenched from their historical contexts the readers are given an impoverished version of the development of the field.
 The appearance of a cafeteria worker to re-fill the salt and pepper shakers tilted her out of her fantasy.
 Like the popular image of a prehistoric iceman taken from a glacier and warmed back to life, libraries were startled awake to a new information era = Como la imagen popular de un hombre prehistórico de la edad del hielo sacado de un glaciar y devuelto a la vida, las bibliotecas se despertaron sobresaltadas en una nueva era de la información.
 Now that libraries have been catapulted out of the ice age by the online catalogue, they cannot afford to drift through the strong, variable winds of technological change.
 His sharp nails dug into her skin as he pulled her out from the ditch.
sacar de apuros  [Escrito bale out en inglés americano]  [Escrito bail out en inglés británico]
bail out
bale out
 They failed to raise sufficient money to bail out the committee after it lost its office lease.
 This is one of the 3 top automakers that want taxpayers to give them 25 billion to bale them out of their financial difficulties!.
sacar de contexto 
take + Nombre + out of context
 As with everything else that the president says his statement was once again taken out of context.
sacar de contrabando 
smuggle out
 In some libraries, shopping bags and briefcases must be deposited in lockers or a left-luggage area in the library foyer to prevent their use in smuggling out items which have not been issued.
sacar de duda(s) 
clear + things up
 First, let's clear things up: when you save a password in Firefox, it's stored in your computer, and isn't shared or uploaded to anywhere.
sacar de la duda 
clear + things up
 First, let's clear things up: when you save a password in Firefox, it's stored in your computer, and isn't shared or uploaded to anywhere.
sacar de la inactividad 
take + Nombre + out of the doldrums
 This article underscores the need for the creation of partnerships between libraries, authors and publishers to forge new ventures to take the publishing industry out of the doldrums.
sacar de las casillas                   
drive + Alguien + (a)round the bend
piss + Nombre + off
see + red
push + Posesivo + buttons
drive + Alguien + up a/the wall
get on + Posesivo + nerves
drive + Alguien + to despair
drive + Alguien + mad
drive + Alguien + insane
drive + Alguien + crazy
drive + Alguien + nuts
drive + Alguien + potty
drive + Alguien + dotty
get + pissed off with
drive + Alguien + up the pole
get on tits
get on tits
 If there is one behavior that most parents, caregivers and teachers would readily admit drives them around the bend it's whining.
 And he isn't one to squander an opportunity to take credit for an operation that will piss off Washington.
 The powers-that-be at ISU seem to be a little vexed by the attention they're getting for denying tenure to astronomer Guillermo Gonzalez.
 His arrogance, his assumption of her acute need for him, made her see red and she struggled for self-control.
 You have got to stand up and put her in her place until then she will keep trying to push your buttons.
 Your exaggerated coughs and annoyed looks and the oh so dramatic flailing about of your hands and arms when he lights up drive him up a wall.
 But the old printers were men who got on each other's nerves and lost their tempers; who had moments of disastrous clumsiness; and who improvised and botched without hesitation whenever their tools or materials did not precisely meet the needs of the moment.
 Ironically, Weber later changed his attitude and stated that 'a passion for bureaucracy is enough to drive one to despair'.
 This is a superb translation of the memoirs of the wife of Sado, the crown prince of Korea, who was driven mad and became a serial killer.
 As 'The Police' put it in their song, now a long time ago: 'Too much information running through my brain - Too much information driving me insane'.
 Those who are 'perfectionists' in such things will want to drive you crazy worrying about 'what if two people go out together' or 'it won't be accurate because some users go out for a smoke and then come right back in' or 'what about kids who run in and out' and so forth.
 Jack's father and wife drove him nuts.
 I can understand why he wants to go - he's normally very active and being stuck indoors during the day is driving him potty.
 She and her neighbours are being driven dotty by a pesky crow.
 Mind you, I get pissed off with those people who get pissed and then they've pissed all over the alleyway.
 The two boys rapidly adopted Ardena as their 'baby sister' and teased, harassed her and drove her up the pole as brothers are supposed to.
 Likewise unscrupulous people frequently seek to pursue their agenda against our better judgement by unhinging us.
 Best thing you can do to get on his tits is to be really nice and polite to him.
 Best thing you can do to get on his tits is to be really nice and polite to him.
sacar del mismo molde 
cast in + the same mould as
 The British Library Information Service is cast in the same mould as the Library of Congress Referral Service.
sacar de quicio                       
get on + Posesivo + nerves
drive + Alguien + up a/the wall
drive + Alguien + to despair
drive + Alguien + mad
drive + Alguien + insane
drive + Alguien + crazy
drive + Alguien + (a)round the bend
drive + Alguien + nuts
drive + Alguien + potty
grind on + Posesivo + nerves
piss + Nombre + off
get on + Posesivo + wick
make + Nombre + sick
see + red
drive + Alguien + dotty
push + Posesivo + buttons
get + pissed off with
drive + Alguien + up the pole
get on tits
 But the old printers were men who got on each other's nerves and lost their tempers; who had moments of disastrous clumsiness; and who improvised and botched without hesitation whenever their tools or materials did not precisely meet the needs of the moment.
 Your exaggerated coughs and annoyed looks and the oh so dramatic flailing about of your hands and arms when he lights up drive him up a wall.
 Ironically, Weber later changed his attitude and stated that 'a passion for bureaucracy is enough to drive one to despair'.
 This is a superb translation of the memoirs of the wife of Sado, the crown prince of Korea, who was driven mad and became a serial killer.
 As 'The Police' put it in their song, now a long time ago: 'Too much information running through my brain - Too much information driving me insane'.
 Those who are 'perfectionists' in such things will want to drive you crazy worrying about 'what if two people go out together' or 'it won't be accurate because some users go out for a smoke and then come right back in' or 'what about kids who run in and out' and so forth.
 If there is one behavior that most parents, caregivers and teachers would readily admit drives them around the bend it's whining.
 Jack's father and wife drove him nuts.
 I can understand why he wants to go - he's normally very active and being stuck indoors during the day is driving him potty.
 Radical intellectuals often seem exasperated by what appears as excessive attention paid to conceptualization.
 We can often see in someone's face, or hear in his response to us, the times when we are grinding on his nerves.
 And he isn't one to squander an opportunity to take credit for an operation that will piss off Washington.
 Alesha tells Laila that she's getting on her wick because it started off so well and went to pot.
 The powers-that-be at ISU seem to be a little vexed by the attention they're getting for denying tenure to astronomer Guillermo Gonzalez.
 I have a roommate who masturbates every night and it makes me sick.
 Their hypocrisy sickens me.
 His arrogance, his assumption of her acute need for him, made her see red and she struggled for self-control.
 She and her neighbours are being driven dotty by a pesky crow.
 You have got to stand up and put her in her place until then she will keep trying to push your buttons.
 Mind you, I get pissed off with those people who get pissed and then they've pissed all over the alleyway.
 The two boys rapidly adopted Ardena as their 'baby sister' and teased, harassed her and drove her up the pole as brothers are supposed to.
 Likewise unscrupulous people frequently seek to pursue their agenda against our better judgement by unhinging us.
 Best thing you can do to get on his tits is to be really nice and polite to him.
sacar dinero  
draw + cash
draw out + cash
 Initially, such automated terminals ('teller machines') were installed in the banks themselves, enabling people to draw cash by means of a debit card.
 Just about everybody needs a deposit account to receive pay, pensions and other income and to draw out cash and pay bills.
sacar el abrebotellas 
pull out + the corks
 Yet rather than battening down the hatches and boarding up the shopfronts, it is more a case of polishing the silver and pulling out the corks.
sacar el máximo partido   
exploit + full potential
take + full advantage (of)
take + the best advantage
 This, however, falls short of exploiting the full potential of the microcomputer to revolutionize the way in which business documents, memoranda, reports etc. are produced and disseminated.
 In 1972 Hans Wellisch discussed the inadequacy of LC's subject cataloging and the failure of LC to rectify this inadequacy by taking full advantage of the richness of the MARC (Machine-Readable Cataloging) format.
 There is an element of good fortune involved in being in the right place at the right time and it is essential to take the best advantage of whatever opportunities arise.
sacar el máximo partido a 
get + the most out of
 The experience which information professionals have in understanding users' needs gives them a head start in getting the most out of hypermedia.
sacar el máximo partido a Algo 
reach + the full potential of
 But burnishing is laborious and slow, and the full potential of the copperplate process could not be reached in the absence of a special press = Aunque el pulido es laborioso y lento y no se le pudo sacar el máximo partido al proceso de impresión mediante planchas de cobre al no disponer de una prensa especial.
sacar el máximo partido de  
harness + the power of
make + the best of
 The author presents seven ways of harnessing the power of the computer to solve the problem of searching for articles in periodicals.
 Careful cooperative planning is needed to make the best of these resources.
sacar el máximo partido de Algo 
make + the most of
 If the budget will not permit staff augmentation, then the reference librarian must help the department head to make the most of available resources.
sacar el máximo provecho de 
get + the most out of
 The experience which information professionals have in understanding users' needs gives them a head start in getting the most out of hypermedia.
sacar el máximo provecho de Algo 
make + the most of
 If the budget will not permit staff augmentation, then the reference librarian must help the department head to make the most of available resources.
sacar el mayor partido al dinero de uno 
get + the most for + Posesivo + money
 Smith advised librarians to get the most for their money by bidding their business.
sacar el mejor partido de 
get + the best out of
 The public librarian's information role becomes even more vital to help people get the best out of their complex environment.
sacar el mejor partido de Algo   
make + the best advantage of
make + the best use of
make + the best possible use of
 Future libraries will make the best advantage of CDROM for data that is only of moderate interest to users.
 To make the best use of resources school and public libraries have, in many instances, combined with both positive and negative results.
 Librarians should make the best possible use of the window of opportunity created by the development of this type of software = Los bibliotecarios deberían aprovecharse al máximo de la oportunidad creada por el desarrollo de este tipo de software.
sacar el mejor partido posible  
get + the best of both worlds
get + the best of all worlds
 He suggested a method of getting the best of both worlds: retaining the syntactical relationships while making separate entries for each significant word.
 In our opinion, what CAS did was to duck the risk and to try to get the best of all worlds.
sacar el ojo  [También se usa con el siguiente orden gouge out + Posesivo + eye(s)]
gouge + Posesivo + eye(s) out
 Then we were hitting each other and struggling; he scratched my face badly and tried to gouge my eye out with his fingers.
sacar (el) pecho  [También usado en el orden stick + Posesivo + chest out]
stick out + Posesivo + chest
 He can stick out his chest just a little and say, 'Look at me, look at what I have accomplished'.
sacar en claro 
 Many librarians have concluded that the only solution is to rely on Document Delivery Service (DDS).
sacar en limpio 
 Many librarians have concluded that the only solution is to rely on Document Delivery Service (DDS).
sacar en préstamo   
charge out
check out
 There was a steady flow of people charging out materials, and the checker was inspecting their bags as usual.
 The author describes a recent development that permits patrons to check out their own library materials, freeing library staff members for other tasks.
 The intending borrower merely specifies a search key for the item he wishes to borrow, and the system provides a bibliographic description.
sacar extractos de 
 This article was excerpted from 'The Internet for everyone: a guide for users and providers,' McGraw-Hill, 1994.
sacar faltas 
find + fault with
 I will add that since I have been working with the access LC provides to materials on women, a basic fault that I have found with LC subject cataloging is the absence of specificity.
sacar fuera de contexto 
take + Nombre + out of context
 As with everything else that the president says his statement was once again taken out of context.
sacar haciendo palanca  [Sinónimo de prise + Nombre + out]  [Sinónimo de pry + Nombre + out]
pry + Nombre + out
prise + Nombre + out
 This can be done by prying it out with a razor blade or small flathead screwdriver.
 Eventually he had to use a cold chisel to damage the seal sufficiently to prise it out.
sacar haciendo sifón 
siphon out
 If sludge is covering the bottom of your tank, you'll need to remove it by siphoning it out or completely emptying your tank.
sacar ilegalmente 
smuggle out
 In some libraries, shopping bags and briefcases must be deposited in lockers or a left-luggage area in the library foyer to prevent their use in smuggling out items which have not been issued.
sacar la basura  [También take the garbage out]  [También put the rubbish out]  [También take the rubbish out]  [También put the garbage out]
take out + the garbage
put out + the rubbish
take out + the rubbish
put out + the garbage
 Who else is going to flip the burgers, clean the resistant bomb-proof windows of the glitzy mile-high skyscrapers - also take out the garbage, wash the dishes, park the cars, sweep up the papers in the parks?.
 Who wants to live with someone who has never peeled a potato or put out the rubbish?.
 There are better ways to clean than sweeping everything under the rug or wishing for a fairy godmother to come take out the rubbish.
 Why don't men hear a request to put out the garbage while they're reading a newspaper?.
sacar las castañas del fuego  
sort out + the mess
pick up + the pieces
 The new governement has set itself the task of sorting out the mess that Labour have created.
 The standards of education in the UK are woefully low leaving employers to often pick up the pieces.
sacar las cosas de quicio 
blow + things (up) out of (all) proportion
 Another subtext is the tendency for the sensationalist Japanese media to blow things out of all proportion.
sacar lecciones de 
draw + lessons from
 This article attempts to draw lessons for library management from a cooperative, leaderless orchestra in the USA, the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra.
sacarle defectos a todo 
 Some people have a neurotic, exaggerated sense of self-importance and will nitpick and make a row over just everything in every shop or restaurant.
sacarle dinero a Alguien 
wrestle + money from
 The article is entitled 'Wresting money from the canny Scotsman: Melvil Dewey's designs on Carnegie's millions, 1902-1906'.
sacarle faltas a todo 
 Some people have a neurotic, exaggerated sense of self-importance and will nitpick and make a row over just everything in every shop or restaurant.
sacarle la chicha a Alguien  [Aprovecharse del esfuerzo y del dinero de otros]  [Aprovecharse del dinero y esfuerzo de otros]
suck + Nombre + wealth
milk + Nombre + dry
 He is a systematic 'sweater' who sucks wealth from toiling crowds by cunning and by stealth.
 How do you really treat your customers, do you milk them dry or do you really want to offer your products and services without stepping beyond the law?.
sacarle la lengua (a) 
stick + Posesivo + tongue out (at)
 Whe she saw what was happening she looked at them as they walked out of the room and stuck her tongue out at them.
sacarle las castañas del fuego a Alguien 
pull + Posesivo + chestnuts out of the fire
 And there have actually been some pretty funny allusions to Baker pulling our chestnuts out the fire.
sacarle los colores a Alguien 
make + Nombre + blush
 The spectacle of two young women giving breast to their babies made her blush and turn away her face.
sacarle partido a 
make + an opportunity (out) of
 Unfortunately, there are some trying to make an opportunity out of this very turbulant situation.
sacarle un bocado a 
take + a bite out of
 One last thought as a parting shot: it does seem that having once taken a bite out of the fruit of the tree of knowledge, we are to be banished from paradise forever, but we really have to eat the maggots in the fruit as well?.
sacar levantando 
lift + Nombre + out (of)
 If your mouse is a bit jumpy it is a good idea first of all just to get it used to your hand before attempting to lift it out of its cage.
sacar los pies del plato 
break out of + the box
 I guess he should just break out of the box every once and a while and do something footloose and fancy-free.
sacar los pies del tiesto 
break out of + the box
 I guess he should just break out of the box every once and a while and do something footloose and fancy-free.
sacar más partido 
get + more for + Posesivo + money
 The article 'Cutting costs: pruning the tree, logging the forest' presents general strategies that reduce search expenses or enables users to get more for their money.
sacar mayor partido a 
squeeze + more life out of
 The article is entitled 'Squeezing more life out of bitonal files: a study of black and white'.
sacar mayor provecho 
stretch + further
 We can make the resources we have stretch further = Podemos hacer que los recursos que tenemos lleguen más lejos.
sacar mejor partido 
get + more for + Posesivo + money
 The article 'Cutting costs: pruning the tree, logging the forest' presents general strategies that reduce search expenses or enables users to get more for their money.
sacar + Nombre + de 
extricate + Nombre + from
 A driver and his 11 year old passenger had to be extricated from the vehicle after it overturned yesterday morning.
sacar partido a una oportunidad  
capitalise on + opportunity
leverage + opportunity
 Perhaps the 2 most important factors in capitalising on opportunities and reducing risks in the acquisition of information companies is the application of a careful screening procedure = Quizás los dos factores más importantes para aprovechar oportunidades y reducir riesgos en la adquisición de empresas dedicadas a la información es la aplicación de un procedimiento cuidadoso de selección.
 The Internet has made it possible for us to leverage the opportunities it provides to make legitimate money doing business.
sacar partido (de) 
take + advantage (of)
 It is not surprising that the networks discussed later have all taken advantage of computer processing in some form or another.
sacar partido de   
exploit + the benefits of
make + good use of
make + a return out of
 The 'freezer model' for change in libraries has three phases - freezing for stability, unfreezing to introduce change, and refreezing to achieve control of the change and exploit its benefits fully.
 As long as your old cell phone is still in working order you can make good use of it and help someone in need.
 The news sector is tough, very tough, and I know some say it is difficult to make a return out of news.
sacar pecho        
fight back
put + a brave face on
keep + a stiff upper lip
brazen out
put on/up + a brave face
 In fact, he boasts that he knows more about library work than all of us who have our master's degrees put together.
 The paradox is that the war that was supposed to let thenm swagger and strut in the world was actually impeding their swagger and strut in the world.
 While pirates and ancient mariners may have bragged about sailing the seven seas, the phrase is merely figurative.
 In the meanwhile, librarians could fight back by means of their chequebooks but need to be alert to the strategies by which vendors could take over their functions.
 You have to make sure you lead from the front and put a brave face on it during the tough times to bring people with you and get out of it.
 Keeping a stiff upper lip during an emotional event can impair your memory, research suggests.
 The way they tried to stonewall and brazen out the forged document scandal suggests that they didn't realize the extent to which their monopoly was gone.
 It's no secret that all Commonwealth Games sites are lagging behind schedule but the organisers are putting on a brave face.
sacar perforando 
drill out
 Mistakes made in cutting were mended either by altering the design to accommodate them, or by cutting or drilling out small parts of the block and replacing them with new wood.
sacar poco a poco 
tease out
 This was so that the stuffing could be teased out and cleared of lumps, and so that the pelts could be softened by currying and soaking them in urine; the smell is said to have been revolting.
sacar por impresora  
print + off-line
print out + off-line
 A lengthy list may be printed off-line and sent through the mail, rather than have the user maintain a lonely vigil at the terminal.
 The user can instruct the computer to save the results of a search and print them out off-line, to be air-mailed as soon as ready.
sacar provecho a una oportunidad  
capitalise on + opportunity
leverage + opportunity
 Perhaps the 2 most important factors in capitalising on opportunities and reducing risks in the acquisition of information companies is the application of a careful screening procedure = Quizás los dos factores más importantes para aprovechar oportunidades y reducir riesgos en la adquisición de empresas dedicadas a la información es la aplicación de un procedimiento cuidadoso de selección.
 The Internet has made it possible for us to leverage the opportunities it provides to make legitimate money doing business.
sacar provecho de          
capitalise on/upon [capitalize, -USA]
cash in on
ride (on) + Posesivo + coattails
put + Nombre + to good use
turn + Nombre + to good account
put + Nombre + to good account
use + Nombre + to good account
exploit + the benefits of
make + good use of
make + a return out of
 The dilemma facing most library managers is how to balance the need to develop and maintain library collections with the need to acquire and capitalise on new technologies.
 At the same time, veteran fiction writers and new authors cashing in on fame from other media continued to rule the lists.
 Riding the coattails of Barack Obama, Democrats picked up seven seats held by Republicans in Tuesday's election to match the seven it gained two years ago.
 Your advice, suggestions, comments are greatly appreciated and you can rest assured that they will be put to good use.
 It was rather an unpleasant situation, there in the depths of the forest, but Mackay turned it to good account.
 They have begun not only to preserve the heritage but also to put it to good account.
 A very gifted man, he found what worked for him and used it to good account.
 The 'freezer model' for change in libraries has three phases - freezing for stability, unfreezing to introduce change, and refreezing to achieve control of the change and exploit its benefits fully.
 As long as your old cell phone is still in working order you can make good use of it and help someone in need.
 The news sector is tough, very tough, and I know some say it is difficult to make a return out of news.
sacar provecho (de) 
take + advantage (of)
 It is not surprising that the networks discussed later have all taken advantage of computer processing in some form or another.
sacar punta 
 Instructors may sharpen a difference of opinion between two students and also may tactfully cut short long-winded contributions in a debate.
sacar rápidamente 
whip out
 And as soon as he whipped out his knocker, Rose's rosy lips was already all over it in seconds!.
sacarse los mocos 
pick + Posesivo + nose
 If your child is still sucking his thumb, picking his nose until it bleeds or having trouble sleeping consult a children's therapist, it could be a sign of anxiety.
sacar tirando 
haul out
 The plank was hauled in and out between the cheeks by girths at each end which were wound round a small windlass underneath the ribs.
sacar una conclusión  
draw + conclusion
draw + inference
 These and various correlation coefficients are discussed and the type of conclusions to be drawn are pointed out.
 The obvious inference to be drawn is that industry representatives believe that membership of the Community is certainly better for industry.
sacar una deducción 
draw + inference
 The obvious inference to be drawn is that industry representatives believe that membership of the Community is certainly better for industry.
sacar una falta 
take + a free kick
 The objective of the game is to take free kicks and try to get the ball over the defenders and into the goal.
sacar una falta, lanzar una falta 
take + a free kick
 The objective of the game is to take free kicks and try to get the ball over the defenders and into the goal.
sacar una foto   
take + a shot
take + photo
 He then rented a hidden camera and weaseled his way into the private ceremony to take a shot of the singer.
 So he sets a reproducer in action, photographs the whole trail out, and passes it to his friend for insertion in his own memex.
 She is about 53 years old in this photo and she was released from gaol in 1931, three years after this photo was taken.
sacar una fotografía   
take + picture
take + shot
 It takes pictures 3 millimeter square, later to be projected or enlarged, which after all involves only a factor of 10 beyond the present practice.
 So he sets a reproducer in action, photographs the whole trail out, and passes it to his friend for insertion in his own memex.
 When using manual focus, you are more likely to take out-of-focus shots.
sacar una impresión 
gain + picture
 The overall picture gained from this area analysis was that the hinterlands of the industrial towns were not areas where one could hope to find much in the way of bookshops.
sacar una prueba 
pull + a proof
 Having imposed a forme, the compositor carried it to the press room, where a press crew was required to pause in its work and pull a proof for him, often on an old press kept for the purpose.
sacar unas notazas 
pass with + flying colours
 There's nothing flimsy about these leather boots, put them to the test this season - they'll pass with flying colours.
sacar un diez 
score + an A
 The next morning, she sailed through the exam confidently and scored an A.
sacar un libro en préstamo 
borrow + a book
 While there are features of public libraries which are to be cherished - the role as a community meeting place, a place to borrow books, a safe haven - we must look for new opportunities.
sacar ventaja 
gain + one-upmanship
 It is still a way to rebel against the school establishment, parents and a way for non-smoking teenagers to gain one-upmanship over those who smoke.

Trends of use of sacar



The term «sacar» is very widely used and occupies the 1.686 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «sacar» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of sacar
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «sacar».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «sacar» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «sacar» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about sacar



Famous quotes and sentences with the word sacar.
La naturaleza no hace nada superfluo, nada inútil, y sabe sacar múltiples efectos de una sola causa.
François De La Rochefoucauld
Se dan consejos, pero no el juicio para sacar provecho de ellos.
Samuel Butler
La vida es el arte de sacar conclusiones suficientes a partir de datos insuficientes.
La vida del hombre es como un juego de dados: si no puedes hacerte con aquel que más te conviene, debes con astucia procurar sacar ventaja del que acaso te tocó.
John Churton Collins
Sacar provecho de un buen consejo exige más sabiduría que darlo.
Louis-Antoine Caraccioli
Nada hay más admirable y heroico, que sacar valor del seno mismo de las desgracias, y revivir con cada golpe que debiera darnos muerte.
Alexis Carrel
El equilibrio mental, juicio recto, valor moral, audacia, resistencia, forma de tratar al prójimo y cómo sacar el mayor bien de los contratiempos son cosas que no se aprenden en la escuela.
Los hombres sabios nos han enseñado que no sólo hay que elegir entre los males el menor, sino también sacar de ellos todo el bien que puedan contener.


Flebotomía, sacar de tu bolsa y echar en la mía.
Para sacar buen brillo, poco betún y mucho cepillo.
Ruin habilidad, meter mentira para sacar verdad.
A la primera azadonada, ¿queréis sacar agua?
A tres azadonadas, sacar agua.
A una bola no se le puede sacar punta.
A veces un veneno, para sacar otro es bueno.
Al viejo y al olivar, lo que se les pueda sacar.
Con el diablo se aconseja quien mete aguja para sacar reja.
Cría cuervos y te sacar n los ojos.


Discover the use of sacar in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to sacar and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Del sacar por el natural
Francisco de Holanda expone en su tratado, que adopta la forma de una serie de diálogos entre el autor y su amigo Blas de Perea, la importancia del retrato en el contexto de la sociedad estamental del Renacimiento, y se sitúa en el centro ...
Francisco de Holanda, 2008
"Georg Karl es uno de los entrenadores mas innovadores del baloncesto actual y uno de los mejores preparadores que he conocido nunca.
George Karl, Terry Stotts, Price Johnson, 2001
Cómo sacar provecho de los enemigos: Cómo distinguir a un ...
Cómo sacar provecho de los enemigos y Cómo distinguir a un adulador de un amigo son en sí mismas un perfecto compendio del pensamiento de Plutarco en torno a un tema muy discutido en la tradición filosófica griega: la amistad.
Plutarco, 2002
TÉCNICAS DE LECTURA RÁPIDA: Técnicas eficaces para leer más ...
Tina Konstant es una experta reconocida internacionalmente en temas de potencial humano y capacidad de aprendizaje.
Tests Psicológicos: Aprende a Utilizar, Interpretar y Sacar ...
El especialista en psicologia Edward Hoffman demuestra que cualquier empresa puede beneficiarse de los tests psicologicos, desde la banca a los transportes, desde los seguros a la atencion sanitaria.
Edward Hoffman, 2002
Diccionario castellano con las voces de ciencias y artes y ...
Sacar á luz. V. Producir , exhibir , presentar, imprimir , publicar. • Sacar una muela , &c. V. Arrancar. Sacar de entre las manos , se toma por quitar. V, Sacar , lo mismo que mostrar. V. Sacó cuanto tenia en la tienda. Sacar , limpiar , quitar.
Esteban Terreros y Pando ((S.I.)), 1788
Secretos infalibles para sacar manchas
Las manchas rebeldes, difíciles y que plantean un verdadero desafío para el ama de casa son las que se producen con café, sangre, aceite, salsa de tomate y vino, entre otras sustancias.
Gabriel Aquino
Las ventajas del deseo: Cómo sacar partido de la ...
En Las trampas del deseo, el psicólogo y economista del comportamiento Daniel Ariely revelaba los múltiples impulsos que nos conducen a tomar decisiones insensatas.
Dan Ariely, 2011
Como sacar los idiotas del gobierno: How to Get Stupid White ...
Rather than taking to the streets, or "bombing the suburbs," these groups show how to "throw the bums out." This book tells the story of 19 cases of successful bum-bumping in the recent past.
Adrienne Maree Brown, William Upski Wimsatt, Héctor A. Ceballos, 2004
Jardineria Practica / Practical Gardening: Como Cuidar Y ...
Each beautifully illustrated book in this collection covers an important topic of gardening, including selection and location of plants, garden design, gardening tools, and vegetable and flower gardens.
Sue Phillips, 2002


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term sacar is used in the context of the following news items.
"Hay grupos que quieren sacar tajada política"
Aseguró que “hay grupos que lo hacen de forma muy solidaria desde hace tiempo, de manera muy responsable e irreprochable, y hay otros que quieren sacar ... «El Observador, Sep 16»
ING permitirá sacar dinero con el móvil en las tiendas
Para sacar dinero de la cuenta bancaria hay que ir a un cajero automático, insertar la tarjeta y teclear la clave personal. Pero eso está a punto de cambiar para ... «Expansión.com, Sep 16»
Palau: "Hemos sabido sacar petróleo a base de carácter"
La internacional española de baloncesto Laia Palau ha asegurado que el "carácter" del equipo les ha ayudado a sacar "petróleo" en la victoria de este domingo ... «Lainformacion.com, Aug 16»
¿Qué bancos te permiten sacar dinero gratis de cualquier cajero del ...
Para solventar las dudas de los consumidores de cara al verano, el comparador ha elaborado una guía gratuita sobre de qué cajeros podremos sacar dinero ... «El Mundo, Jul 16»
Vídeo | 10 consejos para sacar dinero en el cajero de tu banco de ...
Algo tan cotidiano hoy en día como ir a sacar dinero puede convertirse en un dolor de cabeza y provocarnos graves problemas. Los robos y duplicados de ... «Bolsamania.com, Jun 16»
Sacar fotos de todo: ¿nos deprime o nos hace más felices?
La investigación, publicada en el Journal of Personality and Social Psychology el 6 de junio tiene como título: Cómo sacar fotos aumenta la sensación de ... «LA NACION, Jun 16»
Cuáles son los tres bancos que permiten sacar dinero sin comisiones
A pesar de que la mayoría de los bancos solo posibilitan a sus clientes sacar dinero gratis de su propia red de cajeros, existe una serie de entidades que ... «Economía Digital, Jun 16»
El grupo italiano de productos gourmet Eataly prevé sacar a Bolsa ...
"Estamos pensando en sacar a Bolsa aproximadamente un tercio de la compañía", señaló Guerra durante la apertura de un establecimiento de la cadena en ... «Expansión.com, May 16»
Baena: “Estoy convencido que se puede sacar algo frente al Atlético”
Raúl Baena, centrocampista malagueño del Rayo Vallecano, se mostró convencido de las posibilidades de su equipo para “sacar algo” frente al Atlético de ... «Mundo Deportivo, Apr 16»
Ecuatorianos hacen largas colas para poder sacar dinero
Decenas de ecuatorianos esperan durante horas en Manta para sacar dinero por primera vez desde el terremoto del sábado, que dejó sin servicio los cajeros y ... «RPP Noticias, Apr 16»



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