State legislative elections without a Democratic or Republican candidate, 2021

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Ballotpedia analysis:
2021 Elections
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State executive elections without a Democratic or Republican candidate

State legislative elections without a Democratic or Republican candidate

Ballotpedia tracked state legislative races without a Democratic or Republican candidate in the 2021 elections. In 2021, a total of six races did not have a Democratic candidate, and six races did not have a Republican candidate.[1] Click here for information comparing state legislative races with only one major party candidate in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, and 2020.

In the 50 states, there are 99 state legislative chambers altogether. Three of those chambers held legislative elections in 2021. The general election for state legislative races was held on November 2, 2021.

  • Click here for the list of races without a Democratic candidate
  • Click here for the list of races without a Republican candidate

Races without Democratic candidates

Races without Republican candidates

Democratic and Republican races without major party opposition

Totals over time

Change over time
Date Number of filing deadlines passed Races without a Democratic candidate Races without a Republican candidate
June 28, 2021 2 6 6
April 22, 2021[2] 2 1 7

Historical context

Races with and without major party opposition: 2010 - 2020 (even years)

The table below shows state legislative races with and without major party opposition for even-year races between 2010 and 2020. Even-year elections have significantly more state legislative seats up for election than odd-year elections do, making direct comparisons between years like 2019 and 2020 uninformative when it comes to races with and without major party opposition.

Races with and without major party opposition: 2010 - 2020 (even years)
Year Total races Races without major party opposition Races with major party opposition
2020 5,875 2,048 (34.9 percent) 3,827 (65.1 percent)
2018 6,073 2,017 (33.2 percent) 4,056 (66.8 percent)
2016 5,923 2,477 (41.8 percent) 3,446 (58.2 percent)
2014 6,057 2,606 (43.0 percent) 3,451 (56.9 percent)
2012 6,015 2,307 (38.3 percent) 3,708 (61.7 percent)
2010 6,125 2,000 (32.7 percent) 4,125 (67.3 percent)


There are several methodological approaches Ballotpedia used to calculate the number of races without a Democratic or Republican candidate on this page:

  • State legislative districts can be either single-member districts (SMD - only one seat is up for election in a single district) or multi-member districts (MMD - more than one seat is up for election in a single district). Regardless of district type, this page counted races without a Democratic or Republican candidate, not seats. This means that if an MMD race with three seats up for election in a single year had a Democratic or Republican candidate file for any one of those seats, the race was counted as having a Democratic or Republican candidate and was not factored into the numbers reported on this page.
  • Write-in candidates were not counted as candidates for the purpose of races without a Democratic or Republican candidate. However, if a write-in candidate advanced from a primary to a general election and became a regular candidate on the general election ballot, that candidate was counted for the purposes of races without a Democratic or Republican candidate.
  • Candidates who unofficially withdrew from a race but still appeared on the ballot were counted as candidates for the purpose of this analysis. This meant that a race did not count as a race without a Democratic or Republican candidate if an unofficially withdrawn candidate still appeared on the ballot.
  • In California and Washington state, which have top-two primary systems, a race was counted as not having a Democratic or Republican candidate if no candidate from a major party advanced from the primary election to the general election.
  • The analysis does not include special elections for state legislative seats. It also does not include regular elections for legislative offices in the U.S. territories.

See also


  1. The analysis on this page only includes data from filing deadlines that have passed where the candidate list has been released. Find more information here on each state's filing deadline in 2021.
  2. At the time of this update, not all candidate lists from Virginia were available or had been processed yet by Ballotpedia.