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Technology Transfer (TT)

Location: Kenney Hall, Rm 44-328  |  Phone: 334-727-8985  |  Fax: 334-724-4881  |  Email: fmossgrant@tuskegee.edu

Technology Transfer (TT) provides services for Tuskegee University Innovators, from protecting intellectual property to the commercialization of new discoveries through licensing and/or new enterprise development. It serves as a link between the commercial marketplace and Tuskegee University faculty. TT offers Tuskegee University researchers expertise and guidance regarding the protection of intellectual property, including patents and copyrights, and in seeking licensing agreements with commercial entities to take Tuskegee University research developments into the marketplace for the public benefit.

Technology Transfer is led by the Vice President, Research and Sponsored Programs.  

Tuskegee University Technology Transfer Process

The Office of Technology Transfer aims for efficiency and expediency in handling your inventions and innovative new ideas.
Below are the steps our office takes to help you begin the journey to protecting your intellectual property. 

Step 1
Step 2
File a Disclosure
Step 3 
Present your Invention

Research activities often lead to discoveries
and inventions.
An invention is any useful process,
machine, composition of matter, or any
new or useful improvement of the same. 


File a Disclosure Form, immediately, if you believe 
your invention has the potential to be patent protected.  

IMPORTANT:  It is critical to avoid public
disclosure of your innovation before filing
a patent application.


Present your invention to the
Intellectual Property Committee.
During this presentation you will pitch
your idea/invention to the committee,
attempting to convince them why
TU should pursue patent protection. 

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6
Selecting a Partner/Business Start-up

The patent attorney team will file your 
disclosure with the

 United States Patent
and Trademark Office (USPTO)
Inventors work directly with TU's outside
patent attorneys.

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Your contacts may be very helpful as we contact 
potential licensees during the marketing process. 
Non-disclosure agreements are signed to interest
company to review more detailed and unpublished 
data and information and to potentially
visit your lab.

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Select a company that shows interest in
the invention. 
If a new  business start-up
has been chosen as a commercialization path,
OTT will assist in planning, creating and 
funding the start-up. 

Step 7
Step 8
Step 9

A License agreement is a contract between TU
and a third parry in which TU's rights to a technology
are licensed (without relinquishing owernship)
for financial and other consideration. Licensing is
a team approach involving 
both OTT and the inventor(s). 

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The licensee contnues the advancement of the
technology, and makes other buisness investments
to develop the product or service. 

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Revenues recieved by TU are distributed to
University and inventors to fund
additional research and education and to 
encourage further participation in

Resource Links
Tuskegee University Intellectual Property Manual 
Intellectual Property Committee



License an Innovation

TU innovations ready for commercial development (Click here)

TU Inventors (Click here)

U.S. Patents Issued