From the course: Photography Foundations: Composition

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Working the shot: Why one is never enough

Working the shot: Why one is never enough

From the course: Photography Foundations: Composition

Working the shot: Why one is never enough

We live in a world that's pretty saturated with images, with really beautiful images a lot of times, and it can be a little difficult for the learning photographer to realize just how much work goes into a lot of those beautiful finished images they see in news magazines or National Geographic, things like that. No National Geographic goes on assignment to shoot the Great Pyramid or whatever, gets off the plane in Egypt, walks out, sees the pyramid, thinks about it, sets up their camera and goes, click, "Okay, I've got the shot, I'm going home." It doesn't work that way. They shoot lots of lots of pictures. They shoot dozens of pictures, hundreds of pictures, hoping to get down to those twelve to thirteen that might go in a magazine article. This is a process called working the shot, and it's something that you have to start doing if you want to get good composition, if you want to get good exposure. Working the shot is critical to finding the image…
