From the course: Photography Foundations: Composition

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Repetition: Arranging the elements

Repetition: Arranging the elements

This one should be pretty obvious to you, the name of this movie is Repetition, and right away you can see I've got all of these wonderful repeating shapes. I've got these big patches here that are one repeating element, and then I've got all of these bolts that are repeating. I've got the repeating vertical lines. I've got the repeating handles, just one after another all the way down. Repetition is simply satisfying in an image. It gives an image a rhythm. It gives it a pulse. It gives it an order, if composition is about ascribing order, repetition is a way that you can make sense of a whole lot of objects. You will use repetition in two ways like you do with a lot of these compositional ideas. Either you will be drawn to it because you see the repeating pattern, or you might be able to find that by changing your camera position, you can create a repeating rhythm in the way that you organize things into your scene. Something else that's…
