From the course: Photography Foundations: Composition

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When the scene doesn't fit in the frame

When the scene doesn't fit in the frame

From the course: Photography Foundations: Composition

When the scene doesn't fit in the frame

As sometimes happens in life, I find myself in a forest full of old car doors. And as usually happens when that sort of thing transpires, I think, boy, photo opp! I look out here at this scene and it just seems like boy, this is such a picture waiting to happen. It's all of these rusted-out car doors, and they're all old car doors. Whoever has done this has this weird fetish for old car doors and plainly has been ripping them off from cars and heaping them out here in great rows. And it's nice. There is all this repetition. There is all this cool rusted texture. This is just seemingly a gold mine of photographic opportunity. If I'm into details, it is. I have been prowling around here, working the details of these scenes, working the repetition, working the shattered glass, trying to find interesting textures. When the sun comes out--and we have got clouds rolling through pretty quick here. So a lot of time it's in shade-- when the sun…
