From the course: Photography Foundations: Composition

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AI and composition

AI and composition

- [Instructor] AI is changing many aspects of photography, both shooting and post-production. When it comes to composition, AI can be pretty useful for fixing compositional problems that might otherwise, in this case, require a bulldozer. So, I built this composition around the idea of, I like the way this fence intersected with this fence, I liked these receding lines being cut by this diagonal line, and then this tree's hanging over the whole thing. So, I've got these strong, simple geometric shapes except it's all kind of ruined by this pile of debris here with police tape around it. So, I would like to get rid of this, which could be a monster effort of trying to use a rubber stamp or clone tool. Instead, I'm going to use generative AI to just fill this area with something more appropriate. Now, I'm in Photoshop, which has some generative AI tools built into it. So, if you have a different image editor, it may or may not have any generative AI tools. I'm just going to show you how…
