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The Russia perplextity of the world today, has brought back to light the 1929 request of the Virgin Mary of Fatima to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart, to help her obtain its conversion and so maintain world peae. This paper... more
In wandering my internal "alleyways" I once found myself in a cardboard-box factory of old Tilly-sur-Seulles, a bit of dust on the worn floorboards, and an interesting array of consecrated "hosts" with blood-dappled sigils, affixed to... more
The silence of Pope St. John XXIII towards the third part of the secret of Fátima has been criticized. Pope John (and his successors) was accused of covering up the text because of an alleged second text from the visionary, Sr. Lúcia,... more
By analyzing the writings of Sister Maria Lúcia de Jesus e do Cora-çâo Imaculado, one of the recipients of the visions, the present study sheds light on the main episodes in the life of all three of the Fatima children and especially on... more
ABSTRACT: This article was published in Italian in the journal of contemporary history Memoria e Ricerca (2016/3) with the title "I messaggi di Fatima tra anticomunismo, religiosità popolare e riconquista cattolica" (The messages of... more
La relación entre el mensaje de Fátima de 1917 y el proceso Revolucionario que ataca a la Iglesia y la civilización cristiana ha sido el tema de una Conferencia del destacado historiador católico italiano Roberto de Mattei que... more
Los errores del comunismo a los que se refiere el Mensaje de Fátima no se reducen al comunismo: es también la Revolución Cultural gramsciana en curso en todo Occidente
MYSTERY OF THE LIGHT THAT IS GOD The icon of the Mother of God of Fátima that now I show you is a symbol that reinforces the predilection that Our Lady has for Russia.. The Virgin in Fátima was full of light, of a light, which, as... more
"Salazar, the chosen by God: A letter by Sister Lucia on the Portugueses elections of 1945", being an account of the letter of Sister Lucia, the visionary of Fatima, to the bishop of Leiria in November 1945, shortly before the Portuguese... more
A study of the early years of the Marian Work of Atonement and the career of alleged visionary William Kamm ("The Little Pebble").
50 respuestas claras sobre la consagración a María y su relación con Rusia. Cuál es su sentido e importancia, quién puede hacerla, cuáles son las mejores fórmulas, se ha hecho o no la Consagración a Rusia pedida en Fátima.
Der praktisch tätige Priester begegnet gelegentlich Gläubigen, die behaupten, übernatürliche Phänomene zu erfahren wie Erscheinungen von Christus, Maria oder Heiligen, prophetische Eingebungen und Beauftragungen. Das Aufkommen der... more
El humo de Satanás se ha infiltrado en la Iglesia". Esta frase tan fuerte fue pronunciada por el Papa Pablo VI. La gente se aparta progresivamente de la Iglesia. Puedes ver aquí la pregunta que le hice en abril de 2014 a Joaquín... more
Abstract: the article reconstructs the narratives advanced by the author Jean Sendy (1910-1978). His life is reconstructed as well. It is argued that Sendy was a cultivated, sophisticated and ironic author, deeply different, by virtue of... more
Fátima e a criação artística (1917-2007): o Santuário e a Iconografia-a arte como cenário e como protagonista de uma específica mensagem volume I I estudo-primeira parte • u c
A propósito do Centenário das Aparições de Fátima, o artigo procura explicitar a atualidade da chamada mensagem de Fátima na proposta de espiritualidade que lhe está subjacente. Assim, expõe-se os conteúdos teológicos fundamentais, dos... more
Des réactions sceptiques sur l'authenticité du contenu du troisième secret de Fatima se sont manifestées dès 2000. Elles n'ont de sens, ainsi que le choix de la révélation du secret, que remises en une large perspective historique qui... more
Prólogo para el libro de José Milhazes FÁTIMA Y RUSIA En 1917, hace ahora 100 años, la Santísima Virgen María se apareció en Fátima, un pequeño pueblo de Portugal, a tres niños pastores y además de pedir oración y penitencia les habló,... more
This paper explores the ability of Sr. Lúcia of the Immaculate Heart to be circumspect about her mystical experiences as they relate to the message of Our Lady at Fátima.
Mehr Wunder als im 20. Jahrhundert gab es nie, denn überkommene Wundervorstellungen bestanden fort, während sich in Naturwissenschaften und Technik, Politik und Wirtschaft gänzlich neue Wunderwelten eröffneten. Als Erklärungen... more
Il Discepolo Amato e la Parusia del Signore. Esiste un legame? Il significato del “sacrifico di riparazione” all’abominio annunciato (Mt 24,15), ci fa identificare chi sia il “Vescovo vestito di Bianco” della nota Visione: «Se voglio che... more
La Corredenzione operata nel corso della sua vita terrena dalla Vergine Maria si compie nella Riparazione del suo figlio adottivo, generato nelle doglie ai piedi della Croce. Sublime verità al centro del messaggio di Fatima.
El mismo acto, el mismo día, será realizado en Fátima por Su Eminencia el Cardenal Krajewski, Limosnero Apostólico, como enviado del Santo Padre». Este es el breve comunicado ofrecido por la Santa Sede sobre una noticia que puede cambiar... more
Nº5 of the Cons-ciências Journal where this article was included (December, 2016).
Nº5 da Revista Cons-ciências onde se inclui este artigo (Dezembro, 2016).
„FORUM TEOLOGICZNE”, tom XIX (2018) ISSN: 1641-1196; Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie; e-mail: Dostęp online do całego tomu:... more
J. Ratzinger kehrt mehrmals zu der Botschaft aus Fatima zurück. Er sieht darin vor allem eine Aufforderung zur Sühne, die auch an diejenigen gerichtet ist, die ein ehrliches Leben führen und keine großen Sünder sind. Sie werden auch, wie... more
The present paper disputes an assertion by the writer Michael Lewis concerning the message of Fátima and apostasy. Lewis contended that because the word "apostasy" is not found within the message of Fátima, apostasy must, therefore, not... more
RESUMO: Este trabalho visa analisar a consolidação da espiritualidade de Fátima, a partir de iniciativas não oficiais. Toma-se como ponto de partida o corpus constituído por 3 cartas familiares em que as Aparições são descritas, duas... more
Having indentified a number of biblical echoes in the memoirs com-posed by Sister Lucia on the visions of the Blessed Virgin Mary on 13 July 1917, the present study brings out their prophetic e apocalyptic nature. The interior perceptions... more
In English: It is very important to exactly know the very documents of the Catholic Church about the appearances of Mary in Fatima in 1917 and the appearances of Angel in 1916. The main problem is: sister Lucia propagated the first... more
With the emergence of cinema, it became possible to ‘explain’ in a new way, to believers and non-believers, sacred revelations and miracles, thereby increasing the propagation of religious truths.Cinema has returned to the tales and... more
Through the prophetic sign of Fatima, the Holy Spirit has given a strong impulse to the spiritual renewal of Portugal, which in the first quarter of the twentieth century was stagnating in atheism and anticlericalism. In fact, however,... more
The reaction of the Catholic faithful to the supposed miraculous events at Fátima serves as an illustration of how religion can influence the political life of a country. In this instance the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to three... more
Summary Attraverso il segno profetico di Fatima, lo Spirito santo ha dato un impulso energico alla rinascita spirituale del Portogallo, che, nel primo quarto del Novecento, stagnava nell’ateismo e nell’anticlericalismo. Ma il Consolatore... more
In this paper, speaker and author Kevin J. Symonds will discuss the many historical developments that have taken place since the publication of the third part of the secret of Fátima in June, 2000. What role do these developments have,... more