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This paper reports on oil classification with fluorescence spectroscopy. The investigations are part of the development of a laser-based remote sensor (laser fluorosensor) to be used for the detec- tion and classification of oil spills on... more
On August 11, 2006 more than 2 million liters of Bunker C oil spilled in southern Guimaras Island, central Philippines. Over 200 kilometers of coastline have been affected including the traditional livelihood in the island. The immediate... more
Les marées noires font partie des catastrophes industrielles les plus spectaculaires et aux conséquences environnementales et économiques les plus visibles et directes. Au travers de trois marées noires majeures qui ont touché la Bretagne... more
Although science widely recognizes the importance of the Western edge of the Amazon Basin for Earth’s ecological systems, it remains a region of oil extraction, with drilling sites dating back to the mid-twentieth century. The oil economy... more
After the conclusion of emergency response efforts for the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill in fall of 2010, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) initiated the natural resource damage assessment (NRDA) process. The... more
Aim: This chapter explains hydrocarbon extraction and discusses its effects on inland water resources. Main concepts covered: Section 1 provides an overview of the history of hydrocarbon extraction, the occurrence, and formation of... more
This work presents how the traditional economy and the ecological economics treat the environment and which tools they use to integrate the environmental problem into the economical context. In this context, the present work evaluates the... more
The purpose of this study is to determine the risky areas by simulating trajectory of ship based oil spill in Bay of Izmir. To get well informed about fate, this study makes the best possible use one trajectory model. PISCES 2 (Potential... more
The purpose of this study is to investigate the oil spill and predict the future accidents likely to be encountered around the Bay of Izmir. To get well informed about this fate this study makes the best possible use of trajectory model.... more
The discovery of oil in 2007 and its subsequent production in 2010 is expected to have a positive impact on the economy of Ghana. The living conditions of the ordinary Ghanaian is expected to relatively improve with the massive... more
Abstract This work deals with modified wheat straw’s oil adsorptivity in the case of oil spills on freshwater (e.g. lake water or stream water) after the use of chemical dispersant. Wheat straw, a common lignocellulosic agricultural... more
Oil spills are one of the most widespread problems in port areas (loading/unloading of bulk liquid, fuel supply). Specific environmental risk analysis procedures for diffuse oil sources that are based on the evolution of oil in the marine... more
Shanghai Oil Spill: China's Huangpu River of Democracy
The proximity of commercial harbours to residential areas and the growing environmental awareness of society have led most port authorities to include environmental management within their administration plan. Regarding water quality, it... more
La seconda fermata lungo questo itinerario ecologico sulle magistrali della Nuova Via della Seta è in Uzbekistan: risorse idriche, idrocarburi e inquinamento
ABSTRACT The present study examines the absorption capacity of five different types of materials for oil spills clean up. The absorbents were a commercial cellulosic material from processed wood, a commercial synthetic organic fiber from... more