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A cryopreservation procedure using an aluminium cryo-plate was successfully developed using in vitro-grown Dalmatian chrysanthemum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium) shoot tips. Shoot cultures were cold-hardened at 5 degree C on MS medium... more
There is considerable argument concerning the number of sentinel node biopsy cases with axillary dissection that surgeons should perform before they are eligible on abandoning axillary dissection in negative sentinel node patients. Papers... more
This study reports on the evaluation of four meeting techniques for decision-making by small groups. Two face-to-face and two computer conferencing techniques were evaluated by small groups solving business cases. Particular groups varied... more
In the Jebala region, NW of Morocco, the making of recipients of dung from cows or/and clay (tonna and tabtoba) was common in the past. These recipients were used for stocking cereals and their dry products, for feeding the livestock, or... more
Two still-life paintings were scientifically examined in order to gain insights about Dutch painter Jan van Huysum's (1682-1749) purportedly secretive paintings techniques, comparing the actual works to information obtained in the few... more
More successful methods of vasectomy reversal would benefit those undergoing this treatment and might also increase the popularity of vasectomy. We conducted a randomized, prospective clinical trial of vasectomy reversal methods,... more
The needle biopsy technique described by Bergström is the most commonly used technique to obtain samples to assess muscle metabolism. Sampling of muscle, particularly the vastus lateralis, has become an essential tool in biomedical and... more
The aim of this study was to review the long-term experience with colectomy and the ileoanal pouch procedure (IAPP) in children from one hospital. Between 1977 and 2001, 168 children under 18 years of age underwent colectomy and IAPP. One... more
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a rare but well-documented complication of chronic osteomyelitis. Between February 1991 and March 1999, 13 cases (12 men and one woman) of SCC arising in chronic osteomyelitis were diagnosed and treated in... more
Dans la pratique filmique de Jacques Perconte, la technique est un motif plastique de tout premier ordre, à partir duquel s'ouvre un accès à la question du paysage.