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Livre électronique issu du colloque « L'itinérance en quelques minutes » tenu dans le cadre du 88e congrès de l'ACFAS le 6 mai 2021.
A case study of the Bakhita Gardens Center in Seattle, a housing facility for women. This case study is a part of a collection of reports, databases and design strategies for Design Resources for Homelessness, a free online knowledge... more
This paper describes the results of a qualitative study involving interviews with twelve public librarians about their experiences interacting with library users experiencing homelessness. The study examines the kinds of health... more
This article describes the use of Photography and Oral History research methods as part of a collaborative research project on homelessness in Miami. Issues involving the use of documentary photography and oral history as a means of... more
Ph.d.-afhandlingen er en undersøgelse af hjemfølelse i det moderne samfund. Projektet tager afsæt i en dialogisk eidetisk metode, hvorigennem det bliver det undersøgt, hvad det er at føle sig hjemme, og hvordan denne følelse etableres.... more
In this Chapter (24), we discuss media discourse and framing of homelessness and whether it reveals utilisation of street journals mainly as tools for raising awareness or for creating income to maintain or augment social reintegration... more
Volume 16, Number 1, April 2017 Table of Contents Special Issue: Critical Geographies in Latin America Guest Editors: Anne-Marie Hanson and John C. Finn Critical Geographies in Latin America pp. 1-15 | DOI: 10.1353/lag.2017.0008 John C.... more
Substance abuse among homeless mothers has negative consequences for both the mother and her child. Few researchers have examined the needs of these mothers in order to effectively intervene in their lives. This study uses a qualitative... more
Emma Russell (Centre for the Human Rights of Imprisoned People) & Cara Gledhill: In this article we highlight some of the potential problems and effects of existing remand and bail practices in particular for women experiencing... more
Background: Among individuals experiencing homelessness, the prevalence of alcohol use disorder is extremely high. Alcohol-related harms are compounded by the use of non-beverage alcohol (NBA; e.g. rubbing alcohol, cooking wine). The... more
This study of 207 school counselors revealed significant relationships between types of counselors’ training, number of students in counselors’ schools experiencing homelessness, and counselors’ perceived knowledge and provision of... more
The purpose of this study is to investigate the thesis of the Americanization of home-lessness in a Swedish context regarding public spaces and the deliberate exclusion of homeless people from them. It will show that the " sanitization "... more
El presente artículo pretende describir el proceso de transformación de la práctica de tres equipos del programa Primer la Llar. Se trata del primer programa piloto (2015-2018) con filosofía Housing First lanzado por una Administración... more
Compte rendu, Revue française de science politique (RFSP), Volume 66, n°3-4, Juin-Août 2016.
The literature speaks to the importance of employment in the lives of homeless individuals and shows how they can be assisted in job seeking (Long & Amendolia, 2003; Marrone, 2005; Quimby, Drake, & Becker, 2001; Rio, Russell, Dudasik, &... more
Washington, DC. has many of the most progressive and trans inclusive non-discrimination laws in the nation, yet transgender, transsexual, trans-spectrum (henceforth ‘trans’) and gender-non conforming residents continue to experience... more
Le persone in difficoltà, che si rivolgono ai Centri di Ascolto Caritas, hanno caratteristiche, bisogni e necessità molteplici e diversificate. Si incontrano individui senza dimora, ma spesso dal grado di istruzione elevato, insieme a... more
Homeless people, social exclusion and John Milbank on Charity. In this paper I want to address two issues. The first is that homeless people are ‘socially excluded’; marginal to mainstream society and in need of transformation or... more
Esta cartilha é resultado do “Projeto de Capacitação e Fortalecimento Institucional da População em Situação de Rua”, acordo firmado entre a representação da UNESCO no Brasil, Instituto Pólis e o Ministério de Desenvolvimento Social,... more
A comparative study between Vancouver, Canada and Cambridge, UK on how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted homelessness and the provision of homelessness services.
Herausgeber_innen: Emily Kelling, Dagmar Pelger, Martina Löw, Jörg Stollmann Technische Universität Berlin, Fachgebiet Planungs- und Architektursoziologie & Fachgebiet Städtebau und Urbanisierung more
The article deploys discourse theory to study the construction of the homeless subject position in the Greek street paper shedia. After a brief outline of the relevant parts of Laclau and Mouffe's (1985) discourse theory, the article... more
Have an enjoyable, rewarding, and restorative 2019! Please feel free to share this newsletter with others. Produced as part of the Participation in Everyday Life Research Group Going from strength to strength On behalf of the team at... more
In this paper, I explore the complexity and difficulty of defining homelessness and I expose some methodological issues that must be considered by the researchers in this field study. I also question the access to the field and the... more
Bread Givers (1925) by Anzia Yezierska and The Bluest Eye (1970) by Toni Morrison reveal the tension between self and society where ethnic women struggle with patriarchal borders to find a space, authority, and identity of their own. The... more
Urban architecture has become hostile architecture. At least it is for Western Australia’s approximately 14,000 homeless people, about 8,000 of whom live in Perth’s CBD. An insidious implementation of ‘defensive’ architectural and related... more
The objective of this study was to explore housing insecurity among women newcomers to Montreal, Canada. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 26 newcomer women who had experienced housing insecurity and five women's shelter... more
Little research has been conducted to investigate the needs and challenges of homeless individuals living in FM. In this paper, the social determinant of health that exacerbated homelessness in Fort McMurray, Canada, were highlighted. The... more
Given the scarcity of methodological reflections by geographers studying homelessness, and drawing from ethnographic research in Athens, this article provides an empirical reflexive account of the complexities of practising homelessness... more
This paper, through an exploration of the phenomenon of panhandling in Tampa, Florida, and a set of policies that have further marginalized people precariously poised at the outer reaches of community, explores a theoretical framework for... more
Objectives. We determined associations between co-occurring psychiatric conditions and violence against homeless and unstably housed women. Methods. Between 2008 and 2010, we interviewed homeless and unstably housed women recruited from... more
The scale of homelessness in Europe throws a stark light on the right to housing that exists in many European states and in European and International Law. This disparity between legal right and the social reality of homelessness and... more
Although planned as the " City of Tomorrow " , the Bijlmer district in Amsterdam quickly became the quintessential symbol of urban decline. Today, even with half of the planned renewal of the Bijlmer completed, the alleged success of this... more
The overarching goal of this article is to sensitize the insensitive governments, institutions , and civil societies for homeless population in social sphere. Routes into home-lessness are complex, multiple and interlinked. The complex... more