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In Dostoevsky’s 1869 novel, The Idiot, two characters mention an intriguing theory, which they both attribute to the eponymous spiritual hero, the Prince: the idea that “beauty will save the world.” Since then, a long line of writers... more
Geopolitical change at the start of the 20th century wrought significant change to the study of theology. After the Russian Revolution, exiled intellectuals found their way to the West and connected with like-minded scholars. One of these... more
Sergei N. Bulgakov’s sophiology is often regarded as a concept submerging human beings in a divine cosmos, where personal dignity makes no difference. I will argue that quite the opposite is true. Bulgakov’s vision meets all three... more
In this paper I shall argue that Bulgakov’s thought, and especially his sophiology, is a justification of human history. I will do so by providing an outline of Bulgakov’s critique of Marxism, and especially by examining his extensive... more
University of Fribourg – September 2–4, 2021 Sergii Bulgakov is one of the preeminent theologians of the 20th century. The international conference on the occasion of his 150th birthday (16th/28th July 1871 – 13th July 1944) aims to... more
Economics has been denigrated to a merely technical discipline lacking any metaphysical dignity; it has become mere money-grubbing. But on the contrary, it has been the key to the secularization of all the otherwise admirable features of... more
These are responses to the essays by Daniela Augustine, John Burgess, Dale Coulter and Peter Phan on the Orthodox Council of Crete of June 2016 in the special issue of JWC, 11.1, 2021.
In this paper I will explore three different visions of ecumenism found in three Orthodox thinkers of the last century, Nikolai Berdyaev, Fr Sergius Bulgakov and Vladimir Lossky. With the exception of Bulgakov, they are not the most... more
By analogy to Kant’s question ‘how is knowledge possible?’, Sergei Bulgakov was driven by the following questions: how are history, economy, art, and religion possible? Bulgakov explored the ‘truths’ of modern thought—human dignity... more
The article is a personal theological reflection on ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue by one of the commission of drafters of the Ecumenical Patriarchate’s 2020 social teaching text For the Life of the World: Toward an Orthodox... more
"Divine judgement is not only on individual persons, but also on the social and political system, all kinds of despotism, both state and economic. This is characteristic of [. . .] the revolutionary spirit of Revelation [which] takes on a... more
The Ideas of Leo Tolstoy are one of the key catalyzers for the emergence of the “new religious consciousness” and religious philosophy at the beginning of the XX century in Russia. Many religious philosophers who, unlike Leo Tolstoy,... more
The feature article for the issue of the journal. The article is dedicated the sophianic spirituality of Father Sergii Bulgakov.
The history of ecumenism with Christians in the Middle East does not receive as much attention as with other groups; however, it has proven to be no less fruitful. Such is the story of the encounter between the Eastern and Oriental... more
Sergij Bulgakov war ein ausgewiesener Kenner der deutschen Kultur, Philosophie und Theologie und hat sich früh um die Rezeption seines Werks im deutschsprachigen Raum bemüht. Besonders im Rahmen der ökumenischen Bewegung der 1930er Jahre... more
Zu den Kapiteln „Die Religion des Menschengotttums in der
russischen Revolution“, „Reflexionen zur Nationalität“ und
„Kirche und Kultur“ in Sergij Bulgakovs "Die zwei Städte. Studien zur Natur gesellschaftlicher Ideale" (1911).
The notion of eucharistic ecclesiology is one of the most definitive ideas in modern ecclesiology. Adapted by theologians such as Henri de Lubac, it was coined by Nicholas Afanasiev in his essay The Lord’s Supper to explain the notion of... more
The paper discusses the claim that "the line between good and evil passes through every human heart" by analyzing the eschatological visions of Pavel Florensky and Sergius Bulgakov
The main concern of both Berdjaev’s and Bulgakov’s philosophical strivings consists in developing a concept of the person as the foundation of human dignity and creativity within a Christian worldview. Once attracted by Marxism with its... more
The purpose of this paper is to ascertain whether or not love rooted in the Trinity is a sufficient ground for maintaining a threefold affirmation of the ontological distinction between creator/creature and the immanence of God to... more
In the beginning of the 20th century Russian philosophy eagerly returned to the concept of the Holy Trinity. Reflections of Russian personalists like Nikolai Berdyaev and Sergei Bulgakov over man as the image of God also explained the... more
В статье анализируется постановка проблемы личности в философском и богословском творчестве прот. Сергия Булгакова в контексте проблематики богословского персонализма XX века. В первой части статьи в качестве основного текста, в котором... more
"Have we done works of love? No, but we flooded Russia with blood, illuminated it with the glow of fire, filled it with the horrors of civil strife. We have turned the whole of Russia into an execution ground, where we crucify Christ... more
YES OR NO — SERGII BULGAKOV’S SOPHIOLOGY IN THE CONTEXT OF PROTESTANT “DIALECTICAL THEOLOGY” OF THE 1930ies. Abstract: In the 1930s, the “dialectical theologians” Karl Barth and Emil Brunner engaged in a debate about the question of... more
Freedom and Necessity in Modern Trinitarian Theology examines the tension between God and the world through a constructive reading of the Trinitarian theologies and Christologies of Sergii Bulgakov (1871-1944), Karl Barth (1886-1968), and... more
Sergius Bulgakov continues to be a contentious figure in the modern revival of Orthodox theology. His reputation continues to be damaged by the consequences of the Sophia Affair, which means that the entirety of Bulgakov's theology is yet... more
In the early twentieth century, Sergii Bulgakov was a fierce opponent of Orthodox autocracy and developed concepts of Christian social(ist) politics. His later political thought included a "mystical vision of tsarist power" as well as... more
Werke, Band 5 (in deutscher Übersetzung). Herausgegeben von Barbara Hallensleben und 
Regula M. Zwahlen. Aus dem Russischen übersetzt von Katharina A. Breckner und Regula M. Zwahlen, redaktionell überarbeitet und kommentiert von Regula... more
Sergij Bulgakov: The Apocalypse of John. An Essai in Dogmatic Interpretation. Translated by Mike Whitton, revised by Michael Miller. Edited by Barbara Hallensleben und Regula M. Zwahlen (= Epiphania 12). Münster: Aschendorff Verlag,... more
Werke, Band 2 (in deutscher Übersetzung). Herausgegeben von Barbara Hallensleben und 
Regula Zwahlen. Münster: Aschendorff-Verlag, 2017, VI u. 281 Seiten. ISBN 978-3-402-12036-1. Aus dem Russischen übersetzt von Elke Kirsten,... more
Werke, Band 3. Herausgegeben von Barbara Hallensleben und 
Regula Zwahlen. Münster: Aschendorff-Verlag 2017, 150 Seiten, 
ISBN 978-3-402-12038-5 Wenige Autoren erfordern – nach Quantität, Qualität und Wirkungsgeschichte ihres Werkes –... more