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Cavour definì la lirica come una vera e grande industria che ha ramificazioni in tutto il mondo. L’affermazione dello statista, valida ancora oggi, non solo dimostra l’importanza economica di questa complessa forma d’arte, ma implica... more
Lecture on Rossini's remarkable group of operas written for the Royal theatres in Naples, looking at the personalities involved, the performers and the operas themselves
The author of this article identifies in a patriotic song composed by Danila Kashin in 1814, known as Likui, Moskva, v Parizhe Ross, the tune which Rossini borrowed for the “Russian anthem” sung by count Libenskof in Il viaggio a Reims...
The popularity and controversy of Rossini’s Otello in France has previously been linked to two important contexts: it relied on French sources (especially Jean-Francois Ducis’s play of the same name) and arrived at a moment of burgeoning... more
The Barber of Seville and The Marriage of Figaro are two of the most frequently performed operas in the repertory. Yet some fail to realize that the Rosina in Rossini’s Il barbiere di Siviglia is the same character as the Countess in... more
Arnold Jacobshagen: Opera semiseria. Gattungskonvergenz und Kulturtransfer im Musiktheater (Archiv für Musikwissenschaft, Beiheft 57), Stuttgart (Franz Steiner Verlag) 2005, 319 pp.
Consacré à la production d’opéras italiens, chantés dans la langue originale, le Théâtre-Italien de Paris est l’une des institutions artistiques les plus décisives du premier XIXe siècle. Mais ses chanteurs sont-ils aussi acteurs ? Que... more
Programme Committee • Lorenzo Frassà (Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini) • Federico Gon (Universität Wien) • Roberto Illiano (Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini) • Arnold Jacobshagen (Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln) •... more
Il volume inquadra l’ascesa creativa di Verdi sullo sfondo dello choc provocato dall’arrivo sulle scene italiane del grand opéra: un nuovo tipo di spettacolo, proveniente da Parigi, celebrato dalla generazione romantica come la... more
Τα έργα που έγραψε ο Ροσσίνι με θέμα την Ελλάδα και τον Αγώνα του 1821.
The unusual aria forms employed by Rossini, linked to a specific dramatic meaning, prominently include the romance, found in La Cenerentola and Otello. The romance, originally from Spain, became widespread in France in the second half of... more
The essay explores the reception of Rossini’s Italian operas in the writings of Étienne-Jean Delécluze. A leading figure in the Parisian cultural milieu of his time, Delécluze reviewed performances at the Théâtre-Italien for the... more
La Cenerentola - Triumph des Belcanto-Märchens, in: Philharmonie Luxemburg, Programmheft Cecilia Bartoli/Les Musiciens du Prince, 28. Februar 2017, S. 21-29
During all the XVIII century, Naples was famous for being the most prolific musical city in the whole Europe. This huge musical activity got somehow lost during the "French decade" (1805-1815) which followed the rise of Napoleon: opera... more
Forza italiana- Notas al programa de concierto Concierto: Orquesta Sinfónica de la Región de Murcia, Alberto Velasco (fagot) y Sylvain Gasançon (director) Sábado, 30 de abril 2016 Auditorio y Centro de Congresos “Víctor Villegas de... more
Roma, a cura dell'autore 2018 (seconda edizione) Licenza Creative Commons 4.0 internazionale --- Riflessioni sui dati araldici inerenti al cognome Rossini, con particolare attenzione allo stemma del celebre compositore Gioachino ---... more
Immagini che affiancano/distorcono/amplificano la mise en scène.
Guardare l'opera dentro le immagini o seguire il gesto in scena,.. passare dall'uno all'altre mentre il suono è sfondo e melodia.
A discussion of Rossini's opera La cenerentola (Cinderella), its historical context, and its relation to the European fairy tale tradition, written as the program note to The San Diego Opera's fall 2016 performance of Rossini's La... more
A partire dalla metà degli anni ’80 del 1700 a Napoli e in altre piazze teatrali italiane venne aggiunta al calendario operistico una stagione in tempo di quaresima caratterizzata da opere su soggetto veterotestamentario. Da questo... more
L’ouvrage dirigé par Jean Mongrédien – Le Théâtre-Italien de Paris. 1801-1831 – et le site internet qui l’accompagne permettent de mener des recherches sur les mots utilisés dans les périodiques du début du XIXe siècle pour rendre compte... more
In the context of several theories pointing out the link between psychopathology and artistic creativity the aim of this retrospective investigation, based on Rossini’s various biographies, is to bring into focus the possible impact of... more
These liner notes for the 1997 Gruberova, Chernov, Florez "Barbiere" CD set published by Nightingale examines the origins of one of the greatest operas, and possibly the most performed of all. Booed by biased spectators who supported... more
To talk about the Frenchness of Le comte Ory might sounds like provocation. Being basically a rifacimento of his Viaggio a Reims, Rossini's penultimate stage work belongs to the corpus of Italo-French operas. Yet there are three reasons... more
RÉSUMÉ Le théâtre français est caractérisé dans la première moitié du XIXe siècle par une intense production qui trouve sa meilleure illustration dans l’exemple d’Eugène Scribe (1791-1861), surnommé « le fournisseur breveté de toute... more
RÉSUMÉ. La théorie du philosophe Henri Bergson, selon laquelle le rire est produit par « Du mécanique plaqué sur du vivant », permet de rendre compte en partie de la production du comique dans les opere buffe de Rossini à travers... more
Notas al programa para la ópera "La Cenerentola". Teatro de la Maestranza, Sevilla
Исследование «Уроков английского» Бориса Пастернака с точки зрения того, что в нем есть помимо Шекспира. Полный вариант см. на сайте «Рутения» (