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New Zealand has experienced community damage from every conceivable natural hazard. Events such as earthquake (both shaking and fault rupture), volcanic activity (both near-field effects and distil ash deposition), tsunami, flooding,... more
To compare estimated prevalence of head injuries among road traffic injury patients admitted to hospitals, before and after the introduction of a mandatory helmet law in the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam.
Approximately three million workers in the United States are estimated to be exposed to silica, man-made mineral fibers, and asbestos. The lung is the primary target organ of concern. Each of these substances is composed predominantly of... more
Risk estimates and cause and effect determinations are directly dependent on exposure and dose-response relationships. Recently, relative risks and excess cancer mortality attributed to occupational benzene exposure have been published in... more
PURPOSE. An association between tonic accommodation, the resting accommodative position of the eye in the absence of a visually compelling stimulus, and refractive error has been reported in adults and children. In general, myopes have... more
Abstrak: Software statistik STATA adalah paket software lengkap dan terintegrasi dalam menganalisa data, manajemen data, dan grafik data. Disamping bisa mengolah data statistik, STATA juga bisa digunakan untuk mengolah data kesehatan... more
Abstract.  The traditional Cox proportional hazards regression model uses an exponential relative risk function. We argue that under various plausible scenarios, the relative risk part of the model should be bounded, suggesting also that... more