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The focus of this book is ultimately to present a clear and succinct view of what psychological research has revealed about terrorists and terrorism. The results are often disturbing, sometimes surprising and frequently disheartening.... more
Сметаніна Н. В. Міжнародний досвід захисту прав жертв злочинів / Н. В. Сметаніна, О. В. Дойонко // Право і суспільство. – 2018. – № 6/2. – С. 178 – 182. Ключові слова: жертва злочину правовий захист Ключевые слова: жертва преступления... more
This research examines the mutual influence of race and victim drinking on college students' domestic violence attributions. Participants were 200, predominately White, middle-class college students. They read a vignette depicting a... more
This research analyzes changes made by a juvenile court over five years toward the progressive inclusion of victims as “stakeholders” within the implementation and development of restorative justice practices. Beginning in 1999, the Clark... more
Risk and protective factors of psychosocial development in children in different residential care settings need to be further studied internationally, in order to develop working methods for social and health care services. Standardized... more
In the current study, we propose an integrative approach, which will incorporate elements from the social learning and self-control theories of delinquency and crime to examine violence in an understudied, marginalized, and often... more
O artigo analisa o lugar comumente ocupado pela vítima nos debates científicos sobre segurança pública, conjugando estudos das ciências criminais e da teoria social. Problematiza-se como a vítima e os movimentos de vítimas são... more
The paper is concerned with the dark figures of property crime and reasons for reporting or not reporting such crime since official crime statistics depend on this. The aim of the paper is to provide answers to the questions to which... more
Esse artigo analisa como as pesquisas de vitimização podem contribuir para o aumento da eficiência e da eficácia das intervenções públicas, com vistas à redução do crime. Em particular, avalia de que forma esses levantamentos podem... more
En las sociedades contemporáneas la figura de la víctima ya opera como sinónimo de ciudadanía. En el caso español, la víctima violencia de género ha venido a ocupar una posición central en esta generalización victimal en un proceso... more
Se presenta la justicia restaurativa o reconciliatoria como un modo diferente (y más eficiente) de administrar justicia evitando la dialéctica victimario/víctima, reducida al momento del crimen
This study examined the role of pro-victim attitudes, personal responsibility, coping responses to observations of bullying, and perceived peer normative pressure in explaining defending the victim and passive bystanding behavior in... more
Two hundred thirty four participants in the DSM-IV Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Field Trial who reported sexual and/or physical abuse were evaluated. Participants were categorized according to type of abuse (physical, sexual,... more
Responses of victims at a domestic violence advocacy center indicate that barriers exist to seeking help that are often overlooked by many mental health professionals. This descriptive study retrospectively examined 485 victim surveys... more
Le procès des attentats du 13 novembre s'est ouvert. Comment les victimes vont-elles réagir ? À quoi devons-nous nous attendre ? Un tel procès, est-ce un bien ou un mal ? Un bien pour certaines victimes, un mal pour d'autres. Un mal... more
The central question in this article is whether an empirical-legal approach of victimhood and victim rights could offer a sufficient basis for proposals of legal reform of the legal system. In this article, we choose a normative-critical... more
India has a high level of domestic and cross-border human trafficking. Global anti-human trafficking initiatives, including India, have been not taken as seriously as they should be compared to the threat this crime poses. In many cases,... more