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On suggère ici que l’« opinion publique » a d'abord été, en Occident, une construction médiévale, principalement juridique et judiciaire, associée à l'émergence de pouvoirs d'un type nouveau – des pouvoirs d'État, ecclésial et séculiers.... more
This paper aims to critically analyse the testimonies concerning Athenian impiety trials of the classical period. First, it reaffirms the arguments that some of them must have been an invention of Hellenistic and later authors. Second, it... more
Spunti per una rilettura del caso Saisset, con il quale si aprí il "grand différend" tra Filippo il Bello e Bonifacio VIII nel 1301, cioè un momento chiave per lo sviluppo della Chiesa gallicana. L'analisi dei testi scritti nell'entourage... more
""En 1307-1308, le pape Clément V fit mener une enquête sur les crimes imputés à l’évêque d’Albi Bernard de Castanet par deux chanoines de la cathédrale, qui avaient présenté contre ce dernier, à la Curie romaine, une liste d’accusations.... more
The dissertation thesis discusses public activities, thoughts and the political life of JUDr. Gustáv Husák, CSc. (1913–1991), who was involved in the Czech-Slovak public space for sixty years with a significant footprint even today. The... more
Presented documents do follow the study published in Pamäť národa 1/2020, dedicated to a less known case which has not been dealt with by the Slovak historiography till now. It is the case of Karol Šmidke, one of the most significant... more
When six young latinos were arrested in the Mission District of San Francisco and charged with murdering a police officer, a community movement immediately began to form to defend them. Several had been activists in Third World Studies... more
Tragické životné osudy Alberta Púčika, Antona Tunegu a Eduarda Tesára-hlavných protago-nistov a obetí jedného z prvých veľkých vykonštruovaných politických procesov na Slovensku po roku 1948-sú už dnes pomerne známe. Naopak, menej známe,... more
Photographic and videographic images play an important role in political trials that aim at public audiences. Based on ethnographic fieldwork at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, this article argues that one needs to focus on... more
The assassination of Panamanian President José Antonio Remón in 1955 and the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in 1959 brought about public trials of immense political importance. The article compares the ways legal processes in Panamá and... more
Studentske demonstracije 1968. u Jugoslaviji dovele su do povećane režimske kontrole SKJ, koja je rezultirala brojnijim slučajevima suđenja i sudskih zabrana. Neoavangardni časopis „Új Symposion”, koji je od 1965. godine objavljivan u... more
Political trials have been common in history, and have taken place in both consolidated democracies that respect the rule of law as well as authoritarian regimes. As concentrated legal narratives and expressions of political activity,... more
In 1876, a recently dethroned sultan, Abdülaziz, was found dead in his chambers, the veins in his arm slashed. Five years later, a group of Ottoman senior officials stood a criminal trial and were found guilty for complicity in his... more
Sulla base di una ricerca condotta sull'archivio del Comitato bolognese di Solidarietà Democratica e sull'archivio della federazione locale del Pci, in questa breve relazione si presenta un quadro riassuntivo dell'attività di difesa... more
The rule of law is a widely used term in scholarship on Ottoman legal reforms. Nevertheless, the actual meaning of this notion is rarely clarifed in the writing on the late Ottoman Empire although theorists of law have discussed the... more
Among the censored press and criminal prosecutions led against individuals after the 1968 student demonstrations in socialist Yugoslavia, a Hungarian neo-avantgarde journal published in Novi Sad found its own place. The "Új Symposion"... more
The phrase ‘deep state’ in Turkish popular parlance refers to powers operating with impunity through and beyond the official state structure. Recently, a number of criminal trials brought the deep state into Turkey’s courtrooms. My focus... more
In this translation, we present fragments from Artur Klinau’s latest book Eight Days of Revolution: A Documentary Journal from Minsk, commemorating the beginnings of the Belarusian Revolution. In it, he recounts the arrest of his... more
In this paper author draws attention to a case of resistance against the communist regime, which occured in a Czech rural district almost 60 years ago. The work deals with a peasants' protest rally in front of the District National... more
What is the effect of revolutions on legal systems? What role do constitutions play in legitimating regimes? How do constitutions and revolutions converge or clash? Taking the Arab Spring as its case study, this book explores the role of... more
Procès politiques en Italie pendant les années de plomb : le cas de la poursuite judiciaire contre le mouvement « Autonomia Operaia » Résumé : Vers la fin des années 1970, dans le contexte de l'urgence liée à la lutte contre la violence... more
This article situates the history of the Russian Political Red Cross (the "Krest") in the context of the discourse of rights and humanitarianism in the early 20th century. During the period of its most vigorous activity, from 1918 to... more
Through an exploration of the 1795 trial of Henry Redhead Yorke and drawing on Pierre Bourdieu's theory of symbolic power, this article examines the range of judicial strategies available to defendants during the political trials of... more
Accompanying study to the new, uncensored edition of the novel Útěk deals with the author´s personality of Jiří Hejda. His work perfectly illustrates the different types of prison (e. g. the unique crowns of sonnets) and post-prison... more
Der Bolotnaja-Prozess (russisch „Bolotnoe Delo“) wurde gegen Teilnehmer und Organisatoren einer Großdemonstration in Moskau am 6. Mai 2012 geführt. Die Demonstration war Teil der Proteste gegen Fälschungen bei der Parlamentswahl im... more
Final and complete chapter in Goodrich and Zartaloudis (eds) "The Cabinet of Imaginary Laws" (Routledge, forthcoming)
Recensione a "Governare il conflitto. La criminalizzazione del movimento No Tav, Meltemi, 2019" e "Il caso 7 aprile. Il processo politico dall'Autonomia Operaia ai No Tav" di Luca Nivarra, Rivista critica del diritto privato, 37, 3, 2019,... more
This article situates the history of the Russian Political Red Cross (the "Krest") in the context of the discourse of rights and humanitarianism in the early 20th century. During the period of its most vigorous activity,... more
The proposed case study focuses on the development in Děčín region in the second half of 1940's. It deals with the political instrumentalisation of economic crimes punishment by the communist totalitarian regime in late 1940's and early... more
What does it mean to be responsible, to be held responsible, or to claim responsibility? How are responsibility and irresponsibility ascribed in political and judicial decisions? This chapter examines contentions over responsibility for... more
Arrestation du dirigeant Jacques Duclos à la suite des manifestations contre le général américain "Ridgway la peste", accusations de complot, répression militaire des "soldats du refus", affaire Audin, tuerie de Charonne. A l'heure de la... more