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1919 steht für einen politischen Neuanfang und gleichzeitig für ein krisenhaftes, immer wieder scheiterndes Ringen um Demokratie und eine liberale Gesellschaft. Vor diesem Horizont entsteht ein politisches Theater, das sich einmischt und... more
U našem razmišljanju o taktikama političkog i politizovanog pozorišta u drugoj polovini dvadesetog veka uporedo ćemo se baviti teorijom i istorijom. Najpre slovenačkog prostora, u kojem uprkos globalizaciji još uvek najočiglednije živimo,... more
Studies in epic cinema have flourished in the past decade, but one senses that scholars take the term to be self-explanatory, without considering its literary origins and the variety of films that can be placed under the rubric of the... more
Recensión de una de las principales obras de Erwin Piscator. Selección y edición por César de Vicente Hernando.
Projeto de TCC sobre o porquê o Teatro Político é atemporal e a contribuição de Piscator para isso.
A History of Collective Creation examines collective and devised theatre practices in Europe and North America, beginning in 1900. Long associated with U.S., British and French theatre collectives of the 1960s, collective creation in fact... more
The work of Erwin Piscator as a theatre director is marked by attempts to introduce communist ideology into theatre, which was reflected in various aspects of his theatrical practice. This paper focuses on the agitprop productions staged... more
Jan Kühnes (Jerusalem) Rezension meines Buches "Nathan auf Reisen", erschienen im April 2020 auf HaGalil.
This essay carries out a brief and yet thorough analysis on the relationship between Epic Theatre (Piscator and Brecht, with references to Szondi's work) and British Drama (with particular reference to Shelagh Delaney, Edward Bond and... more
"Verweltlichung der Bühne? Zur Mediologie des Theaters der Moderne" – der Titel dieses Buches nimmt denjenigen der früheren Studie "Die Entweltlichung der Bühne. Zur Mediologie des Theaters der klassischen Episteme" (2015) auf und führt... more
Der Erste Weltkrieg in der Dramatik. Deutsche und australische Perspektiven / The First World War in Drama. German and Australian Perspectives, hg. von/ed. by Franz-Josef Deiters/Christian Klein, Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler Verlag, 2018,... more
The following article comparatively analyzes the theatrical theories of Erwin Piscator (Das politische Theater, 1968) and César Vallejo (El arte y la revolución, 1973) and their practical applications. It also attempts to locate César... more
ABSTRACT: Political theater was born when left-wing director Erwin Piscator began to exhibit plays invol-ving revolutionary postulas using his own demonstrative approach. In the face of the devastation, misery, and capitalist financial... more
Railway travel has had a significant influence on modern theatre’s sense of space and time. Early in the 20th century, breakthroughs—ranging from F.T. Marinetti’s futurist manifestos to epic theatre’s use of the treadmill—explored the... more
In: Politische Emotionen in den Künsten (=Mnemosyne 7). Hg. v. Philipp Ekardt, Frank Fehrenbach und Cornelia Zumbusch. Berlin: De Gruyter 2020, S. 111-126.
The article discusses the background of Eleonora Kalkowska’s best-known play, Sprawa Jakubowskiego [The Case of Jakubowski], 1929. It is also a reconstruction of the work’s reception in Poland and Germany. The diplomatic materials... more
Séquence sur les le théâtre politique.
Diffusée sur Arte le 18 septembre 2014
(dans le cadre de l'émission "Cinquante degrés nord").
Abstract: Over a century after railway travel began to change the ways in which communities, identities, and space interacted, certain influential playwrights and directors explored the theater's relationship to space and time by... more