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Safety, reactogenicity and immunogenicity of GSK Biologicals' hexavalent DTPa-HBV-IPV/Hib vaccine (Infanrix)hexa) was assessed when used for primary vaccination at 3, 4 and 5 months of age (N = 2163), compared to the separate... more
Despite launching the polio eradication initiative in 1995, India is among the world's largest reservoir of wild poliovirus with 559 cases of poliomyelitis reported in 2008. This continued failure has been criticised for its negative... more
Pakistan and Afghanistan remain the only countries where polio is endemic, and Pakistan reports the most cases in the world. Although the rate is lower than in previous years, the situation remains alarming. We conducted a mixed methods... more
Since 1988, the world has come very close to eradicating polio through the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, in which communication interventions have played a consistently central role. Mass media and information dissemination... more
Rasoul Pournaki (1921-2008), a prominent researcher, worked with the Pasture Institute of Iran from 1948 to 1978. He served meritoriously to control infectious diseases in Iran. His main research fields were the plague, relapsing fever,... more
Poliomyelitis is an infectious disease whose initial symptoms are fever, fatigue, headaches, vomiting, a stiff neck and pains in the limbs. In many cases, the sequelae are irreversible paralysis and may result in death if there is bulbar... more
In polio survivors with calf muscle weakness, dorsiflexion-restricting ankle-foot orthoses (DR-AFOs) aim to improve gait in order to reduce walking-related problems such as instability or increased energy cost. However, evidence on the... more
The Institute for Medical Research, Malaysia, was designated the National Reference Labo- ratory for Poliomyelitis Eradication (NRLPE) in 1992. Since then, our Polio Laboratory has collabo- rated actively with the Disease Control... more
Since 1988, the world has come very close to eradicating polio through the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, in which communication interventions have played a consistently central role. Mass media and information dissemination... more
With more than 2 years having elapsed since the last case of paralytic poliomyelitis occurred in the Western Hemisphere, significant progress has been made towards the global eradication of wild polioviruses. Poliomyelitis is disappearing... more
OBJECTIVE To gain an insight into the phenomenon of social resistance and rumors against pulse polio campaign. DESIGN Qualitative, community-based investigation, mapping perceptions of various stakeholders through in-depth interviews... more
To strengthen the Nigeria polio eradication program at the operational level, the National Stop Transmission of Polio (N-STOP) program was established in July 2012 as a collaborative effort of the National Primary Health Care Development... more
The relationship between 'narrative' and 'historical-biographical truth' in psychoanalytic treatment has become the subject of many... more
Complete dossier of Hygiea Internationalis dealing with the figth against polio in South America and the Iberian Peninsula. Juan Antonio Rodríguez-Sánchez is the guest editor of this dossier.
The globally synchronized switch from trivalent Oral Polio Vaccine (tOPV) to bivalent Oral Polio Vaccine (bOPV) took place in Nigeria on April 18th 2016. The country is divided into six geopolitical zones. This study reports the... more
Oral vaccines appear less effective in children in the developing world. Proposed biologic reasons include concurrent enteric infections, malnutrition, breast milk interference, and environmental enteropathy (EE). Rigorous study design... more