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The prevalent idea that semiosis is evolutionary is a driving point for biosemiotic research, starting from the Peircean premises of continuity and including a large number of views on how signs evolve. In this paper I wish to add a small... more
In philosophy, there is an as yet unresolved discussion on whether there are different kinds of kinds and what those kinds are. In particular, there is a distinction between indifferent kinds, which are unaffected by observation and... more
The semiotics of the face studies the meaning of the human face in contemporary visual cultures. There are two complementary research foci: widespread practices of face exhibition in social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and... more
Does the school destroy creativity by treating it as il treats other disciplines? To answer this question, this study shows how school culture tends to put everything in suspension (epoche), to filter everything through its system of... more
Ventriloquo è colui che parla col ventre, che simula uno slittamento della voce dalla bocca allo stomaco, da un’interiorità che si apre all’altro attraverso l’inter-faccia del volto, a un’intestinità che nega l’altro nella figura... more
It can safely be assumed that with its well-known icon-index-symbol trichotomy, Peirce's 1903 ten-class typology can adequately analyze still images, photographs and films. Moreover, given the implication principle whereby a symbol can... more
This article examines the question of Latin American cultural identity from a philosophical perspective informed by the logic and semiotics of Charles Sanders Peirce. A Peircean perspective was first suggested in Fernando Zalamea’s Ariel... more
The contributions to Iconic Investigations deal with linguistic or literary aspects of language. While some studies analyze the cognitive structures of language, others pay close attention to the sounds of spoken language and the visual... more
Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar, apoiando-se na teoria geral dos signos de C. S. Peirce, a cena do assassinato da personagem Marion, presente no filme Psicose (1960), dirigido por Alfred Hitchcock. Para tanto é feita,... more
Looking at a TV-series' poster is something that sparked interest in many of my class-mates. This paper uses theory on semiotics to go beyond what a film producer creates, and show another universe through static images. This was applied... more
The article proposes a typology of meaninglessness based on the semiotics of Charles S. Peirce: meaningless as indecipherable; as incomprehensible; and as uncanny. Each type is exemplified with reference to anecdotic semiotic experience... more
John E. Smith argued that there were almost as many pragmatisms as pragmatists. Almost all pragmatists criticized abstractive and reductive reasoning in the modern academy, but most entertained different visions of how and to what end... more
Abstract: Nourishment stands apart from other physiological events: whilst we normally exercise discretion in relation to bodily functions, food consumption takes place in public. We dine, snack and nibble in front of others, and the... more
An International, Interdisciplinary Conference Organized by SILC, Semiotic Interdisciplinary Laboratory on Cultures, Shanghai University and University of Turin Co-Sponsored by The Department of Chinese Language and Literature,... more
This article deals with strategy step of furniture design, in particular with sensemaking. This last is an abductive process, which this paper restricts to designer’s interpretation on objects of his/her area of expertise. The research... more
In the early 1990s, a group of Jewish, Christian and Muslim scholars nurtured a practice of shared study across the borders of different scriptural traditions, dubbed Scriptural Reasoning (SR). Over time, participants adapted their... more
In this article we approach a case of intersemiotic translation as a paradigmatic example of Boden’s ‘transformational creativity’ category. To develop our argument, we consider Boden’s fundamental ...
This class, introducing students to the pragmatist tradition and to neo-pragmatism, turned out unexpectedly: students knew so little of the history of modern philosophy that it was necessary to include summaries of. e.g., Descartes'... more
This paper attempts to apply the Peircean Logics of Abductive Inference to Kulturwissenschaften (Study of Culture), particularly to Cassirer's notion of symbolic form
Programa del Seminario de 32 horas para la Maestría en Análisis del Discurso de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. El Seminario busca colaborar a la sistematización de los antecedentes y los marcos... more
In search of the identity of photography, many contemporary photo-theorists have tended to regard it as a kind of index, following the footsteps of Charles S. Peirce. But the photo-index theory has begun to be questioned after the advent... more
Lotman Semiotics Like a Knowledge Theory Abstract Iuri Mijailovich Lotman (1922-1993) was an investigator of Tartu University (Estonia) with a recognized international trajectory, whose contributions in the field of the Semiotics of... more
On several occasions during his life, Peirce argued that Aristotle was the first to present perfect form of induction, and also claimed that he followed Aristotle in this formulation. Despite this, Peirce criticizes Aristotle´s justifi... more
This article discusses, from a Peircean semiotic perspective, (1) the logic of algorithms employed by Facebook to foster audience engagement as it relates to the spreadability of fake news in the context of transmedia journalism, and (2)... more
This is the introduction to my Ph. D. dissertation "Remediating Security - A semiotic framework for analyzing how video speaks security", defended at University of Copenhagen's Centre for Advanced Security Theory (CAST) on the 12th of... more
C’est au problème de distribution, de désignation et de discrétisation de la séquence d’inférence abductive ainsi qu’à ses conséquences sur nos systèmes de connaissance que je consacre cet article. Charles S. Peirce a fait de l’abduction... more
This article discusses Peircean ideas and integrates them into a system that can be understood as magical communication within the Umwelt of the Runemaster of the elder runic tradition. I begin by discussing the issue with the word... more
Peirce's account of the Self shows some of the main critics to the classical, cartesian, substantial conception. Peirce's conception of the Self is social and historical, it rejects any form of intuition and is based on a fallibilist... more
This article proposes a revision and an expansion of the concept of performativity from a Peircean semiotic perspective. We will seek to demonstrate how the linguistic origin of the concept of performativity imposes only a symbolic nature... more
Cet essai introduit à une sémiotique en contact avec les sciences cognitives, notamment la linguistique, la sémantique et la poétique cognitives. Il propose une nouvelle interprétation du concept de signe, du fonctionnement de la... more
The pragmatic semiotic theory of Charles Sanders Peirce has a lot of practical benefits for enhancing visual communication in illustrations. His triadic theory of Semiosis focuses on the dynamic interrelationships between the concept to... more
Ces dernières années, dans le domaine de la participation citoyenne aux politiques de la ville, bon nombre de chercheurs en philosophie politique et en sciences sociales ont plaidé pour un décentrement du discours et de l’argumentation,... more
Lencastre, Paulo (Ed.) (2007). O Livro da Marca [The Brand Book]. Lisboa: Dom Quixote. O que é uma marca? Em que se distingue uma marca de um produto? Que áreas de conhecimento devem ser convocadas para a sua compreensão? O direito? A... more
Artigo publicado pela David Publishing Company em: "This paper is a proposal of analyzing Grupo Corpo Dance Company’s ballet Nazareth, on video. The work represents intersemiotic translation... more
Esta investigación es una propuesta sistémica, para la formalización de los siguientes fenómenos del lenguaje: el proceso de adquisición de significado o semiosis, los sistemas de signos, sus representaciones en la historia mesoamericana... more
¿Es posible pensar sin signos? Impulsado por esta pregunta, Charles S Pierce desarrolló una teoría sobre la lógica del conocimiento que lo llevaría a ser considerado padre de la semiótica y fundador del pragmatismo angloamericano. En esta... more
In the passage of the Course in General Linguistics where Ferdinand de Saussure first foresaw the necessity to develop a new discipline called “semiology”, “nautical flags” are prominently listed among its objects of inquiry. Flags,... more
A presente proposta apresenta os resultados parciais dos estudos de investigaçãofenomenológica da natureza social e de linguagem das mídias sociais. A partir de conceitosda Semiótica Peirceana e da Teoria Geral de Sistemas, buscamos... more
El cine digital, entendido como aquél que utiliza la tecnología computacional en la representación de lo posible inexistente y en la puesta en pantalla novedosa de lo existente, muestra, narra, significa y sorprende a los espectadores... more
Hashtags são largamente usadas em contextos de grande mobilização social para articular posicionamentos afins, configurando elos simbólicos que demarcam contextos coletivos de significação. Estabelecem, desse modo, narrativas fragmentadas... more
This article examines Peirce’s semiotic philosophy and its development in the light of his characterisations of “representationism” and “presentationism”. In his definitions of these positions, Peirce overtly pits the representationists,... more
Collection of articles by Lars Elleström edited by Ana Cláudia Munari Domingos, Ana Paula Klauck and Glória Maria Guiné de Mello, containing Portuguese translations of: “A Medium-Centered Model of Communication” by Rafael Eisinger... more