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Reducing and eliminating the use of restrictive practices, such as seclusion and restraint, is a national priority for Australia’s mental health services. Whilst legislation, organization and practice changes have all contributed to a... more
Women with chronic illnesses face challenges during childbirth and recovery. However, Schizophrenic postpartum women are especially challenged during this period due to inadequate prenatal care, decreased tolerance for pain, and a... more
RNs make measurable contributions to the health and wellness of individuals living in nursing homes. However, most nursing homes do not employ adequate numbers of professional nurses with specialized training in the nursing care of older... more
Since its inception, phenomenological philosophy has exerted an influence on empirical science. But what is the best way to practice, use and apply phenomenology in a non-philosophical context? How deeply rooted in phenomenological... more
Coping is a cognitive process and behavior that aims at reducing depression while facing stress situation. Treating patient with schizophrenia is a stressor for family and the family will tend to undergo pressure situation from either the... more
Background: Some patients do not receive adequate pain and symptom relief at the end of life, causing distress to patients, families and healthcare professionals. It is unclear whether undertreatment of symptoms occurs, in part, because... more
This article highlights issues and presents strategies for conducting intervention research in highly unstable environments such as schools, critical care units, and long-term care facilities. The authors draw on their own experiences to... more
This study examined the extent of adoption by clinical nurses of 14 research-based nursing practices and explored characteristics of the nurses which may have influenced their use of innovations. The relationship between the... more
Background: Sexual assault examiners provides comprehensive health care to victims of sexual assault. Communication with the victim is important to collect relevant information from the victims. Ineffective communications can cause... more
Disasters have been increasing through-out time, both natural and man-made, and it’s agreed upon, that disaster can gravely affect communities and countries if they are not prepared for them. One major part of this preparedness is in the... more
ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Kanker serviks menjadi penyebab utama morbiditas dan mortalitas di seluruh dunia. Program pencegahan kanker serviks yang kurang baik menyebabkan keterlambatan penanganan sehingga sebagian besar responden mengalami... more
To implement evidence in a nursing unit and to gain a better understanding of the experience of change within a participatory action research. Study design of a participatory action research type was use from the constructivist paradigm.... more
Numerous articles describe barriers to nurses conducting research and achieving evidence-based practice as well as strategies for overcoming barriers. The Research Roundtable format is one such strategy. It is an interactive means for... more
This research into the concept of support was undertaken because of the recurrent use of the concept in nursing research and especially because of the vital importance of support to family carers of older persons. To inductively develop a... more
Much of the domestic violence and abuse literature contains reports of quantitative research approaches that quantify the experience, identify those at risk, and recommend interventions. Although important, these approaches often fail to... more
A conclusione dell'intenso percorso formativo sullo human caring in regione, è possibile porsi alcune domande e soprattutto cercare di elaborare alcuni spunti che possano essere sfruttati a livello pratico-operativo. Si deve anzitutto... more
Nursing care dependency and similar terms are frequently used in nursing literature. However, their meanings are still to be adequately defined. This paper seeks to operationalize the concept of dependency for use in long-term nursing... more
Cancer and venous access (CAVA) trial has highlighted some issues and problems from the different departments linked to this clinical trial. This clinical service review attempted to reflect on this problems and offered some insights as... more
زمينه و هدف: مراقبت از بيماران مبتلا به دمانس و بالاخص آلزايمر از آسيب پذيرترين و چالش برانگيزترين نوع مراقبتهاست كه مراقبين ممكن است با آن مواجه شده و باعث تجربه استرس زياد در آنها مي گردد. در اين ميان فقدان آموزشهاي لازم نيز مشكلات آنها... more
A handbook for academic and professional writing in nursing (Oxford University Press).
The use of hospital facilities may greatly improve services to the visiting patients. The standard of good services will lead to positive patient satisfaction resulting in growing patient visit rate. Normally, patients will evaluate the... more
Feed efficiency can be improved by changing diet composition though probiotic supplementation and changing key microbial groups through defaunation. This study assessed probiotic supplementation as a way of optimizing rumen defaunation in... more
ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Kanker masih menjadi penyakit dengan angka mortalitas yang tinggi. Pelayanan kesehatan berkelanjutan untuk penderita kanker yang bisa bertahan hidup (cancer survivors) sangat diperlukan untuk pencegahan kekambuhan dan... more
Introduction: Preschool-aged children are not able to manage their nutrition independently. They need help, especially from their mother. Mother's behavior has effect on preschool's nutritional status. The aim of this study was to develop... more