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"l'impegno", a. XX, n. 2, agosto 2000
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Italo Calvino è stato una presenza centrale nella cultura italiana del secondo Novecento, sia come autore di alcune delle opere più significative di quegli anni, sia come intellettuale impegnato in prima persona sui grandi problemi... more
This thesis takes an interdisciplinary approach combining research methods in history and political science to propose that the fundamental cause of Rome’s entry into and later domination of the Greek world was its reaction to a series of... more
This essay evaluates the role of Neorealism in the Ukraine Crisis. This crisis began with a deal being made with Russia over the EU which caused a West sponsored coup which Russia took great offense to. This led to the subsequent invasion... more
This article outlines the current state of videographic criticism with special reference to the Italian Studies context and goes on to report on the experience of co-teaching a graduate seminar (a one-semester course), ‘Italian Film and... more
In this article, we propose a reading of the historical relevance of Roberto Rossellini's Roma città aperta (Rome, Open City) (Rossellini, 1945) in relation to one of the lesser-studied characters: Marina Mari (played by Maria Michi). The... more
Regionalism in a global perspective sets forth a win-win condition on all member states of regional blocs. Summing up the entire analysis, economic regionalism, political regionalism and security regionalism have got many dimensions, much... more
Neorealism is one of the most influential theories of international relations, and its first theorist, Kenneth Waltz, a giant of the discipline. But why did Waltz move from a rather traditional form of classical realist political theory... more
These drawings from 1928 are a practical plan for a radical new kind of camera, one especially rich in history and mystery and tied to the creation of the Neo-realist movement in Cinema. This design for what was perhaps the very first... more
This paper assesses Thucydides' thoughts on the causes and inevitability of conflict in the Peloponnese by incorporating realist theories of interstate relations in addition to a sound analysis of Athenian imperial policy and the role of... more
Öz Doğu Akdeniz farklı etnik, siyasi, dini, kültürel yapısıyla özellikle 2. Dünya Savaşı sonrası gerilimlerin eksik olmadığı bir bölge olmuştur. Bölgedeki aktörlerin tarihsel sorunları güvenlik kaygılarını besleyen bir etki yaratmıştır.... more
"Cinema is the most powerful weapon " – Benito Mussolini's motto loomed in capital letters over the 1937 inauguration of the massive production hub being built in the outskirts of Rome, reminding the film industry what was expected of it.... more
Brazilian leadership – ratified by its constitution – presents a discourse of peace and cooperation towards the dynamics of the international system. Realism, however, predicts the country’s international posture to be guided primarily on... more
Building on the neorealist assumption, the current study argues that during the analysed time frame (2006-2016), the energy related issues have contributed to a shift in the Black Sea regional structure which drastically affected the... more
Rossellini e il neorealismo
in Invenzioni dal vero. Discorsi sul neorealismo
Michele Guerra (ed.)
Parma, Diabasis, 2015
The paper is a critique over the contemporary “global governance.” This kind of critique is not, it has been intensified since early 20th century at the high noon of World War II, especially the debate between Hans Morgenthau and Carl... more
In an article with the challenging title ‘Against Realism’, Alan O'Leary and Catherine O'Rawe (2011) argued that Italian cinema studies needed to move forward. In their view, the abuse of ‘realism’ as a prescriptive as well as descriptive... more
The Kargil War of 1999 was one of the three wars fought by India and Pakistan over the disputed region of Kashmir. Pakistan’s incursion into the Kargil sector of Indian occupied Kashmir across the internationally recognized Line of... more
Rus edebiyatında XIX. yüzyılın ilk çeyreğinde realizm akımı ortaya çıkar. Yüzyılın sonlarına doğru sembolizm akımı ile birlikte edebiyatta modernizm süreci başlar. 1910 ve 1920"li yıllarda ise edebiyatta çoğulculuk (plüralizm) görülür.... more
Since the end of the Cold War, many scholars questioned the relevance of nuclear weapons in a world where is not clearly defined as unipolar or multipolar. Many critics of the nuclear weapons see them as the outdated tools of the power... more
The end of the Cold War, partly brought about by NATO, left the Atlantic Alliance facing a number of challenges and dilemmas regarding the survival and future of trans-Atlantic security relations in a changed international situation. The... more
En un periodo de profundos cambios en el sistema internacional, es aún más necesario contar con los marcos de análisis e interpretación adecuados para la comprensión correcta de su alcance y significado. Esta obra pretende ofrecer una... more
La discussione sul naturalismo e l’imitazione della natura (o realtà storico– sociale) è antica. Per restringere il discorso al verismo e all’opera di Verga che, come vedremo, è alla base di ogni discorso sul neorealismo di Bernari e... more
Neorealism and Neoliberalism provide alternative explanations of Russian intervention in Ukraine. This paper finds that Neoliberal's naivety over NATO and EU eastward expansionism provoked a rational and predictable Russian ‘balancing’... more
Guglielmo Alberti – a Piedmontese antifascist intellectual of European importance, a friend among others of Gobetti, Gide, Curtius, Debenedetti, Pavese, Berenson, Cecchi, a literary critic and translator – and Gianfranco Contini met in... more