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Con le espressioni “Cinema a domicilio”, “piccolo cinematografo privato”, “cinema in casa”, giornalisti, intellettuali e addetti ai lavori salutano l’avvento della programmazione televisiva italiana sperimentale, alla fine degli anni... more
Mario Bava is considered as one of the most important directors of all the times, especially if we talk about the horror genre. In this paper his heritage will be analysed as an highly inspirational one not onaly in Italy, but in the... more
Deadline: July 18, 2022. The international conference *Transatlantic Visions: Italian Film Cultures and Modernisms in Post-War America (1949-1972)* focuses on the presence of Italian cinema in post-World War II U.S. cultural consumption.... more
This article examines the relationship between costume and character, self and appearance in Luca Guadagnino’s film, I Am Love (Io Sono l'Amore, Guadagnino: 2009). As played by Tilda Swinton, Emma Recchi is a woman whose dress reveals a... more
Il volume La musica fra testo, performance e media offre una riflessione sulle forme di esperienza musicale della contemporaneità e di un passato che spazia dalla prima età moderna alla fine del Ventesimo secolo. Queste possono essere... more
The life and works of writer and filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922-75) are dotted with references to Africa, Africans, and their diaspora, starting from 1958 until his death in 1975. His constructions and representations of Africa and... more
Dialetti reloaded. Scenari linguistici della nuova dialettalità in Italia
a cura di Sergio Lubello e Carolina Stromboli
Indice e introduzione di Sergio Lubello
L’economia del film è un’area di ricerca relativamente giovane e in espansione dedicata all’industria cinematografica e allo studio delle logiche che governano le sue attività. Il volume analizza i processi di finanziamento, produzione,... more
A History of Italian Cinema, 2nd edition is the much anticipated update from the author of the bestselling Italian Cinema – which has been published in four landmark editions and will celebrate its 35th anniversary in 2018. Building upon... more
L’opera è dedicata agli incroci interdisciplinari tra lingua, letteratura e cinema, ai luoghi della creatività e alle reti della comunicazione multimediale. I temi principali dei saggi raccolti sono la lingua e la letteratura italiana... more
La digitalizzazione della sala offre un punto di osservazione privilegiato per ricostruire il campo di tensioni che, a partire dagli anni ’80, ha prodotto una serie di cambiamenti. Il colore costituisce uno degli elementi che, fin dagli... more
Recensione a "L’immagine politica. Forme del contropotere tra cinema, video e fotografia nell’Italia degli anni Settanta" (Mimesis, 2015) di Christian Uva.
Examines the popular in Italian cinema through the lens of post-war melodrama and post-2010 political comedies
in The Italian Mafia, New Media, and the Culture of Legality, edited by Robin Pickering-Iazzi (Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press), 137-161.
"Salò", or 120 minutes of "a fossil". On transgression and its negation in Pier Paolo Pasolini’s last film The article is an attempt to analyse the problem of transgression in Pier Paolo Pasolini’s “Salò, or the 120 days of Sodom”. The... more
Texto en castellano DE ESCIPIÓN A BERLUSCONI. UNA HISTORIA DE ITALIA EN 50 PELÍCULAS Cuenta André Breton que, cuando el grupo surrealista acudía al cine, acostumbraba a entrar comenzada la proyección, y la abandonaba al poco tiempo... more
Capítulo dedicado al analísis de la filmografía de Sorrentino desde el punto de vista de los protagonistas masculinos a través de sus crisis de identidad. ¿Qué tienen las películas de Paolo Sorrentino, que convocan siempre nuestra... more
in: Studienkreis Film (Hg.): Um sie weht der Hauch des Todes.Der Italowestern-die Geschichte eines Genres. Bochum: Schnitt Verlag 1999 (basierend auf einem Beitrag zu Meteor 15, 1999, Dossier "Sound Design")
Questo dossier monografico dei "Quaderni del CSCI" intende dar conto dei possibili filoni di ricerca verso i quali si sono indirizzati negli ultimi anni gli studi sulle tecniche e sulle pratiche del cinema italiano, un ambito che si... more
Global Cinema Networks investigates the evolving aesthetic forms, technological and industrial conditions, and social impacts of cinema in the twenty-first century. The collection’s esteemed contributors excavate sites of global... more
This paper was written for the GSA annual conference in 2011. It offers a detailled analysis of the German-Italian war movie HIMMELFAHRTSKOMMANDO EL ALAMEIN (1968), which tells the same events from three different, conflicting... more
Gustav Hofer and Luca Ragazzi are part of a new generation of documentary filmmakers committed to produce social and political “narratives of change” with any low tech or high-end means possible. Their three collaborative documentaries... more
The real and beyond in Alain Resnais and Federico Fellini: from origins to the years of the dream Thèse dirigée par Didier COUREAU, UGA préparée au sein du Laboratoire UMR 5316 Litt&Arts (Arts & Pratiques du Texte, de l'Image, de l'Ecran... more
This article outlines the current state of videographic criticism with special reference to the Italian Studies context and goes on to report on the experience of co-teaching a graduate seminar (a one-semester course), ‘Italian Film and... more
This chapter discusses the femme fatale and the homme fatal as figures of transnational transmission in Riso amaro (Bitter Rice, De Santis, 1949) and Ossessione (Obsession, Visconti, 1943)
This thesis examines three Italian films, focusing on how the films represent Italian life at the time of the Holocaust, and how these representations reflect shifts in understanding regarding the experience of the Holocaust in Italy.... more
In this article I seek to position La masseria delle allodole (2007) within Paolo and Vittorio Taviani's filmography, contending that the brothers' cinema, taken as a whole, amounts to a vast and intricate historical project. I argue that... more