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Road traffic accidents are being recognised as a major problem in developing countries. A mechanism to prevent these road accidents is the need of the hour. It is hoped that the mechanism which we introduced can prevent accidents... more
The purpose of this paper is to solve the road safety issues present in our country. In today's scenario lots of accidents happen on roads which result in a huge number of fatalities. The idea is to introduce a Vehicle to Vehicle... more
To the existence and influence, health related parameters and issues are at most importance to man. Various systems have been developed that are able to capture and monitor changes in health parameters. A real time remote monitoring of... more
The neonatal incubator is an apparatus that provides a closed and controlled environment for the sustenance of premature babies. But recently, many premature babies have lost their lives due to lack of proper monitoring of the incubator... more
Numerous cases of missing are reported in Kerala. Our local department has the mechanism to watch every point on city. But it's not effectively helpful to seek out the missing person. It is found difficult to seek out an individual from... more
52th Congress on general and family medicine 52. Kongress für Allgemeinmedizin und Familienmedizin: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemeinmedizin und Familienmedizin (German College of General Practitioners and Family Physicians) 9/13 -... more
Message clé : Le potentiel de l’ordinateur pour l’amélioration la prescription par le biais des alertes automatiques n’est que très insuffisamment exploité. Soumission antérieure : Non Contenu : Contexte et... more