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Synopsis: Chris Willard and Jim Sheppard's book 'Contagious Generosity: Creating a culture of giving in your church' has the potential of being very influential. It deals with important themes such as 'generosity as the new evangelism',... more
Research indicates that spending money on others—prosocial spending—leads to greater happiness than spending money on oneself (e.g., Dunn, Aknin, & Norton, 2008, 2014). These findings have received widespread attention because they offer... more
A PAPER ON CHRISTIAN GENEROSITY: PHILOSOPHY OF BIBLICAL STEWARDSHIP Giving is a highly neglected topic that is rarely discussed in churches, seminaries, and other Christian institutions, and thus most people do not have correct... more
Prosocial behaviors are ubiquitous across societies. They emerge early in ontogeny and are shaped by interactions between genes and culture. Over the course of middle childhood, sharing approaches equality in distribution. Since 5.8... more
According to Cicero, an act of generosity involves bestowing a favor upon the recipient as a gift, so the failure to give does not wrong the potential recipient. He provides three criteria of considering giving an act of generosity, two... more
The issues of generosity, funding, raising funds and managing funds in God’s mission are investigated. First of all, we conduct a literature survey of the themes of poverty, wealth, generosity, giving and stewardship. This provides... more
The “generosity theology” of chapters 8 and 9 of 2 Corinthians captures the compassion of God as it concerns his heart for benevolence.
Situated near the middle of the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 6:19-24 provides a treatment of materialism that acts as a connecting point between Jesus’ teaching on piety in 6:1-18 and His teaching on priorities in 6:25-34. Contrasting... more
Este artículo tratará de analizar cómo los personajes del Cantar de Mio Cid muestran sus características psicológicas actuando de modo diferente al resto de personajes de acuerdo con su nivel de generosidad. Por otro lado, la existencia... more
Nous savons tous que Pourim est une fête Juive, mais en tant que bnei Noa'h nous avons la possibilité d'y participer d'une certaine façon. Voyons ensemble de quelle manière dans ce document :
Journées scientifiques sur “Manuscrits islamiques : matérialité, usages, traditions comparées Afrique-Moyen-Orient” Alexandrie (Egypte), 23-24/11/2021 : « Des papiers et des hommes : la codicologie sociale au... more
This study reviewed the criticisms against Brown and Levinson’s (1987) claim about necessity of violation of cooperative principles (CP) in giving rise to politeness implicatures. To support these critiques, evidences from Persian offers... more
Handout, distributed on the occasion of a presentation of the EtymArab© project at WOCMES, Ankara, August 18, 2014. Etymology of "karam", "sakhāʔ", "ǧūd", etc.
The article draws on the results of a survey conducted in schools from Bihor county in 2018-2019. The study analyses the answers of 4,261 8th grade pupils regarding generosity and its predictors. The actual research is an extension of our... more
Introduction Evidence suggest that civic engagement is declining in Aotearoa New Zealand, especially among young New Zealanders (Catt, 2005; Vowles, 2004). Low levels of engagement have caught the attention of researchers, educators, and... more
When structured appropriately, sport can promote psychosocial development in youth athletes. However, few frameworks exist that allow coaches to intentionally support youth's psychosocial development through their sport programming. The... more
GENERATING GENEROSITY IN CATHOLICISM AND ISLAM Using an innovative methodological approach combining field experiments , case studies, and statistical analyses, this book explores how the religious beliefs and institutions of Catholics... more
Secularist interventions into Africa presuppose certain moral standards to be extant and their rationality to be convincing and superior. This essay finds the valuation of all people as fundamentally equal that is necessary for aid... more
We advance a framework for understanding why and how gossip may promote generosity and cooperation, especially in situations that can result in greater indirect benefits from others. Drawing on evolutionary theory, we derive novel... more
The author proposes a draft of a new theory of virtues in economy. It is a preliminary synthesis of some psychological, economic, sociological and philosophical research. He discusses dignity, diligence and generosity and related vices... more
The article talks about Peter Sloterdijk reading Nietzsche. It focuses on two concepts: cosmology and heteronarcizism. We can use a notion of cosmology, and our arkhé is the Sun. We can use the notion of hetero narcissism, and our... more
In recent philosophical and socialscientific research on issues of debt (Maurizio Lazzarato, David Graeber) there are references to Nietzsche’s philosophy of the creditor/debtor relationship from the II. Treatise of the Genealogy of... more
Le titre même de ce volume, sous forme d’interrogation, est à comprendre comme un postulat. Il s’explique comme suit : il s’agit de s’interroger sur la pensée philosophique d’Élisabeth tout autant que sur celle de Descartes. La réflexion... more
LImbajul darului in opera lui P Bourdieu este legat de teoria capitalurilor si de faptul ca ele sunt interșanjabile. Ele se înscriu in conceptul de violență simbolică care este parte a hegemoniei culturale a lui Antonio Gramsci. In acest... more
Does interacting with social science data in early adulthood promote generosity? To investigate this question from a life course development perspective, two distinct samples were drawn for a survey with an embedded experimental design.... more
Why are there so many people who receive scholarship aid who do not give back to the schools that gave it? Social exchange theories grounded in the assumption of direct reciprocity have long been the framework used within higher education... more
This article discusses a Sufi Muslim community, the Layene, in Dakar, Senegal, and specific aspects of its historical and ethical foundations. The community is one of several Sufi Muslim orders in Senegal with a history of syncretism of... more
This article presents a social investigation of generosity in 147 schools from Bihor county. We tested three hypotheses concerning generosity: peer effect hypothesis, gender effect hypothesis, the social class and status effects. To test... more
The season is a time to celebrate the birth and life of the most famous homeless person.
Analyses of material exchanges have concentrated on ceremonialized forms. Approaches to trade are poorly developed and are materialist and utilitarian. After presenting a distinction between prestations and trade based on actors'... more