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The objective of this paper is to address concerns expressed by some of the author's followers-friends on the Facebook in the form of questions posed as to who the 'Guardian Hosts' are and what role they are playing with regard
Over the course of years, and as of more recently, many followers-friends of the author have been asking questions with reference to the Melchizedeks and their role in humanity-Earth Ascension. Below, you will find a sample of such... more
We introduce a differential equation for star formation in galaxies that incorporates negative feedback with a delay. When the feedback is instantaneous, solutions approach a self-limiting equilibrium state. When there is a delay, even... more
In this paper we study scalar perturbations of the metric for nonlinear f(R) models. We consider the Universe at the late stage of its evolution and deep inside the cell of uniformity. We investigate the astrophysical approach in the case... more
Contents: 1. Introduction. 2. Dark matter. 3. Angular momentum. 4. The halo. 5. The thick disk. 6. The thin disk. 7. The bulge. 8. History. 9. Discussion.
No estás solo en el universo. Y no estás solo en este viaje por el universo. Estás tumbado mirando el cielo en una playa cuando alguien te coge de la mano. Te guía en una odisea alucinante hasta los agujeros negros, las galaxias más... more
Hyperluminous infrared galaxies (HLIRG) are the most luminous persistent objects in the Universe. They exhibit extremely high star formation rates, and most of them seem to harbour an AGN. They are unique laboratories for investigating... more
This Impact Report identifies and summarises the diverse impacts, resulting from the £500m of UK funding of Science and Technology in 2013, using numerous quantitative metrics and short case study extracts. It shows how the varied... more
I present the latest form of the Tully fisher relation (TFR) which evolves with cosmic time.This so called evolving bTFR provides information about mass, age and velocity of a galaxy sample and is a necessary tool in studying galactic,... more
A coherent theory of how galaxies and stars are created only exists in the Electric Plasma
We have carried out a comparison study of hydrodynamical codes by investigating their performance in modelling interacting multiphase fluids. The two commonly used techniques of grid and smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) show striking... more
The following assumptions of the Big Bang theory are challenged and found to be false: the cosmological principle, the assumption that all matter formed at the same time and the assumption regarding the cause of the cosmic microwave... more
Since the beginning of human history people have always wondered about the cosmos however limited the educational horizons of a generation might be. People also have always wondered about space and time and the relation they bear to the... more
One of the most challenging results brought by the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) is the discovery of a new population of extragalactic objects, the Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIRG). These sources showed a luminosity... more
A brief overview of the negative aliens' history contaminating the consciousness fields of the Nebadon (our) Universe, together with a short list of atrocities that they have committed while invading the territory of Nebadon through... more
Contrary to the misinformation-disinformation or paltering, lies, and deception found on the internet surfacing under the general discipline of “New Age Spirituality” nowadays, the negative aliens do NOT only ‘live’ in the Astral Plane,... more
The black hole and dark matter are two pillars of contemporary General Relativity. Week after week, we read about them in the specialized journals and in popularization magazines. Here we show that the term 'black hole' has yet to be... more
Galaxy clusters provide us with key information based on their characteristics such as they evolve slowly so they retain information of how the universe formed. From the time of its discovery, galaxy clusters have been studied and... more
These three propositions revolutionized humankind's concep-tion of the universe. Obviously, they were truly vast in their implica-tions. Yet they were not fully agreed to by all astronomers until the early decades of the twentieth... more
The present book discusses, among other things, various quantization phenomena found in Astrophysics and some related issues including Brownian Motion. With recent discoveries of exoplanets in our galaxy and beyond, this Astrophysics... more
The present book discusses, among other things, various quantization phenomena found in Astrophysics and some related issues including Brownian Motion. With recent discoveries of exoplanets in our galaxy and beyond, this Astrophysics... more
The discussion regarding the possibility of being privy to experience continued incarnation, and possibly Ascension after physical death during the present cycle of incarnation has been continued with particular attention to those of... more
Nearly three decades ago, a physical anomaly that should have shaken physics to its very foundations was observed: The galaxy rotation problem. The new concept of Cold Dark Matter was invoked to explain this anomaly. Alternative... more
We live & die following the laws of 0-sum time worldcycles. Vital Spæc¡es reproduce its in-form-åð¡on, aging its form thru life till death reverses form exploding it back into Tt-motion. All systems of nature are space-time organisms... more
It is emphasized, herein, that this era of pre-Ascension has involved bombardment of potent light energies of consciousness upon the potentially Ascending population of Earth that has created a demanding impetus upon Earth humanity, one... more
special thanks to Forum XDA DEVELOPER • kn06497 • Joeldroid - Deodexed patch • hangy18 - update script (finally it works) • WinKarbik • AndroidFire My Friend (Black_Hat Community) : - Una S_Hka Bdg - Deep_pUrP_Hat - De_La_Rocha ^^ -... more
[Last updated : 03/05/2019] 21 pages. the first section (short bibliography) is in english, others sections (full bibliography) are in french. a) travaux de Jean-Pierre Petit en astrophysique et cosmologie jusqu'à mi-2013 b1) la... more
In Encyclopædia Britannica 2004, Ultimate Reference Suite DVD, we can read following: ...”Thomas Samuel Kuhn, American historian of science noted for The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962), one of the most influential works of... more
Zanista mirovan, gihîştiye asteke wisa ku bikare şiroveyên grîng liser gerdûnê bike. Gerdûna derveyî xeyalan, terikî û bêsînor. Stêrkên bêhejmar yên ku hûn li esmanê dibînin, tenê 3 hezar ji 300 milyar stêrkên kehkeşana Kadizê ne. Di... more
“Gravitons kill Aliens” Adrian Ferent “I am the first who explained the lack of extraterrestrial civilizations” Adrian Ferent “Gravitons emitted by Black Holes kill Aliens” Adrian Ferent I calculated: the graviton’s energy emitted by... more
Pearlman SPIRAL first introduced Spring of 2013/5773 SPIRAL= Stars Preceded Inflation, their Redshifted Light Attests. 'SPI' = hyper-dense proto-galactic (Stellar) formation Preceded cosmic-Inflation expansion. If SPIRAL one would predict... more
We consider the Universe deep inside the cell of uniformity. At these scales, the Universe is filled with inhomogeneously distributed discrete structures (galaxies, groups and clusters of galaxies), which perturb the background Friedmann... more
The EHT picture is wrong; this shows how Low is the level of knowledge of the Black Holes in universities, in research centers “There is no Gravitational redshift around the Black Hole, around the Event horizon of the Black Hole in... more
The present work is devoted to studying the dynamical evolution of galaxies in scalar-Gauss-Bonnet gravity and its relationship with the MOND paradigm. This study is useful for giving meaning to the presence of a new gravitational... more