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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ability of spermatozoa and leukocytes in semen to produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) by using nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) staining and to examine the association between NBT staining and... more
SUMMARY A virus with isometric particles ca. 30 nm in diameter and angular contour was recovered by mechanical trans- mission from a grapevine with fanleaf-like symptoms growing at Nevsheir (Cappadocia, Turkey). In sucrose density... more
We have carried out a comparison study of hydrodynamical codes by investigating their performance in modelling interacting multiphase fluids. The two commonly used techniques of grid and smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) show striking... more
The onset of clinical assisted reproduction, a quarter of a century ago, required the isolation of motile spermatozoa. As the indication of assisted reproduction shifted from mere gynaecological indications to andrological indications... more
It is well known that a dilute suspension of spheroids sedimenting under gravity at low Reynolds number is unstable to density fluctuations as a result of hydrodynamic interactions [D. L. Koch and E. S. G. Shaqfeh, J. Fluid Mech. 209, 521... more
Lake Hallstättersee is a holomictic alpine lake, which is influenced by salt mining since the middle Bronze Age. Beside the constant saline waste water load, two massive brine spills loaded the lake with additional 16,900 tons sodium... more
Semilocal density functionals for the exchange-correlation energy are needed for large electronic systems. The Tao-Perdew-Staroverov-Scuseria (TPSS) meta-generalized gradient approximation (meta-GGA) is semilocal and usefully accurate,... more
Abstract. Variation of wood specific gravity from the base to the top of tree and from pith to bark was investigated for Gmelina arborea Roxb. plantations in western Venezuela. Increment cores were taken from thirty trees at five... more