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This text was originally written for the tenth anniversary issue of the Journal of Environmental Thought and Education (Japan). This is an expanded and revised version (June 20, 2018). Links to several earlier versions are included.
This in depth interview comprises the opening chapter of The Routledge Handbook of Ecocultural Identity, edited by Tema Milstein and Jose Castro-Sotomayer, Routledge, 2020. David Abram is a cultural ecologist and geophilosopher whose... more
An exploration of Hannah Arendt's philosophy in terms of issues related to the earth, earth and world alienation, space, place, and nature. I examine her work in The Human Condition and other books and essays, connecting it to... more
"We are Petroleum". Tabula Rasa [online]. 2017, n.26, pp.101-122. ISSN 1794-2489. "We are Petroleum" is a practices-as-research participatory performance experiment created to research how... more
Este libro constituye un aporte significativo al campo del pensamiento ambiental y la ecología política. Con un estilo ameno y un hilo argumentativo original, coherente, claro y profundo, el texto aborda la dimensión afectiva, sensible,... more
Abstract This dissertation is divided into two parts. In part I the argument is put forward that the ideas and practices informing life and work (with a special focus upon work within the human services industries, including education)... more
[i just wish those ideas were challenged, and i hope the reading will be interesting in some way or an other. thanks] Chapitre I : Technique et matérialisme historique 1 : La technique au cœur de la pensée de Marx 2 : Simondon : pour une... more
Breves piezas de filosofía emitidas en el programa de RNE “Venga la radio”. Se refieren autores como Martin Heidegger, Hannah Arendt, Simone de Beauvoir, Walter Benjamin, José Ortega y Gasset, Hans Georg Gadamer, María Zambrano, Eugenio... more
L'attuale epoca di crisi ecologica ci pone di fronte a seri interrogativi sul nostro modo di rapportarci all'ambiente. È ancora attuale, e filosoficamente percorribile, il modello tradizionale che considera essere umano e natura in... more
La presente contribución plantea una ontología del mal en la Tierra a partir de Laudato Sì', carta pastoral del Obispo de Roma. El extremo humanismo secular del documento del Papa, así como sus involuntarios alcances filosóficos, sirven... more
One challenge for ecological thinking today is how to disentangle our understandings of time from the colonial and European cosmology that takes clock time as absolute, the linear progression of measurable horizontal time as the basis for... more
This research is to find the philosophical and historical base of the ecological paradigm, and explore the architectural ramification of the paradigm. To understand the effect of the paradigm shift in a historical and philosophical... more
Marius de Geus' positions on Millian liberalism, environmentalism and utopian thought are very similar to my own, so it was a real pleasure both to read this book and to be able to pick out points of divergence.
This article deals with the important issue of environmental awareness amongst youth in times of climate crisis. Environmental awareness has been measured basing on the currently dominant division into anthropocentrism and biocentrism,... more
I examine the ancient and perennial notion of the elements (stoicheia) and its relation to an idea of place proper (topos) and natural place (topos oikeios) in Aristotle's work. Through an exploration of his accounts, I argue that... more
This paper aims to identify elements of Peircean Pragmatism that contribute to the study of direct perception present in the Ecological approach. To do so, we develop a discussion of possible approximations between such accounts in... more
A paper presented at the American Association of Geographers’ Annual Meeting, April 10, 2018.
En este artículo abordamos la estrecha relación que el filósofo canadiense estableció entre la concepción heideggeriana del lenguaje y nuestro modo de habitación en el mundo. Contrastamos las nociones de diversas ecofilosofías: la "... more
This multimedia essay weaves together reflexive discourse and conceptual discussion on the reciprocity of perception with textual, photographic, and audiovisual materials from the author's somatic explorations in nature. Drawing on... more
Biosemiotics is considered in the article from the moment of its birth at the beginning of the 20th century (J. von Uexküll, Th. Sebeok, G. Prodi, H. Pattie, et al.); its reception in the philosophical anthropology and science of the 20th... more
My review of one of Paul Thompson's key early works on agricultural environmental ethics. At the time of writing I little knew, as biographers say, that Paul would become a valued friend, colleague and fellow pragmatist a decade later... more
I connect nature experience to human liberty in a four part argument. Firstly, I discuss two pre-modern traditions of thought, agrarianism and sylvan liberty, in which nature experience was associated with the stimulation, construction... more
A critique of "The Politics of Cosmology," a thousand-page manuscript by social ecologist and political theorist Murray Bookchin, based on his study of the history of philosophy and his lectures on that topic. It appears on my PM Press... more
Autopoiesis was introduced into the literature by Maturana and Varela as the name for a particular system description which they claimed was necessary and sufficient to define the living and also explain it. The term has been widely... more
This article is an attempt to interpret Yuk Hui’s ambitious and promising project of cosmotechnics and technodiversity as a kind of “critical synthesis” of the philosophies of technology of Martin Heidegger and Bernard Stiegler, arguably... more
El científico que se presenta aquí ha realizado contribuciones muy significativas al desarrollo de la teoría ecológica a nivel internacional. Pero su pensamiento descansa, por un lado, sobre un evidente cañamazo filosófico y, por otro, se... more
This article examines parallels between the increasing mental burnout and environmental overshoot in the organisational context. The article argues that there is a particular philosophy of management that connects these two phenomena of... more
A response to an International Association of Japanese Philosophy session panel, at the Eastern APA (American Philosophical Association) conference, on "Japanese Environmental Philosophy" on the book, 'Japanese Environmental Philosophy'... more
Due to human’s inability to reflect beyond its own species, animal ethics is a distorted version of human ethics with provisional “rights” handed down to animals. These fictitious rights do not cover the natural right of privacy,... more
The article presents the results of own research concerning attitudes toward the four selected dilemmas of environmental ethics. The empirical data was collected by means of a questionnaire in 2014 and 2015 on a representative sample of... more
The chapter discusses cultural-evolutionary functions of attention and reveals interesting connections between Gibson's and Ingold's ecological philosophy and contemporary cognitive research on attention that both contribute to a better... more
I was in a slightly odd position in the mid-1990s as a rather isolated environmental pragmatist working in Britain and trying to get people interested in the American pragmatist tradition. The name "pragmatism" has often been deemed... more
I examine the ancient and perennial notion of the elements (stoicheia) and its relation to an idea of place proper (topos) and natural place (topos oikeios) in Aristotle's work. Through an exploration of his accounts, I argue... more