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This milestone text provides a comprehensive and state-of-the art overview of perfectionism theory, research, and treatment from the past 25 years, with contributions from the leading researchers in the field. The book examines new... more
Quite often, when people hear the word “trigger” in a therapeutic context, one may immediately think of substance use and “relapse triggers”. Although substance use is part of this discussion for this exercise, it is important to consider... more
Understanding young adults' anxiety requires applying a multidimensional approach to assess the psychosocial, behavioral, and cognitive aspects of this phenomenon. A hypothesized model of the relationships among coping style, thinking... more
This article reviews the various settings in which infants, children, and adolescents experience pain during acute medical procedures and issues related to referral of children to pain management teams. In addition, self-report, reports... more
Як цитувати: 1) ДСТУ (ГОСТ): Лазоренко Б. П. Навчально-методичний супровід опанування курсантами-психологами стресових станів: засоби само- та взаємодопомоги / Б. П. Лазоренко // Наукові студії із соціальної та політичної психології : зб.... more
Psychological distress has been considered a key component in the psychosocial functioning and functional disability of the elderly, but the determining factors of social functioning and psychological distress in the elderly people are... more
This research examined the contributions of active and passive coping for health problems, and meaning-based coping, to positive psychosocial functioning in a sample of 100 individuals in residential care with a mean age of 83.11 years... more
This study was designed to examine coping strategies for relational aggression. Ninety-eight female middle-and high-school students completed the Revised Ways of Coping Scale (Folk-man & Lazarus, 1985) and reported characteristics of a... more
Because the war was relatively brief, casualties relatively light, and the Nation sanctioned the war socially, veterans of Desert Shield/Storm and their families were not anticipated to suffer symptoms of trauma or re-entry stress beyond... more
In an exploratory study, the relationships between two major concepts in psychological adjustment, coping strategies and defense mechanisms, were investigated. Sport competition is an example of a real-world context in which to... more
INTRODUCTION Previous studies confirm the effect of collaborative assessment and management of suicidality (CAMS) in an experimental setup, but there is a need to test CAMS with regard to its effectiveness and feasibility in a real-life... more
Asian populations living in the United States share similar cultural values that influence their experiences with domestic violence. However, it is critical to recognize how differential cultural beliefs in the context of immigration and... more
In diesem Open-Access-Buch wird die subjektive Wahrnehmung und Bewältigung von Armut im Kontext der strukturellen Einbindung der Betroffenen konzeptualisiert und erfasst. In einer reichen Gesellschaft arm zu sein, bedeutet nicht nur ein... more
The ways in which children appraise and cope with school bullying are likely to influence the long-term outcomes experienced. To examine this possibility, 219 Spanish undergraduate students (73 male, 146 female) aged between 18 and 40,... more