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Hammerscale is the product of high-temperature oxidation of iron alloys and it is particularly associated with the forging of iron. Due to its magnetic properties hammerscale is easily recovered from archaeological contexts. While most... more
A series of experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of activation temperature on pore development of activated carbon produced from palm shell. Activation of the samples was carried out at 800, 850 and 900°C for different... more
Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis of a soil microbial community was coupled with 13C isotope tracer analysis to measure the community’s response to addition of 35 μg of [13C]toluene ml of soil solution−1. After 119 h of incubation... more
High-temperature creep tests were conducted on polycrystalline copper of commercial purity in order to investigate the inter-relationship between the extent and the rate of grain boundary sliding (GBS) and the development of internal... more
Evaluation of emerging diesel-particulate emissions control technology will require analytical procedures capable of continuous measurement of transient organic and elemental carbon emissions. Procedures based on the flame ionization... more
... Available online 12 March 2002. Abstract. The present contribution shows the results of tests on geological materials for determination of the rare-earth elements La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, and Lu, as well as... more