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Hammerscale is the product of high-temperature oxidation of iron alloys and it is particularly associated with the forging of iron. Due to its magnetic properties hammerscale is easily recovered from archaeological contexts. While most... more
The pamagpande (blacksmithing) tradition of Apalit, Pampanga has been one of the prominent cottage industries in the town since the colonial period. Certain oral accounts imply that this practice may have originated from the metallurgical... more
This study focuses on smithy and forge constructions in present day Estonia and Finland. The studied smithies can be divided into three time periods: pre-crusade Late Iron Age (11th-12th centuries); the age of transition (13th and 14th... more
My bold suggestions in this paper, as an artisan-anthropologist-therapist, are as follows: (a) human manufacturing of objects brings about individual/collective (deep well-being) experiences of beauty and grace and (b)‘making artifacts’... more
A short essay written for Brendan Fernandez's exhibition at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre, 2016.
The high valleys of the Mount Bego region, in the Southern Alps, shelter a very important corpus of rock art from Recent Prehistory (IV-II millennium B.C.). Among these thousands of engravings, at least four anthropomorphic figures,... more
This thesis is a study of Late Iron Age graves containing smiths’ tools in Hordaland. As a way of maintaining personal and collective memory, tools and other items reflecting a persons life were added as grave goods. This thesis is an... more
Dette er eit kapittel i boka "Hantverksvetenskap" utgjeve av Hantverkslaboratoriet i Mariestad. Her er kva redaktør Gunnar Almevik skriv om boka og emnet hantverksvetenskap: HANTVERKSVETENSKAP skulle kunna följa den akademiska... more
Radomír Pleiner’s death in January 2015 marked the end of an era. For sixty years he was one of the key figures in the study of early iron working, as demonstrated by his remarkable publication record of 12 books and over 250 papers. He... more
Though it operates on the margins of the Norwegian folk music scene, the munnharpe (jew’s harp) revival has been active since the 1960s and today boasts an active network of festivals, musicians, and blacksmiths. After contextualising the... more
Abstract The blacksmithing technology is as old as human civilization itself. Indeed the development of different human civilizations has been linked to the discovery and use of metal to manufacture tools and implements that supported an... more
This article describes a simple model of mechanics involved in hand forging and examines energy, power and efficiency of different hammering configurations. Variables include hammer mass, and the driving force of the hammer both on the... more
This article is published in the Northern Wilderness Skills and Traditions blog. Among the larger iron works in Finland the Strömfors Bruk Iron Works and Forge is one of the least known to a larger public. The iron works had a 250 year... more
Musical instruments […] have the power to transform not only our surroundings but also our minds and bodies, and our sense of identity and belonging. (Dawe 2005: 59) While music revivals have been the subject of some recent... more
When I tell musicians and cultural stakeholders in Norway that I am researching the munnharpe (jew’s harp) revival, I am often met with the same reaction: Great! But is it really a revival? Or just a continuation of what was already... more
Nous étudions dans cet ouvrage les archers dans l'armée romaine. Nous établissons leur visage de la fin de la République romaine jusqu'à Trajan à travers les sources littéraires, épigraphiques et archéologiques. Nous examinons par la... more
On Saturday, December 1, 2007, the New York State Museum served as the venue for a colloquium Penelope Drooker, Elizabeth Peña, and I had organized to honor and commemorate the professional life of Dr. Charles L. (Chuck) Fisher who died... more
With basis in Jan Petersen's (1951) 375 "smith's graves" this thesis deals with the phenomenon of placing tools in graves, with a main occurence from the Migration Period and into the Viking Age in Norway. It is my claim that the... more
This study examines the continuation in European Christian society of magical-religious traditions previously associated with pagan gods of the forge. What was the importance of the forge god in the pantheons of worship? What were the... more
The Myślibórz Gorge, located within the Kaczawy Foothills, is well-known to environmentalists and scholars studying the past. The investigations launched in the 1990s made it possible to determine the chronology of three of the... more
Finds and features related to bloomery smelting and blacksmithing have been excavated at the castles of Feinfeld and Sachsendorf (Horn district, Lower Austria). The archaeological evidence in both castles consists of roasting hearths and... more
В статье предлагается подтверждение и дальнейшее развитие теории В.И. Абаева о связи осетинского бога кузнеца Уаргона с латинским Вулканом. Привлекаются новые параллели из европейских (кельтские, германские, греческие, славянские,... more
A Transformation Series Publication from the Museum of Science and Technology co-authored with Robert Tremblay examining the history of blacksmithing in Canada.
Moi in Setesdal, Southern Norway: Settlement from late Bronze Age through to the Viking Age and early Middle Ages – different versions of the same farm? This paper presents the results from a dig at the infields of the farm Moi in the... more
Biljana Sikimić (2018). Blacksmiths in Sandžak

Биљана Сикимић (2018). Ковачи у Санџаку, Роми Србије у XXI веку (Тибор Варади, ур.), Београд: САНУ, 101–117. ISBN 978-86-7024-767-2
Metalworking is a key part of human development. It has given names to archaeological ages and it is difficult to think of human activities where its products are not involved. Metalworking is likewise important in most mythologies. In... more
Små ryarøkser med fal finnast det gangske mange av i arkeologisk materiale frå sein mellomalder og nyare tid. Saman med smeden Jon Dahlmo har eg undersøkt funksjon og produksjonsmåte på desse øksene. Dette er gjort gjennom praktiske... more
This paper is an ethnoarchaeological look at blacksmithing by combining ethnographic field work and archaeological data. I interviewed blacksmith Jack Frost, a resident of Glenwood, Oregon but originally from Devon, Great Britain. Frost... more
The Myślibórz Gorge, located within the Kaczawy Foothills, is well-known to environmentalists and scholars studying the past. The investigations launched in the 1990s made it possible to determine the chronology of three of the... more
This article examines the energy transfer between forging hammer and workpiece, and what circumstances are required for a hammer strike to increase the workpiece temperature significantly so that there is a visual change in the... more
Ogromny rozwój hutnictwa żelaza jaki nastąpił na ziemiach polskich za sprawą ludności kultury przeworskiej w pierwszych wiekach po Chr. spowodował zapewne wyraźny wzrost kowalstwa. Tymczasem kuźnie są prawie nieznane, co pozostaje w... more
The focus of this study is on the challenges faced by the municipal government of early modern Edinburgh in attempting to regulate suburban work. It has been demonstrated that as taxation became more common in the Scottish capital,... more
My bold suggestions in this paper, as an artisan-anthropologist-therapist, are as follows: (a) human manufacturing of objects brings about individual/collective (deep well-being) experiences of beauty and grace and (b)‘making artifacts’... more