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Living in the Spirit: The Holy Spirit and the Christian Life, by Geoff Waugh, is a personal and group study guide to life in the Spirit. The chapters are: 1 Father, Son and Holy Spirit, 2 Born of the Spirit, 3 Filled with the Spirit,... more
PURPOSE • To enable the student to better understand the history, development and fragmentation of the Pentecostal movement in Latin America. • To cause the student to reflect upon the positive and negative contributions that the... more
Sind wir Zeugen einer neuen Ausgießung des Heiligen Geistes über die leidende, gottferne Menschheit? Erleben wir heute ein neues Pfingsten – mit Reden in fremden Sprachen, Prophetien und Wunderheilungen? Das wäre so ein großes Geschenk... more
Defining Moments Is a book of the record of encounters of great revivalists with the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ. These moments of powerful encounters totally shifted the course of the life of the individuals selected. Johnson... more
A summary of early developments of charismatic renewal in Australian churches.

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Syllabus, cours en pneumatologie Institut biblique et pastoral baptiste, Algrange,France
"Representations", N. 129, Winter 2015. The essay analyzes the project of maintaining the body of V. I. Lenin in the Mausoleum in Moscow for the past ninety years, focusing on the unique biological science that developed around this... more
This study names and examines the Renewalist (Pentecostal-charismatic-neocharismatic) strain of Christian Zionism using the International Christian Embassy, Jerusalem, as a primary lens into this global movement. The major finding in this... more
A survey of Christian revivals, especially through the last 300 years, including Chapter 7: Twenty-first Century Revivals. Foreword by C Peter Wagner: I know of no other book like this one that provides rapid-fire, easy-to-read, factual... more
Renewal and Revival in Australia.  Articles by church leaders and pastors of most denominations about renewal and revival in Australia.

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The characteristic theology of the Jesus movement: In relation to the Pentecostal movement in Sweden during the 1970's. This bachelor thesis aims to provide an insight into the relationship between the theology expressed by the Swedish... more
An examination of ministry in the Body of Christ, the Church, in the power of his Spirit. Part 1 describes Body Ministry, the ministry of the whole Body of Christ. Part 2 explores Ministry Education, the current revolution of leadership... more
The subject of conversion has engaged sociologists in Israel and around the world for decades. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism etc. all have their own understanding of conversion. In this paper it is a tongues speaking Charismatic... more
Il saggio fa parte degli atti del convegno di studi "I pentecostali in Italia", promosso dalla Facoltà pentecostale, tenutosi a Battipaglia (SA) dal 5 al 6 dicembre 2019. In particolare presenta i primi esiti di una ricerca iniziata alla... more
This annotated list of references presents the writings on F.F. Bosworth that are biographical, critical, and devotional in nature. The list includes books, news reports, articles, and audio recordings. NOTE: This list does not include... more
The purpose of this paper is to discuss why placing an emphasis on spiritual gifts in a Christian church community is incorrect, and precisely how the gifts should be utilized while not being emphasized. The first principle discussed is... more
This chapter appears in the edited volume 'Pentecostal Megachurches in Southeast Asia'. Drawing from the experience of Jesus is Lord (JIL), one of the biggest Charismatic groups in the Philippines, the chapter presents how megachurch... more
One of the more unforeseeable events in twentieth-century American Lutheranism was the inroads which the emergent Pentecostal movement made within it. By all objective standards, Lutheranism and Pentecostalism would seem unable to be... more
Evangelical revivals are examined within the paradigm of outpourings of the Spirit, both specific and varied. The charismatic impacts of the Spirit in the New Testament indicate a dynamic model which has been repeated continually in... more
Podobnie jak ze świecą szukać kogoś, kto nigdy nie założył na siebie dżinsowego wdzianka, tak wśród wiodących rodzimych charyzmatyków nie ma chyba nikogo, kto pozostawałby wolny od wpływów pentekostalizmu „made in USA”. "Charyzmatyk w... more
This work describes and analyzes the trajectories and strategies in the searchfor healing among participants of a charismatic Catholic healing movement in Argentina. Using ethnographic research carried out between July 2009 and April... more
Verfasst von H.H. Prof. Dr. theol. Manfred Hauke Erschienen in Forum Katholische Theologie 2014; 30: 77-80 (1/2014) Die Glossolalie oder das Zungenreden gilt als das typischste Kennzeichen der Gebetsgruppen, die seit dem Anfang des... more
A book review of the pivotal book written by the Bethel Pastor revivalist Bill Johnson. The book is a powwerful insight into the powerful culture transforming vision of the Charismatic Church in the 21st century. The vision being the... more
This short paper summarizes the Doctorate Thesis in History of Religion on the Charismatic Movement in French Protestant and Evangelical Churches during the 1970ties and 1980ties. Presented at the Sorbon University in 1995, the study... more
The paper is about the cognitive and discoursive system of the threshold narratives during the conversion process of a new religious movement. The article provides an insight into a Christian fundamentalist and ecumenic group in Romania,... more
An examination of current megatrends applied to open education for Christian ministry. This includes 1. Equipping the Church for Ministry. 2. Contextualizing Ministry Education. 3. Providing Resources for the Church. (1) Open ministry... more
This 1500 word entry covers the Trinity; the filioque clause; gifts of the spirit; fruit of the spirit, Pentecostalism in the U.S. and internationally; and the influence of 2nd wave feminist Catholicism on pnumatology.
Dieser Artikel in zwei Teilen über die so genannte „Charismatische Erneuerung“ erschien ein Jahr, nachdem ich unter nicht nur für mich, sondern auch für Familienangehörige äußerst kränkenden Umständen aus der sog. „Gemeinschaft der... more