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Niniejszy tekst stanowi pierwszy rozdział książki: J. Morawiecki, Krajobraz po odwilży. Poradziecka tożsamość religijna mieszkańców współczesnych miast syberyjskich, Kraków 2018
“Documentary Records of Conversions among Ottoman Palace Personnel.” In Conversion to Islam in the Premodern Age: A Sourcebook, edited by Nimrod Hurvitz, Christian C. Sahner, Uriel Simonsohn, and Luke Yarbrough, University of California... more
The purpose of this research is to publish a manuscript of the treatise Sefer Habri’a (The Book of Creation), written in 1670 by Rabbi Avraham Binyamin Nathan ben Elisha Chaim Halevi Askhenazy, also known as Nathan Ghazzati or Rabbi... more
At the heart of James B. Torrance’s theological project was a concern to demonstrate the importance of an evangelical account of repentance, over against a legal account. This was a concern that he inherited from John Calvin, who stood as... more
My ethnographic fieldwork conducted with female converts to Islam in France and in Quebec (Canada) shows that, for these women, being Muslim does not necessarily mean wearing clothes with ‘oriental’ designs. Rather, they are starting... more
Conversion to Islam is a phenomenon of immense significance in human history. At the outset of Islamic rule in the seventh century, Muslims constituted a tiny minority in most areas under their control. But by the beginning of the modern... more
Siaburcharpat Con Culaind is a great cross-over saga. Cú Chulainn, the greatest of pagan heroes, helps Patrick in his mission to convert the king of Ireland. What does this story tell us about conversion? What role is played by the pagan... more
Between 2014-2016, Sweden received an influx of some 44, 617 unaccompanied refugee minors (UMs), under 18-year-olds who enter the country and seek asylum without a parent. Taking a short-term ethnographic approach, this study looks at... more
The medieval period is marked by a dramatic rivalry between the Pentarchy, and their attempts at territorial and conversional dominion; this is especially so with, notably, the Roman Catholic Church and the ... within. Both Churches were... more
This essay explores the persistent scholarly desires and motivations that structure the historical study of conversion in religious studies. Most “conversion studies” take a phenomenological approach, which acknowledges the diverse... more
In this book, Jenkins presents historical and contemporary narratives and case studies of mass conversion movements to Christianity, Buddhism, and Judaism in India during the 1930s, the 1950s, and the present.
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A strong link between religion and national identity has been particularly important in the study of Eastern and Southeastern Europe during the 20th century. The study of religion and its changes came into the focus of anthropological and... more
This collection of studies by social anthropologists describes the complex and often controversial processes of religious change occurring in the postsocialist world. By critically examining the influx of missionaries, the adoption of... more
"The purpose of this analysis is to provide an overview of the North Korean situation in order to design effective mission strategies among the North Korean people. This analysis will provide a summary overview of the current North... more
in Collectif, Du Maghreb et d’ailleurs, textes pour Mohammed El-Ayadi, Réunis par Mohamed-Sghir, Jenjar, Fondation du Roi Abdul-Aziz, Casablanca, 2015, p. 185-198.
La tétralogie du Roman de Durtal trouve son unité dans le personnage principal à travers lequel Joris-Karl Huysmans retrace les étapes de sa conversion, dans une oeuvre de fiction, composant ainsi une autofiction. Sa démarche d'écriture... more
The article begins with a question whether the tragic message of the cross of Jesus allows Christians to see in the cross not only a reminder of the cruel death of the Saviour but also an important and meaningful call of God.... more
What impact did the cultural origins and religious backgrounds of the merchants in the early modern period have on their business activities? How did these people manage to integrate themselves into the foreign societies within which they... more
Aus Anlass des 200. Todestages des bekannten Orientreisenden Johann Ludwig Burckhardt alias Sheikh Ibrahim fand im Oktober 2017 an der Universität Basel eine internationale Tagung statt. Basierend auf ihren Referaten haben die Autorinnen... more
Within the classicising mindset of many Late Antique Gallo-Roman writers, we witness examples of the learned minority appropriating the right to represent the alleged historical memories of the majority’s pagan past. Distrust towards... more
What is the manner in which Qadiani Ahmadiyya have propagated their beliefs and teachings to Indonesian Muslims and the factors that have attracted people to this movement and led them to convert to Ahmadiyya? What are the social... more
The guiding principles for this four-volume collection of reprinted articles and chapters are straightforward and were reached by consensus among the editors. First, in addition to those classics that are rightly known and respected, we... more
ABSTRACT: Drawing on Bernard Lonergan’s Method in Theology (1972) I argue that theology can be taught because personal knowledge, of which it is an instance, is at the heart of academic inquiry; and it should be taught because critical... more
Ky artikull eksploron mundësinë dhe interesin për të analizuar historisë semantike të termave të fjalorit të institucioneve që shërbejnë për të shprehur nocionet e nderit dhe besimit. Kjo analizë mundëson një qasje krahasuese në... more
3 power points slides that were originally part of a larger presentation on a comparison of the role of Identity in addiction recovery to the role of identity with the process of the Christian conversion experience
This chapter analyses the positionality of Halis—former bonded labourers, ploughers and animal carcass removers—who constitute the most subordinated Scheduled Caste (SC) community within the Gaddi tribal orbit. For many Halis, the... more
Clothes are a means to demonstrate wealth, status, and socio-religious hegemony. Practices of consuming and exchanging clothing enhance or lower one’s status by displaying and creating taste and capital. In Guyana, many Hindus relate... more
The religious conversion is a phenomenon crossing many different disciplines and findings ranging from the medicine, through disciplines such are psychology, religious studies and theology. The aim of this paper is to meaningfully... more