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En este artículo se analizan dos adaptaciones modernas de la novela histórica Amaya o los vascos en el siglo VIII (1877-1879) del escritor católico Francisco Navarro Villoslada, donde la pérdida de España en el año 711 es el resultado de... more
This is an expanded version of an online paper on The Josias. It defends my Leonine interpretation of Dignitatis Humanae, the declaration of the Second Vatican Council that teaches a moral right of the individual, based on their human... more
Le catholicisme intégriste / traditionaliste est une tendance, une forme, ou encore une modalité du catholicisme, interprétable historiquement comme une branche du catholicisme intransigeant ou de l'intransigeantisme catholique, lequel,... more
Le sédévacantisme s'est développé dans le catholicisme français depuis le milieu des années 1960. Expression particulière d'un mouvement international, lié à la contestation de Vatican II, son histoire, cléricale mais aussi laïque, peut... more
I give an account of Catholic integralism, and argue that it gives the most satisfactory reading of Pope St. Gelasius’s teaching on the relation of the auctoritas sacrata of pontiffs and the potestas of emperors. I also consider the... more
Les hommes de la "Pensée catholique" font parties des têtes pensantes du « catholicisme intégral » français des années cinquante, avec leurs capacités et faiblesses. Ces personnalités peu connues sont cependant intéressantes à considérer... more
The article presents a synoptic overview of the Argentine far-right from the early 1980s through the 2000s, focusing on its continuities and changes.
Neste artigo pretende-se trazer ao debate as perspectivas dos ideais e práticas de dois partidos políticos, a Ação Integralista Brasileira e o Aliança pelo Brasil, que, em dois momentos diversos da história do Brasil, evocam um apelo à... more
Wisdom, in the full sense, is a matter of knowing something that is not subject to political deliberation, that is, the First Principle and Last End of all things. It includes understanding the order of all things from that Principle and... more
In the final years of the pontificate of Pius X, that is during the Modernist crisis, the Catholic Integralist circles linked to Umberto Benigni's Sodalitium Pianum were characterized by a marked anti-Jesuitism. Suspected of "liberalism"... more
Modern interpretations of Augustine both liberal and postliberal have tended to see medieval “political Augustinianism” as misunderstanding Augustine’s own subtle account of the relation of temporal and spiritual power. I criticize R.A.... more
The specific consequences and the lasting effects of the modernist crisis (1893-1914) were also visible during the Great War. Even if the war destroyed what was left of the international “modernist” networks, antimodernism continued and... more
The notion of 'Christian Europe' has returned with a vengeance in recent times. It figures prominently in the political rhetoric of conservative nationalists, who link appeals to Europe's Christian heritage and identity to avowedly... more
Christians are often frustrated by the secularism of the modern world, a world which has relegated the transcendent dimensions of human life to the realm of private opinion, while at the same time establishing the State and the Market as... more
Este ensayo estudia las condiciones de posibilidad y el significado histórico de una teoría de conspiración anticomunista publicada en 1950, por un jesuita mexicano llamado Joaquín Cardoso, S,J., titulada El Comunismo y la Conspiración... more
Free full-text article in: During the early years of the 20th century, attempts at dialogue with modern culture and practical... more
A lecture given at the University of Dallas in March 2019 on the relation of spiritual and temporal power in Augustine and his interpreters.
Swiss journalist, writer, and politician James Schwarzenbach (1911-1994) is a controversial figure of Swiss 20th Century history. A fervid anti-Communist and Catholic, he fought in the 1960s and 70s for a massive reduction of immigrants... more
Despite its own claims, integralism is no true alternative to liberalism. It is reactionary—wedded to the liberalism it rejects—and as blind to Christendom’s errors as to the Christian truths liberalism distorts. Moreover, at the very... more
Integralism can only be defeated on theological grounds—by offering a deeper, more expansive narrative of Catholic political thought to counter integralism’s bold but unjustified claims to authenticity.
Probabilmente scritto nella seconda metà del 1939, il testo qui pubblicato, ha per scopo quello di difendere la memoria integralista e la sopravvivenza del “Partito di Pio X”, in un momento di transizione segnato dall’avvento del nuovo... more
First, this book chapter revolves around the relationship between the Fascist movement and the Catholic Church in Brazil. Working with the approach of the ‘Critical Religion’, I investigated four different formulations of the ‘Apostles'... more
Since the Catholic Church’s enthusiastic embrace of liberal-democratic models at Vatican II, there has been a growing awareness that liberalism is not as congenial to Christianity as once hoped. Many have struggled to reformulate the... more