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Les catastrophes industrielles sont désormais largement représentées ; leurs images atteignent une forme paroxystique dans l’accident nucléaire. Il s’agira d’aborder certaines séries photographiques prenant pour sujet un environnement... more
This text was originally written for the tenth anniversary issue of the Journal of Environmental Thought and Education (Japan). This is an expanded and revised version (June 20, 2018). Links to several earlier versions are included.
La relación entre mito y catástrofe es útil para analizar la cinematografía de Werner Herzog. Tomando como referencia esta relación, y focalizándose en el tratamiento narrativo dado a los personajes y a los paisajes, este artículo compara... more
Es ging mir darum, die Theorie zu erklären; es ging mir nicht darum, formale Beweise anzugeben. Aus dem gleichen Grund habe ich gelegentlich bestimmte Berechnungen in einer ebenso direkten wie uneleganten Weise durchgeführt, auch wenn... more
SIMULATION OF THREE COMPETING FLOOD MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES - A CASE STUDY Lisa Brouwers Karin Hansson Love Ekenberg Dept. of Computer and Systems Sciences Stockholm University/KTH ...
Since the 1970s, human ecologists, geographers, Marxian political economists and others have insisted that there is no such thing as a 'natural' disaster. This assertion opened a space not only for exploring socioeconomic conditions... more
The characterization of the population dynamics of animal populations and dispersal provides the underlying setting of this article. Novel results emerge from our exploration of the role of disease in this context. We focus on the study... more
T o think of contingency today means to reflect on a series of other concepts, such as chance, accident, rupture, shock, catastrophe, chaos, fortune, luck, indetermination and freedom, and to dialectically confront them with as many... more
RESUMO O artigo elege a “juste image” de Godard para uma revisita crítica à tese da irrepresentabilidade da Shoah. Nesse caminho, faz o reconhecimento de uma arte da dor godardiana e da montagem em catástrofe aí envolvida para suspeitar... more
RESUMO O artigo elege a “juste image” de Godard para uma revisita crítica à tese da irrepresentabilidade da Shoah. Nesse caminho, faz o reconhecimento de uma arte da dor godardiana e da montagem em catástrofe aí envolvida para suspeitar... more
Após a Guerra do Paraguai (1864-1870), na qual o país foi devastado, inicia-se uma corrente idealizada na literatura paraguaia, em que o conto "De aquel viejo dolor" (La casa y su sombra, de Teresa Lamas, 1955), é um dos seus últimos e... more
A prosimetrum -- mixture of six convergent sections each having one short poem and one piece of essayistic or argumentative prose. Part 1: the ice age of catastrophic capitalist economy, whose purpose of profit entails mass dying and... more
The present article chooses Godard's “juste image” for a critical revisit to the thesis of Shoah's irrepresentability. In this way, the article recognizes a Godardian art of pain and the montage en catastrophe there involved to cast doubt... more