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Tas Walker

ton’s life in stunning detail against the background of his Scottish culture. Most people today have not heard of Hutton, but scientists call him ‘the father of modern geology’. Repcheck ranks him as one of the four outstand-ing pioneers... more
ton’s life in stunning detail against the background of his Scottish culture. Most people today have not heard of Hutton, but scientists call him ‘the father of modern geology’. Repcheck ranks him as one of the four outstand-ing pioneers of science in the last 500 years whose concepts have revolution-ized Western thinking. The other three are Copernicus, Galileo and Darwin—all household names. Hutton never achieved the same recognition, yet his ideas pro-foundly changed the way modern peo-ple look at the world. Like a wedge, his ideas have split the connection between science and its Christian foundation. The details of Hutton’s life are engrossing. So is Repcheck’s tour of 17th century Edinburgh. I enjoyed reading about the political turmoil, the armies, the battles and the intellectual environment of the time. By including personal anecdotes, Repcheck warms our hearts. His style is so arresting and the atmosphere so enticing that we can unwittingly drop our guard and accept Hutton...
for his work on radioactive dating and the age of the earth. It traces how ideas about the age of the earth changed over one man’s lifetime. Dr Lewis is a geologist/geochemist, currently working as Research Communications
Confronting the suppression of scientific truth The book of Genesis is constantly under attack from many sources, but perhaps the most damaging attacks come from within the modern church. With leaders and influencers advocating an... more
Confronting the suppression of scientific truth The book of Genesis is constantly under attack from many sources, but perhaps the most damaging attacks come from within the modern church. With leaders and influencers advocating an old-earth view of the world, it’s no wonder that people’s confidence in the authority of God’s Word has been shaken. In The Genesis Factor: Myths and Realities, leading voices in the creationist movement use scientific and historical evidence to defend the first book of the Bible from compromise positions. The reader will explore the accuracy of the Word from its very first verse—as well as the validity of this biblical worldview. Contributors to this groundbreaking book include Henry M. Morris,
best’, the new book by Alan Cutler called The Seashell on the Mountaintop raises perplexing questions. The book is said to be a sophisticated biography of the 17th-century Dane, Nicolaus Steno, whom Stephen Jay Gould called ‘the founder... more
best’, the new book by Alan Cutler called The Seashell on the Mountaintop raises perplexing questions. The book is said to be a sophisticated biography of the 17th-century Dane, Nicolaus Steno, whom Stephen Jay Gould called ‘the founder of modern geology’. But in reality, the book by Cutler projects a modern skepticism onto events that bears very little connection with the true history. Although Cutler’s writing is witty and well researched, his whole outlook is coloured by such an anti-biblical mindset that he reads motives and consequences into events that are just not there. Cutler portrays Steno as discovering ‘deep time’—that the earth must be millions of years older than the Bible claimed. Nothing could be further than the truth. Is this a rewrite of history aimed at discrediting the Bible? The New York Times ’ review of the book makes that connection. It said ‘Nearly half the people of our country today don’t accept evo-lution. Predictably, they have trouble with concepts of ...
A trail of fossilized claw marks found in northern Spain reveals the desperation of animals struggling to escape drowning in the Genesis Flood. Ruben Ezquerra and four other researchers describe in the journal Geology a large theropod... more
A trail of fossilized claw marks found in northern Spain reveals the desperation of animals struggling to escape drowning in the Genesis Flood. Ruben Ezquerra and four other researchers describe in the journal Geology a large theropod dinosaur battling against a strong current in deep water, trying to maintain its course.1 They reported a trackway of 12 footprints preserved in sandstone. The series of S-shaped scratch marks picture a beas t c lawing at the sand on the bottom as it pushed through water about 3 m (10 ft) deep. It left claw marks o n l y b e c a u s e its weight was mostly supported by the water as it struggled to swim against the flow. Ripple marks preserved around the tracks confirm the direction of the current and the depth of the water. Each footprint had two or three l o n g, s l e n d e r grooves cut by the dinosaur ’s rear claws as it thrashed on tip-toe (figure 1). Its left foot was pushing forward, s c r a t c h i n g grooves in the direction of its movement. ...
A BIBLICAL GEOLOGIC MODEL TAS WALKER B.Eng. (Hons), Ph.D. 34 Fawkner Street CHAPEL HILL Old 4069 Australia This paper describes a geologic model based on a plain reading of the Bible. A simple diagram is presented detailing the model and... more
A BIBLICAL GEOLOGIC MODEL TAS WALKER B.Eng. (Hons), Ph.D. 34 Fawkner Street CHAPEL HILL Old 4069 Australia This paper describes a geologic model based on a plain reading of the Bible. A simple diagram is presented detailing the model and graphically illustrating the concepts. Each feature of the model is labelled. The terms used are consistent with the Biblical record, are in plain language intelligible to ordinary people, and are sufficiently well defined to enable ongoing discussion and evaluation within the scientific community. Characteristics of significance to the Biblical model have been identified with a view to classifying the rocks in the field and assisting in geologic research. The paper proposes that the model be tested against real geological sections and eventually used to reclassify geologic reference materials, such as maps, map commentaries, field guides, and handbooks, in terms of a Biblical model. It is suggested that the model, adapted to suit the needs of the a...
... Hong, SW, Na, SS, Hyun, BS, Hong, SY, Gong, DS, Kang, KJ, Suh, SH, Lee, KH and Je, YG, Safety investigation of Noah's Ark in a seaway, TJ 8(1):26–36, 1994. ... Facebook! StumbleUpon! Spurl! Newsvine! Free social... more
... Hong, SW, Na, SS, Hyun, BS, Hong, SY, Gong, DS, Kang, KJ, Suh, SH, Lee, KH and Je, YG, Safety investigation of Noah's Ark in a seaway, TJ 8(1):26–36, 1994. ... Facebook! StumbleUpon! Spurl! Newsvine! Free social bookmarking plugins and extensions for Joomla! websites! ...

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