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Structural Vulnerability and HealtH among SeaSonal agricultural Workers in Canada. This article explains how migrant Mexican agricultural workers experience situations of risk that make them structurally vulnerable in the area of health.... more
Recent and past evaluations and comments of students who completed requirements for the core counselor training content from the Online College of Mental Health Counselling at
While the boundary between Canada and the United States has rhetorically been dubbed ‘the longest undefended border in the world’, Canadian narratives have vigorously sought to defend the border in symbolic terms. In 1972, Margaret Atwood... more
The paper addresses questions concerning the place and role of Canadian sociology in the larger global context. In what ways can Canadian sociology complementglobal sociology? What challenges face Canadian sociology in universities... more
Author: Herb Wyile This article revisits Jane Urquhart's 2001 novel The Stone Carvers in light of the Conservative Party of Canada's reframing of national identity, particularly its emphasis on Canada's military and its privileging of... more
Helmcken Falls is a 141 m (463 ft) waterfall on the Murtle River within Wells Gray Provincial Park in British Columbia, Canada. The protection of Helmcken Falls was one of the reasons for the creation of Wells Gray Provincial Park in... more
Marion I. Young's concept of a close relation of feminism and multiculturalism. How could it be then (the early 90.) possible?
The first comprehensive historical biography of Bishop Nykyta Budka. an important figure in Ukrainian, Canadian, and Catholic history. His appointment on 15 July 1912, was the first time the Apostolic See of Rome named an Eastern... more
Article documenting the literary contribution of Thomas D'Arcy McGee to the Irish and Canadian nations.
L’œil du maître interroge le mythe du maître chez nous qui définit les luttes souverainistes au Québec, la relation au territoire et aux Premières Nations. Contre la conquête, la domination, la surveil-lance, Dalie Giroux revendique une... more
Er(r)go…, Kanada. Ale Kanada już nie jako mit dalekiego Edenu – ,,kraina żywicą pachnąca" – lecz jako laboratorium wielokulturowości, politycznie usankcjonowany eksperyment wzajemnego wszczepiania tkanki Innego i Tożsamego; a zatem Kanada... more
In this keynote address, I explore racial microaggressions that Black male and female lawyers experience in the workplace and discuss strategies to manage them.
This paper reflects on the art activism that sprung from the Idle No More movement, alternatively known as the Indigenous Nationalism Movement. Despite Bill C-45's passage, Indigenous activism continues to gain momentum, and comments on... more
In Essex County, in Secret Path (his collaboration with Gord Downie), in Roughneck, and in his creation of the indigenous Canadian superhero Equinox for Justice League United: Canada, Jeff Lemire highlights a vision of the Canadian... more
Indigenous history is commonly approached as a counter-narrative, treated as if it threatens some stable, communal understanding of history and place. A Western epistemology has rigidly shaped how most Torontonians see, and as a result it... more
Canadian English has constituted a separate variety of English for several decades; however, outside Canada and the States not many people know about it, and additionally, for the past few years it has been highly influenced by its... more
A detailed history and analysis of the film Hard Core Logo (1996) by Bruce McDonald, this book considers the film in relation to Canadian cinema and music, the road movie, and the study of masculinity. Part of the Canadian Cinema series... more
An investigation of the development and character of megachurches in Canada, including some statistics and a case study of The Meeting House, an "irreligious" megachurch in 17 sites across Ontario.
Unlike French-speaking Canadians whose language set them apart from the rest of North America, English-speaking Canadians shared the same language as Americans. Or, at least, so it seemed. A band of lexicographers in the Canadian... more
За полтора столетия, прошедшие после создания канадской федерации, “страна кленового листа” проделала путь от самоуправляющейся колонии в составе Британской империи до одного из наиболее развитых государств мирового сообщества.... more
For 17 years, between 1988 and 2005, victims of the multitude of abuses at Indian Residential Schools tried to obtain justice through Canada's civil court system. They were fought at every stage and with every litigation manoeuvre... more
A recurring theme in the narration of Indigenous– settler relations is the evocation of Indigenous– settler societal unification through intermarriage. Among the earliest proponents of this view was Samuel de Champlain, who famously told... more
Cette thèse porte sur la production, l’articulation télévisuelle et la réception médiatique et populaire des dix-sept épisodes de la série Canada : A People’s History/Le Canada, une histoire populaire, présentée sur les ondes de... more
Предлагаемое учебно-методическое пособие призвано помочь студентам, аспирантам и всем, кто интересуется историей Канады и вопросами национальной политики. Объектом внимания в нём является канадская государственная национальная... more
Bois-Brûlés is a translation of the book by the same name that was awarded the 2020 "Prix de Canada" for the best French-language book receiving funding from the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences' (FHSS) Awards to... more
For the past five years, I have been studying race shifting among white French descendants, those who count among their ancestors the first French settlers in the Americas (pre-1665). Most of this population currently resides in the... more
Why did it take so long before civil lawsuits went to court for Indian Residential Schools in Canada? This paper notes that in 1857 Canada enacted a law for the "gradual civilization" of Indians. The paper questions who needed to be... more
This paper provides a chronological sequence of the laws that were used to create and enforce Indian Residential Schools in Canada. The paper provides extensive excerpts from the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of... more
Canada requires new citizens and an assortment of legislators, law enforcers and public servants to swear an oath of allegiance to Queen Elizabeth the Second and her heirs and successors. This paper examines the history of the oath of... more
The Canadian ‘home’, intended as “the space-group-time entity in which individuals spend the greater part of their lives” , looks like constantly working to rearrange itself from the inside, dealing with the many single and collective... more
This article won the Journal's R.W. Jackson award for best article published in 2017. - As Canada prepares to turn 150, this article discusses what curricular shifts are necessary to reconcile history education’s disciplinary tools with... more