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Il volume intende affrontare, secondo una chiave di lettura pedagogico-didattica, il tema dell’introduzione dei videogiochi nei percorsi formativi, scolastici e non. Frutto di un lavoro comune degli autori nella riflessione e nella... more
Information and Communication Technologies are usually presented as neutral in environmental terms, highlighting their benefits in comparison with other energy sources very frequently. However, its material impact increases due to the... more
İletişim olgusu, toplumsal bir varlık olan insan için her dönem önemli bir konuma sahip olmuştur. Tarihin ilk dönemlerinden itibaren doğa ile iç içe yaşayan insan beslenme, barınma ve korunma gibi temel ihtiyaçlarını giderirken iletişim... more
"WHY do Pacific Islanders want to become journalists? In spite of often tense relationships between governments and the media in the region, and poor pay and working conditions, growing numbers of young Pacific Islanders are choosing a... more
This PDF includes Chapters 1 and 2 of the innovative text anthology, designed for use in Media Studies courses, especially large lecture courses like "Media and Society." -- The book combines movies and texts to introduce students to... more
Disrupting the Gaze is written in three parts. The first chapter Art Intervention and the Tate Gallery investigates contemporary art intervention at the Tate Gallery. It includes artists, art groups and activists: Graham Harwood,... more
This article explores a wide range of issues linked to the central theme: the use of the smartphone in the period of early formation of candidates intending to join the Salesians of Don Bosco. It begins with a brief presentation of the... more
College seniors exist in a challenging period where lives previously based on linear course-planning transition into the uncertainty of the young-professional world (Daniels, Stewart, Stupnisky, Perry, & LoVerso, 2011). Academically and... more
The book presents the results of an evaluation of the investment of regional policy in digital technologies in Southern Italy schools in the seven years 2007-2013. The study had three main purposes: to understand how digital technologies... more
In this paper we articulate an alternative approach to look at video games and learning to become a creator and contributor in the digital culture. Previous discussions have focused mostly on playing games and learning. Here, we discuss... more
Questo articolo presenta e commenta una ricerca di Ruben Durante, Paolo Pinotti e Andrea Tesei sugli effetti della tv commerciale italiana degli anni 80 sul pubblico dei DECENNI successivi. L’esposizione dei ragazzi alla tv commerciale... more
The digitally marginalised communities are in focus in the EU-funded Rural Wings project 2006-2008. The aim is to identify and analyze the user learning needs in non-connected communities and to meet these needs by providing satellite... more
• In Slovenia, the concept of media literacy has been integrated into the formal education system, including early childhood education. The Preschool Curriculum sets certain goals to be followed in educating preschool children on... more
Краеведческая деятельность в школе приобретает особую значимость при медиаобразовательной поддержке. Подход к этой теме требует высокой ответственности и профессионализма, как со стороны учителя, так и со стороны представителей органов... more
Trabalho apresentado no GT Práticas de educação, preservação e acervo de histórias de vida e memórias. Simpósio Internacional de Comunicação e Cultura: Aproximações com Memória e História Oral, realizado na Universidade São Caetano do... more
Higher education in India, like in any other developing country is facing sharp criticism for its apparent inability to provide education, relevant to the needs and aspirations of the knowledge seekers apart from providing employability.... more
Nell'articolo sì parte dal presupposto che la cultura popolare e le sue espressioni artistiche, spesso ancora caratterizzate come moralmente pericolose e artisticamente scadenti, siano invece i luoghi attraverso i quali Dio si può... more
Il volume raccoglie i risultati di un’indagine valutativa sugli investimenti della politica regionale in tecnologie digitali nelle scuole del Sud Italia, nel settennio 2007-2013. L’obiettivo è quello di capire cosa hanno fatto le scuole... more
This book chapter is published in the book G.L.O.B.A.L.Z.A.T.I.O.N, Art and Educaiton at National Art Education Association (NAEA, 2009).
This article looks at the state of media education in Finland in the autumn of 2015 by answering the question: what is the definition of media education on the curriculum level in basic education and in the Master's Degree programs of... more
Abstract: The article presents an analysis, by way of exploratory research, focuses on the value that Latin American field experts accord the environmental dimension in media education. For this purpose, we use as the study sample the... more
Thsi is from Learning, Media and Technology, 31(1), 51-66. It concerns a teacher education project with digital video production during their training and reflects on the processes involved inclduing aspects of creativity.
A personal reflection on the identification and use of threshold concepts (TCs) in relation to teaching Scottish Qualifications Authority Higher Media. It draws on ideas from cognitive science and identifies possible candidates as media... more
Technology supplements to college textbooks, such as self-guided quizzes and exercises available over the Internet, have become commonplace. The current study examined student perceptions regarding the utility of technology supplements... more
The purpose of this article is to analyse the concept of media education. The analysis is first based on some preliminary ideas already presented in Tella (1997c). In addition, this article aims to shed some light on the relationships... more
Der österreichische Photochemiker und -historiker Josef Maria Eder (1855-1944) verkörpert in mancher Hinsicht die Summe der photographischen Kultur des 19. Jahrhunderts. Er wird in "Photographie als Wissenschaft" mit eigenen... more
Journalists are not only storyteller but also they are the watchdog of the society for different dimensions. In the era of globalization when everything is changing very fast, the status of all human being is also changing with the same... more
This thoroughly revised and updated third edition provides a comprehensive introduction to the various approaches to the field, explaining why media messages matter, how media businesses prosper and why media is integral to defining... more
What might be called the “benevolent billionaire model” for supporting journalism begs the obvious point that not all billionaires are benevolent.
Texto propõe discutir e apresentar possibilidades prático-reflexivas do uso das mídias no campo da Educação Física, sob a perspectiva da Mídia-educação (Física), publicado na coletânea " Diálogo entre Educação Física e Comunicação... more