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Borrowing from film and filmmaking styles, techniques and devices that manipulate spectators ’ attention and experience, this paper proposes an approach to inform design of games and gameplay to manipulate player’s focus of attention and... more
We present the design of a system combining augmented reality (AR) and gamification to support elderly persons' rehabilitation activities. The system is attached to the waist; it collects detailed movement data and at the same time... more
La crisis sanitaria global que alteró todos los ámbitos de la vida social renovó el debate sobre cuáles son las competencias y saberes necesarios para desempeñarse de manera efectiva en los escenarios atravesados por la digitalización y... more
As the critical challenges of climate change escalate, the need to disseminate essential information about the situation increases. Climate change discourse, however, tends to be general and global, as well as scientific and abstract.... more
Handheld Augmented Reality (AR) relies on a spatial coupling of the on-screen content with the physical surrounding. To help the design of such systems and to classify existing AR systems, we present a framework made of three categories... more
The purpose of this study is to investigate the specific features of the articles on augmented reality (AR) published in the journals of education indexed in the SSCI database between 2012 and 2017. In this context, the articles were... more
We hope this email finds you well! Currently, we are in the process of editing a forthcoming publication entitled Mobile Technologies and Augmented Reality in Open Education, to be published by IGI Global, an international publisher of... more
The purpose of this study is to investigate the specific features of the articles on augmented reality (AR) published in the journals of education indexed in the SSCI database between 2012 and 2017. In this context, the articles were... more
We present the design of a system combining augmented reality (AR) and gamification to support elderly persons’ rehabilitation activities. The system is attached to the waist; it collects detailed movement data and at the same time... more
Parcours* - A Personal Survey through the Digital Wilderness Gudrun Bielz Within the context of my PhD research for 'Arctificial Territories' I will conduct a personal survey of the following areas, utilising blogging, writing, audio... more
In this paper, we describe the development and operating principles of an immersive virtual reality (VR) visualisation environment that is designed around the use of consumer VR headsets in an existing wide area motion capture suite. We... more
Assessing underlying realities of accounting's