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Agriculture is commonly referred to as a labor intensive sector. Thus there is a need to automate the various processes involved with proper monitoring. Swarm robotics is one form of network architecture implementation in which multiple... more
Line maze solving algorithm is an algorithm used to solve a maze made of lines to be traced by a mobile robot. But it is designed only for lines with right angle intersection or turn. Meanwhile in real world, there are also curved and... more
Medical imaging archive has been a subject which the health care industry struggles with due to growing longterm cost of managing an onsite. As per the current trend, over hundred billion diagnostic imaging/scanning procedures will be... more
La placa Arduino UNO proporciona entradas analógicas, pero no cuenta con salidas analógicas, solo con salidas Digitales y señales PWM. Las señales PWM en algunos casos pueden servir para simular salidas analógicas, sin embargo, en... more
To address the requirement for three-phase inverters in microgrid systems or sustainable-powered industrial facilities, a MOSFET-based three-phase inverter is designed and implemented, which can convert DC power into three-phase AC. The... more
This paper is aimed at harvesting the photovoltaic systems extracting power under difficult irradiance and load conditions, by proposing a novel maximum power point tracking (MPPT). This proposed MPPT tactic has been examined under... more
Najran city faces the flood situation every year due to intensive rain and climatic disturbances. Flooding also causes loss of money, along with loss of life and property and the destruction of agriculture and livestock. Thus, this... more
This paper proposes a cheap solution to be a starting point for building smart electrical power billing systems. Electrical power has many challenges issues in Iraq, one of these challenges and the most important is the Billing system.... more
Este documento es un manual para los que inician en la programacion de sensores analógicos y digitales utilizando la plataforma de Tinkercad
في يومنا هذا, جميعنا نتهافت الى تعلم اللغات الأجنبية, و ترجمة جل أعمالنا اليها, غافلين عن لغتنا الأم و متجاهلين قوتها و جماليتها, وهذا ما حاولنا اثباته من خلال هذا التقرير المتواضع الذي قمنا من خلاله بعرض مجموعة من الأعمال التطبيقية التي... more
Accidents are major issues these days. There are 2 basic reasons: Several accidents occur due to rash driving caused by drunken drivers. The second kind of accident occurs due to the sleepy-eyed condition of the person driving while... more
This paper presents an outdoor mobile robot that can be controlled remotely using an android phone. With the help of the sensors, the robot was programmed to navigate within the bounded field, detectthe motion in the surroundings and can... more
Mute input device Vocalizer could be a massive scale microcontroller based mostly system being designed to facilitate the communication among the dumb and deaf individuals by manufacturing a speech and text signal. This system can be... more
This paper presents soil characterization and classification using computer vision & sensor network approach. Gravity Analog Soil Moisture Sensor with arduino-uno and image processing is considered for classification and characterization... more
This paper deals with the manufacturing of a Prototype of Rotary Car Parking System using Sensors. Lack of space availability has always been a problem in urban areas and major cities and to add to it there are cars parked callously on... more
With an outsized population and enormous quantity of vehicles, there's conjointly a giant hassle of automotive accidents or road accidents, and with these overcrowded roads, there's a problem of delay in first aid service. To overcome... more
Scarcity of water is one of the major problems in the current development of the agriculture sector and due to increase in jobs in cities there is less labor for the management of crops. The proposed system provides improvement in... more
As we all know that sense of vision to person is a crucial factor in our life, however there's some folks that have lack of quality as a result of sightlessness the target of this project is employed to assist the blind individuals and... more
−This paper presents an industrial monitoring system design using the Internet of Things (IoT). The gas sensor (MQ-5) captured information is posted into a data cloud. The sensor detects the leakage of gas under most atmospheric... more
Few decades, it is very difficult to Monitoring and eradicating the problem of sewage outlet system. Most of the cities and towns the clog in the sewage system will collapse to an overflow in streets. It is very dangerous for affecting... more
Medicine intake, as prescribed by physicians and health care providers, is important not only for minimizing the risk of relapse but also to treating conditions and improving one's overall well-being. However, adherence to a... more
Plotting Robot is a robot that prints an image or text on A3 paper, and the photos are given to it through a computer or mobile program that identifies the microcontroller used in the project and on the Arduino by converting image... more
Implementasi Internet of Things (IoT) dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi kerugian waktu yang dialami pemilik motor ketika motornya dicuri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan mengembangkan sistem yang mampu mendeteksi secara dini... more
RGB light are special lights, with only one LED which is capable of emitting red, green & blue with a single LED (Light Emitting Diode). Though there are such LEDs present in market which come pre-programmed. What we are talking about is... more
The Sign Language and Speech Translation System through Smartphone with Android Application (SignSpeak) utilizing a Wearable Device was developed to have bidirectional communication assistance for speech and hearing-impaired (HI)... more
This project is based on a Real-Time College Bus Tracking Application which runs on the website. This enables students to find out the location of the bus so that they won't get late or won't arrive at the stop too early. The main purpose... more
The Arduino based gaussmeter is used to measure magnetic field using Hall Effect sensor. In this project the 12-bit MCP3201 (Microchip Technology Analog to Digital Converter) is used. The sensitivity of 12-bit ADC is 819 and operating... more
Nowadays traffic management is a domain in which a huge amount of work is done to improve the conditions on the road. A major reason of which is the delays of the red light due to hard coded delays and not on the basis of real time... more
Design a motorcycle security system with a fingerprint sensor using an Arduino Uno microcontroller usually only uses an ignition that functions to start the motorcycle. Thus it is often easily damaged by thieves who try to take a... more
Many advances in technology have made the agriculture business a much less labor-intensive industry. Farmers are looking for new ways to implement technology to cut costs and reduce labor hours. One of the ways that farmers are beginning... more
Robotic arm is defined as study, design , fabrication and use of robotic arm for manufacturing and other such work. With rise in manufacturing activities a robotic arm is developed to help various industry in performing work without use... more
This paper is aimed at harvesting the photovoltaic systems extracting power under difficult irradiance and load conditions, by proposing a novel maximum power point tracking (MPPT). This proposed MPPT tactic has been examined under... more
To address the requirement for three-phase inverters in microgrid systems or sustainable-powered industrial facilities, a MOSFET-based three-phase inverter is designed and implemented, which can convert DC power into three-phase AC. The... more
Traditionally, visually challenged individuals employ the white cane to aid their mobility outdoors, which provides very limited utility. In order to improve the safety of visually challenged users and enhance their awareness of their... more
La Guía didáctica de robótica educativa con Arduino es una herramienta digital que integra diferentes actividades guiadas para el diseño y construcción de prototipos robotizados basados en la tecnología Arduino, orientadas para los... more
This paper is on the Smart car parking system. In which we going to use the IR sensor to detect the vehicle and it will help the owner to find a convenient parking spot. This project will help to resolve the parking problems. Parking... more
Nowadays, Over 37,000 people die in road accidents each year because medical aid cannot reach to the location in time. This system aims to alert the nearby medical center and register mobile numbers about the accident to provide immediate... more
For any operations, the patient being in an anesthetic condition is must. The patient won't feel any pain during the medical procedure using anesthetics. The impact of the anesthesia should be there how long the operation goes and for... more
Controller Area Network (CAN) is an attractive alternative in the automotive and automation industries due to its is ease in use, low cost and provided reduction in wiring complexity. This system describes the implementation of a... more
The purpose of this paper is to solve the road safety issues present in our country. In today's scenario lots of accidents happen on roads which result in a huge number of fatalities. The idea is to introduce a Vehicle to Vehicle... more
This whiteboard cleaner is the machine that can clean automatically the desired part of whiteboard by using IR remote. The machine can support to perform the work easier and to make the user more comfortable. Whiteboard is large in size... more
This paper presents an industrial monitoring system design using the Internet of Things (IoT). The gas sensor (MQ-5) captured information is posted into a data cloud. The sensor detects the leakage of gas under most atmospheric... more
This project is based on Vibration Detection using the Internet of Things. Vibration monitoring is the measurement of passing movements in a structure. This project involves developing an SMS alert when unusual vibrations are detected. It... more
Electricity theft is a common practice in developing countries which cannot be controlled by the governments due to lack of technology. Emerging trends such as Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) eliminate the need of person visiting each house... more
Recently, there is increasing public awareness of the real time air quality due to air pollution can cause severe effects to human health and environments. The Air Pollutant Index (API) in Malaysia is measured by Department of Environment... more
ÖZET İnsan beyni ile elektronik sistemlerin bağlantısını sağlayan ve beyin sinyallerinden anlamlı sonuçlar elde ederek bilişsel işlevleri ve motor fonksiyonların yapılmasında kullanılan sistemlere bilgisayar beyin ara yüzü (BBA)... more