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West Midlands Region


The West Midlands Deanery has a friendly and well-organised ACCS and EM training scheme.  ACCS and CT3 trainees have monthly regional teaching sessions and Higher Specialist Trainees meet weekly for teaching.  There is regular additional exam-focussed teaching and also the opportunity for additional ultrasound teaching.


Chair of Regional Training Committee and Higher Specialist Training Lead: Ellen Jones, EM Consultant, Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust

Head of School: Andy Malins, Anaesthetics Consultant, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Training Programme Director (North region): Mark Poulson, EM Consultant, University Hospital North Staffordshire

Training Programme Direction (South region): Helen Chatwin, EM Consultant, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

ACCS(EM) Leads: Su Dorrian & Arne Rose, EM Consultants, Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust

ACCS Training Programme Direction: Tom Gallacher, Anaesthetics & ICM Consultant, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

CT3 Paediatric Emergency Medicine Lead: Kath Berry, PEM Consultant, Birmingham Children's Hospital

CT3 Adult Emergency Medicine Lead: Peter Doyle, EM Consultant, Russell's Hall Hospital

HST Rotations Lead: Tom Kippax, EM Consultant, Russell's Hall Hospital

Simulation training lead: Louise Woolrich-Burt, EM Consultant, University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire

ACCS Teaching Lead: Edward Hartley

Less Than Full Time Training Leads: Rachel Boddy & Shewli Rahman, EM Consultants, Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust

Training Committee Chair: Catrin Dyer, ST6, Subspecialty in Paediatric EM

LTFT Trainee Representative: Katie Wright, SpR

ACCS Trainee Representative: Brijesh Patel, CT2 ACCS(EM)

Website/Communications Representative: Emma Jenkinson, ST3

HST Teaching Leads: Shewli Rahman and Fiona Vij, EM Consultants, Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust