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Trainee survey and report

Trainees' Survey 2015:

The 2015 survey of trainees in Emergency Medicine has been completed and data is being processed.  It is expected to be published in November 2015.

Trainee's survey 2013:

Our 2013 survey of trainees in Emergency Medicine found that there are a number of concerns that trainees have.  These are primarily:

  1.        The poor work/life balance of the consultant workforce is of concern and off putting as a prospect for trainees.
  2.        Trainees emphasised that the major factor that would influence the attractiveness of a post was the team and consultant colleagues they would be working with, the remuneration plan and familiarity with that department.
  3.        A fifth of trainees said they would not plan to stay in Emergency Medicine, including 13% who plan to work overseas. 

The College has been calling for improved terms and conditions for all those working in acute specialties and this survey underlines the need for NHS employers to focus urgently on retaining talent in Emergency Medicine.

The report on the survey is here, and the accompanying press release is here.