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CESR (Article 14)

Information for doctors who wish to apply for UK Specialist Registration

It is a legal requirement for doctors to have their names entered on the General Medical Council's (GMC's) Specialist Register before taking up a substantive, honorary or fixed term NHS consultant post in the UK. Most doctors achieve this by completing a UK training programme resulting in the award of a Certificate of Completion of Training. However specialists who have not undergone a UK training programme are now able to apply for evaluation of their specialist training, qualifications, experience and knowledge to determine whether it is equivalent to the UK CCT.

  • GMC CESR application pack and guidance (
  • Specialty Specific Guidance for Emergency Medicine (Click here)
  • Emergency Medicine curriculum (Click here to view page)
  • Fellowship Exam of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (FCEM) - Go to the FCEM page of this website for eligibility requirements and further information about the exam.


Entry criteria

You may apply for assessment in the specialty of Emergency Medicine if you have had a period of training or a qualification in Accident & Emergency Medicine/Emergency Medicine wherever obtained. You must be able to demonstrate that your qualifications, training, experience and knowledge are equivalent to that of a UK consultant in the NHS.


How to apply for a Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration (CESR)

Applications are made directly to the General Medical Council (GMC) under Article 14 of the General Medical Practice and Specialist Medical Evaluation Training and Qualifications Order 2003. 

You will find an application pack and guidance notes on the GMC website:


Specialty Specific Guidance and GMC Generic Guidance

The Specialty Specific Guidance informs applicants of the criteria against which all applications will be evaluated. This document should be read in conjunction with GMC's Generic Guidance, downloadable from the GMC website:



Applicants will be expected to meet the skills and knowledge outlined in the Royal College of Emergency Medicine's current curriculum



Contact GMC for information about the application process at

Contact the Royal College of Emergency Medicine at


Fellowship Exam

Those preparing to apply for a CESR and who meet the experience/training requirements are eligible to sit the Fellowship exam. The application form, details about the exam and regulations are available on the Exams/FCEM page of this website.