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Posts Tagged ‘terrorism’

Muslim Police are wrong about far-Right terror

Thursday, January 21st, 2010
NAMP is a body that represents Muslim police officers

NAMP is a body that represents Muslim police officers

The National Association of Muslim Police (NAMP)’s submission to the House of Commons’ Communities and Local Government Committee gives a dangerously misleading account of the threat of white extremist violence.

NAMP told the committee that it believed that the threat from far-Right groups was greater than Islamist terrorists. It said that the Government’s policies to tackle Islamic extremism is failing and contributing to the ”promotion of Islamophobia.” In light of the recent attempted suicide bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who was a student at UCL in London, where intelligence sources believe he was encouraged to become an extremist through the university’s Islamic Society, NAMP believes, according to the Daily Mail’s report, that the Government is “wrong to blame Islam as the main ‘driver’ of terrorist activity.”

NAMP’s submission to the Commons CLG committee comes after the recent reassessment of how we approach terrorism and airport security. Both the US and UK governments have both said that they may consider profiling people as a means to making flights more safe for passengers. This could mean young Muslim men are more likely to be singled out.  

Nothing British believes that NAMP’s statement to the committee is not correct. Furthermore, it has also misinterpreted the government’s policies on Islamic extremism on UK university campuses (for more on Islamic extremism in UK universities please see the Centre for Social Cohesion’s thorough report here).

1. Far-right extremism is a greater threat to UK security

The rise of UK white nationalist extremism is undoubtedly a concern, but it has not yet converted itself into terrorism and violence. There have of course been isolated incidents like Terence Gavan and Neil Lewington in the last year, but they have been acting as ”lone wolfs” and not part of some major organised command structure. According to Europol’s most recent report into terrorism, the total number of those arrested for far-Right related terrorism across the EU in 2008 was zero. Compared to 187 for Islamist related terror arrests in the same year.

Anti-Muslim groups like the EDL, which have gained a high media profile through its controversial marches, have not yet manifested themselves into full blown terrorist organisations. Whilst distasteful, organisations like Blood and Honour, the violent neo-Nazi organisation with links to the terror group Combat-18, are too disorganised and fractured to pose any serious security threat at present – this view is shared by Scotland Yard according to Nothing British’s recent meetings with Police.

“These groups are obnxious and one day they could be dangerous, but as things stand there is no evidence that we are on the brink of a white supremecist uprising,” said James Bethell, Director of Nothing British.

2. Hatred towards Muslims has grown because of government anti-terrorism policy

Hate crime against Muslims in recent years has actually fallen.

According to the government’s most recent stats on hate crime towards Muslims, from April 2007 to March 2008, the Metropolitan Police registered 106 anti-Muslim incidents and 89 crimes. Although this figure is still too high (crimes against Jews are far higher please see the CST’s report here), it is still a dramatic decrease and is following an overall trend in declining faith hate crimes over the past three years (1,103 crimes in 2005/2006; 823 crimes in 2006/2007 and 521 crimes in 2007/2008).

However, NB believes that the government’s integration policy has failed both Muslims and non-Muslims through the pursuit of multi-culturalism, which has created fractured identities. We believe that by adopting a more patriotic integration policy that sought to unite people through a common identity social cohesion would improve relationships between Britain’s Muslim and non-Muslim communities.

3. The government is wrong to blame Islam for extremism

This is simply wrong. Ever since the London bombings on 7/7 the government has deliberately, and rightly, sought to distinguish between Islam (the religion) and Islamism (violent political ideology).

“Lone wolf” terrorist with BNP links gets 11 years

Friday, January 15th, 2010
Terrance Gavan

Gavan is serving eleven years for terrorism

Terence Gavan, formerly an active member of the BNP, has been sentenced to eleven years behind bars after he admitted making nail and ball bearing bombs at his West Yorkshire home. (The BBC report).

“Lone wolf” bombers are often linked to neo-fascist organisations like to BNP and Combat 18, though these organisations tend to deny or downplay these links. This case is different. Searchlight has been monitoring this case for some time and they claim that Gavan not only was a BNP member, he also held gold membership with the membership number 130757.

Simon Darby, deputy chairman of the BNP and Stoke Central parliamentary candidate, gave a bizarre analysis to the Daily Telegraph:

“If people are going to build up large arsenals then they will get stiff sentences. It’s the inevitable consequence of enforced multiculturalism. You are going to get more and more incidents like this. It sounds like this was a lucky escape.”

2009 saw an increase in the number of neo-fascist violence and attempted terrorist attacks. Several had a connection to the BNP, though mostly quite tenuous. Neil Lewington was an example of this. Although Lewington was a member of C-18, he was not a member of the BNP. Gavan, however, is the real deal and a member of the BNP.

Darby’s words to the Telegraph suggest the BNP believe that Gavan’s crime was to stockpile weapons to kill ethnic minorities. He also says that unless the Establishment wakes up to the effects of multiculturalism, more violence could happen.

Notice, however, how Darby believes that Gavan should not claim personal responsibility for his own actions. In the neo-racist mindset of the BNP, Gavan is a “victim” of multiculturalism and forced integration. The hypocrisy of this is that if Gavan was a Muslim, Darby and Griffin would call him a traitor. Darby should condemn white nationalist terrorism in same terms he would if it was a Jihadi.  

There are many problems with multiculturalism but those who are concerned about our society should take their frustration out at the ballot box or through debate and not through terror and violence.

News round up: TUC calls for ban on BNP from public sector | Belgium throws out neo-Nazis from army | BNP member banned from streets after racist slur

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

TUC calls for ban on BNP from public sector


Delegates at the TUC conference in Liverpool unanimously called for a ban on members of extremist parties working in the public sector.

One union boss said: “It is not acceptable that you can be a fascist at weekends, yet work between Monday and Friday accessing confidential information of members of the public”.

Another said it was “wrong” for BNP members to be allowed to work in the probation service. While the NUJ said the BBC was wrong to allow Nick Griffin, leader of the BNP, on Question Time.

These sorts of reactionary measures against the BNP are not only unnecessary (since it overstates the BNP’s influence within the public sector), but also counterproductive.

Authoritarianism and ideological grandstanding will not defeat the BNP. Addressing the issues, however, will. A more constructive and productive approach would have been for the TUC to do a point by point rebuttal of the BNP’s immigration or economic policies.

Nick Griffin has spent the last eight years trying to convince the electorate that the “Establishment” are the true fascists and not the BNP.  Making the BNP look like martyrs only proves Griffin’s point and distracts the electorates attention away from the true fascists, namely, the BNP.

(NB: Not all the Left are not in full agreement about some of the TUC delegates views on the BNP going on QT. Hadleigh Roberts, a Labour Party activist, has written an encouraging piece over on LabourList)

 TUC ban BNP from public services – The Guardian

Belgium throws out  Neo-Nazis from army

Eight soldiers have been thrown out of the Belgian army after it was discovered they had links to “Blood and Honour”, a neo-Nazi organisation with strong links to the BNP. (Many of its leaders are BNP members and Blood and Honour nazi bands have raised money for the BNP. Also see Europol report)

Belgium’s Federal Prosecutor Daniel Bernard said: “There was no evidence of an imminent attack, but from the documents the authorities had seized it was clear that the group wanted to attack the structure and institutions of the state”.

A bomb capable of blowing up a car was just one of the items seized in the raids on five barracks and 18 homes in Flanders. “We found an enormous amount of ammunition. All manner of weapons from hunting rifles to military guns, detonators and above all extreme right and even neo-nazi propaganda,” added the Federal Prosecutor.

The arrests were the result of a two year investigation. Sources claim the group had used army grounds for paramilitary exercises, shooting practice, as well as the spreading of neo-nazi ideology.

According to a report by the US Department for Homeland Security, neo-Nazi organisations are attempting to recruit and radicalize veterans and currently serving members of the armed forces in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat.

Belgium police foil alleged neo-Nazi plot – Euro News

BNP member banned from streets after racist slur

John Chappell, a 60-year old Cambridge member of the BNP, has been banned from his local streets after he declared himself to be “BNP and proud” and subjecting neighbours to racist abuse.

Chappell told a Cambridge-born man with Caribbean origins to “go back where he came from”, a court heard.

He admitted to the charges of racially aggravated harassment, racially aggravated common assault and disorderly behaviour. 

Magistrates made an exclusion order banning Chappell from going to his victims local area for six months. He was also ordered to pay them £75 each in compensation and made the subject of a six-month community order and a six-month supervision requirement, including that he tackles alcohol issues.

The Judge said: “This sort of behaviour is entirely unacceptable, and we are particularly concerned that this was witnessed by a 9-year-old girl.”

BNP supporters ban from street after racist slur – Cambridge News

Do the BNP act as “conveyor belt” to violent extremism?

Friday, September 11th, 2009
Neo-Nazi terrorists

Neo-Nazi terrorist

Does rising electoral support for racist parties like the BNP lead to more racial violence?

The conviction earlier this week of Neil Lewington, a neo-Nazi who planned a terror campaign in Britain, certainly raises that question.

Lewington is one of the nastiest (if crack-pot) potential neo-Nazi terrorists in recent history. In his summing up, the Judge said Lewington’s terrorist actions were “designed to intimidate non-white people … for the purpose of pursuing the ideological cause of white supremacy and neo-fascism, albeit in a rather unsophisticated way.” In Lewington’s bedroom police found a nail bomb factory and a notebook entitled “Waffen SS UK Members’ Handbook”.

During the trial the court heard about one of Lewington’s inspirations, David Copeland, the Soho nail bomber and former member of the BNP. (Another was Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma bomber).

Despite there being no evidence of Lewington’s involvement with the BNP (he appears to have been a lone wolf), his attempt to emulate the likes of Copeland raises the question: does the electoral success of the BNP lead to violent extremism?

The BNP is legitimate political party operating within the law. For that we should be thankful.

It does, however, hold many white supremacist and neo-fascist views which have direct lineage to Oswald Mosley, the German Nazi Party, the American KKK, Roberto Fiore and modern East European extremists like Jobbik. This is particularly true of leadership figures like Nick Griffin MEP, Andrew Brons MEP, Lee Barnes (Legal Director) and Mark Collett (Head of Publicity).

Whilst all parties have their rotten eggs, the BNP has more than its fair share of violent racists. Some like Robert Cottage (who stood as a BNP candidate three times) and Tony Lecomber were BNP activists. Others like  Copeland and Mark Bullman (who used a BNP leaflet to light his firebomb) were on the fringe. (More details here).

Certainly the pool of candidates is likely to grow. The election and consequent media promotion of Nick Griffin and Andrew Brons gives a certain level of legitimacy to the BNP and its ideals. This means disaffected people trying to find answers to their worries are more likely to turn to the politics of racism, segregation and intolerance and follow the examples set by the BNP’s high profile leaders and violent members.

And the temperature is likely to increase, particularly if politicians refuse to debate the issues that leave some of the population feeling angry, frustrated and dispossessed. Those issues include immigration, Britishness and joblessness.

Experts on Irish Republicanism and Islamism call this the “conveyor belt” to violence. It is too early for any clear evidence either way. But we fear that the election of a small number of weird, nutty and inadequate politicians legitimises the politics of racism and that, in turn, introduces an element of violence and intimidation to British society that changes the way we do politics forever.

See Nick Griffin defend neo-Nazi terrorists:

News round up: BNP on Australian TV | BNP Harry Patch tribute angers Legion | Griffin praises convicted Italian terrorist

Tuesday, September 1st, 2009

BNP on Australian TV

Nick Griffin was on Australian television network SBS this weekend. “We are the Sex Pistols of British politics and we’ve got a number one,” he said.

My eye was caught by a UAF poster with this dubious slogan, “Unemployment and housing is not caused by immigration”. For further details on this statement, see the government’s Migration Advisory Panel report on workers being displaced by migrant workers.

March to the right – SBS Dateline

BNP tribute to Harry Patch angers Legion

Harry Patch

Harry Patch

In July Nothing British wrote about the BNP’s tribute to Harry Patch. We said that the BNP were using this tactic to counter claims that they are not patriotic because of the admiration for Nazis.

This week the Chairman of the Royal British Legion’s Wells branch in Somerset, Robin White, said, “Knowing Harry as I did, he would have no truck with the BNP … (it) is in no way related to peace and reconciliation.”

Mr White also accused Mr Griffin of trying to ­politicise “one of the nation’s most treasured and beloved symbols”.

BNP Patch tribute angers Legion – BBC

Griffin praises convicted Italian terrorist

Roberto Fiore

In a video posted on the BNP’s online TV channel the BNP leader, Nick Griffin, praises convicted Italian terrorist Roberto Fiore and worryingly claims he has been one of the greatest influences on his political outlook.

Fiore is an Italian neo-fascist with a 10 year conviction for being a member of the neo-fascist terrorist group the “Armed Revolutionary Nuclei”. According to The Times, the group was implicated in the Bologna bombing of 1980, which killed 85 people. Fiore went on the run and he was sentenced in absentia. His jail term was eventually “timed out” under Italy’s statute of limitation laws and he was able to return to his homeland in April 1999.

Nothing British believes that Fiore’s presence within the BNP – and their refusal to distance themselves from him – proves how they have not progressed since their more thuggish days during the 1970s and 80s.

Roberto Fiore at RWB – By BNP TV

Oxford University Conservative Association racism row

It’s far-fetched to suggest that the success of the BNP is any way related to the recent telling of a racist joke by a bunch of berks at the Oxford University Conservative Association hustings. However,  we do believe that continued presence of a neo-fascist party in British politics does lead to a greater tolerance of racism in mainstream society.

Nothing British thinks that this sort of behaviour from OUCA – who aspire to be potential leaders of our country – is a disgrace. There is no place for racism in any part of British society in the 21st Century.

Don’t use our name, Oxford University tells young Tories after race disgrace – The Daily Mail

BNP fields candidate in Billericay election

The decision by the Conservative Party to run candidates wherever possible against the BNP is a laudable one. There is little/no electoral gain for the party becuase at present the BNP is sweeping up mainly ex-Labour voters, but it sends an important moral signal.

It’s a shame they haven’t found a candidate in the Billericay by-election later this month but we hope that in the run-up to the 2010 council elections the Conservatives will try their hardest to find candidates to stand against the BNP and prevent them from picking up easy votes.

BNP fields candidate in Billericay election – Basildon Recorder

Italian neo-fascist with links to terrorism attends BNP rally

Monday, August 17th, 2009

Another interesting development this weekend was the alleged sighting of Nick Griffin’s mate, Roberto Fiore. Fiore’s return to the BNP scene is further evidence of how the party’s recent changes are only cosmetic and that beneath it is still the same as its National Front days of the 1970s and 80s.

Fiore is an Italian neo-fascist with a 10 year conviction for being a member of the neo-fascist terrorist group the “Armed Revolutionary Nuclei”. According to The Times, the group was implicated in the Bologna bombing of 1980, which killed 85 people.

Fiore went on the run and he was sentenced in absentia. His jail term was eventually “timed out” under Italy’s statute of limitation laws and he was able to return to his homeland in April 1999. During Griffin’s National Front days, Fiore encouraged  the future BNP leader to model the NF on the Romanian Iron Guard (see video below). The Iron Guard were allies of the Nazis during the 1930’s and 40’s they believed, however, Hitler was “too soft” on the Jews (see Time magazine article from 1941 here).