“Lone wolf” terrorist with BNP links gets 11 years
Terrance Gavan

Gavan is serving eleven years for terrorism

Terence Gavan, formerly an active member of the BNP, has been sentenced to eleven years behind bars after he admitted making nail and ball bearing bombs at his West Yorkshire home. (The BBC report).

“Lone wolf” bombers are often linked to neo-fascist organisations like to BNP and Combat 18, though these organisations tend to deny or downplay these links. This case is different. Searchlight has been monitoring this case for some time and they claim that Gavan not only was a BNP member, he also held gold membership with the membership number 130757.

Simon Darby, deputy chairman of the BNP and Stoke Central parliamentary candidate, gave a bizarre analysis to the Daily Telegraph:

“If people are going to build up large arsenals then they will get stiff sentences. It’s the inevitable consequence of enforced multiculturalism. You are going to get more and more incidents like this. It sounds like this was a lucky escape.”

2009 saw an increase in the number of neo-fascist violence and attempted terrorist attacks. Several had a connection to the BNP, though mostly quite tenuous. Neil Lewington was an example of this. Although Lewington was a member of C-18, he was not a member of the BNP. Gavan, however, is the real deal and a member of the BNP.

Darby’s words to the Telegraph suggest the BNP believe that Gavan’s crime was to stockpile weapons to kill ethnic minorities. He also says that unless the Establishment wakes up to the effects of multiculturalism, more violence could happen.

Notice, however, how Darby believes that Gavan should not claim personal responsibility for his own actions. In the neo-racist mindset of the BNP, Gavan is a “victim” of multiculturalism and forced integration. The hypocrisy of this is that if Gavan was a Muslim, Darby and Griffin would call him a traitor. Darby should condemn white nationalist terrorism in same terms he would if it was a Jihadi.  

There are many problems with multiculturalism but those who are concerned about our society should take their frustration out at the ballot box or through debate and not through terror and violence.


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68 Responses to ““Lone wolf” terrorist with BNP links gets 11 years”

  1. Sam Pauli says:

    WTF even a rational person,such as yourself,must take stock occasionally and squirm about this ingurlish obsession with war and death and killing and bombing.

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  2. WTF says:

    I thought Islam had a thing about “war and death and killing and bombing”?

    I am guilty of watching “Battle of the Bulge” for the umpteenth time over Christmas if that counts?

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  3. jason norris says:

    The fact about Islam is if one goes by the Koran ,what it preaches is similar to Christianity. It is the people who corrupt those words that are to blame.On either side.

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  4. Edmund says:

    I don’t think Gavan was doing it for religious reasons, or if he was he was keeping very quiet about it.

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  5. WTF says:

    I don’t think he was religous either, he had a lot of pent rage & paranoia & decided to prepare for something.

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  6. Edmund says:

    I personally think, whether or not people agree with the reasons he was angry, people of all persuasions should be glad someone tipped off the police before he could put his plan into action. Odds are we wouldn’t have got quite as lucky as with Copeland and only have have four deaths.

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  7. WTF says:

    Apparently he had no plan, I don’t know how he was found out, I assume someone saw his collection & went “WTF” & called the police?

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  8. Edmund says:

    Well I’d like to think that would be the reaction of most sane people if they found a collection like that.

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  9. jason norris says:

    Polly rattles on about death, killing etc. It has always, and always will be part of life. That is a fact. Nations now can nearly do what they like as long as they do not attack the big four.You cannot beat a good war film, or Big John riding with the 7th cavalry. Polly should be an avid fan because they always sang irish rebel songs.You know the sort, famine, cromwell, the black and tans, the ruc, the ric, the udr, the british army, the royal air force, the royal navy, the royal family, the union flag british pork pies etc.

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  10. jason norris says:

    Forgot about the song by Orbinson ” crying “, polly should be good at that.

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  11. acorn says:

    He doesn’t seem to mind violence when it is aimed against the BNP…

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  12. jason norris says:

    No, that is different.All commos abide. by the saying ” power comes from the barrel of a gun “.

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  13. Sam Pauli says:

    HA HA HA feckin brilliant what a sad bunch of paranoid freaks the fascists really are.jaylord not 100% sure but i think the ulster “loyalists”sing about rifles and pistols in their hands,but of course that allowed ,after all they kill in the name of a german monarch and a fictional man in heaven.hypocrisy,read jaylord and a-con.perfect cell-mates(padded)

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  14. jason norris says:

    Polly, could you please go and see your local pp as you need sorted out.In the meantime, do not forget to VOTE BNP.rp7w

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  15. Sam Pauli says:

    no i ll leave the bnp voting to sad little inglunders such as yourself,it gives you the feeling that you really can make the difference.in reality you know you are and always will be a nobody,another peasant willing to die to keep the working class where they belong,you are cannon fodder for the over priviliged and the over rated,thats fine,the scary thing is you d be HAPPY to die for it,Happy to be paraded through wooton basset,happy for the professional mourners to turn out for you.then youd be forgotten the next day,just another statistic.you go for it jay boy,die happy.

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  16. jason norris says:

    Polly, I do count myself as a peasant, but I do not need money, jewels etc to be british. It is my birthright of which I am proud. If I was asked today to serve Queen and Country I would so immediately. If I pay the ultimate sacrifice so be it. I certainly would be forgotten the next day but that is of no consequence. You see this is what being british means, not what you have in your heart, the politics of greed, envy and avarice.You will do well in the eu.

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  17. Sam Pauli says:

    ha ha ha ha ha feckin absolutey brainwashed by the ruling classes,superb,and he calls me a sheep.if carlsberg did irony jay boy would be their P.R. man

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  18. Sam Pauli says:

    All the poppies in the world wont bring them back,and thats a fact

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