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Posts Tagged ‘Labour’

Nick Griffin ally to attend Islamist conference in London

Friday, October 16th, 2009

Jobbik's militia

A leading member of the European fascist movement, Kristina Morvai MEP, is visiting Britain in December to speak at a pro-Hamas event, sharing a platform with Lady Tonge and Claire Short MP.
Nothing British regards her presence as a genuine, present and sufficiently serious threat to community harmony and therefore public security in the UK to warrant an intervention by the Home Office. We recommend that the Home Secretary should ban her in accordance with regulation 21 of the Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations 2006. We believe that her  exclusion is justified on grounds of public policy and public security and that she should be refused admission to the UK under regulation 19.
Nothing British has written previously of the BNP’s efforts to tap into the growing voter scepticism about the war in Afghanistan. We wrote about a proposed BNPMarch on London” that was going to include a veterans parade to call on policy makers to bring the troops home. While hiding their extremist political identities, they have written to several veterans charities including Afghan Heroes and The Royal British Legion asking for their support on the march.
This week we have learnt that Kristina Morvai MEP, leader of Jobbik in the European Parliament, has been invited by the Palestinian Return Centre to attend a rally in London on the 16th December 2009. The PRC is a Hamas front and has stood in opposition to peace between Israel and Palestinians. In November 2008 PRC director Majed Al Zeer shared a platform with Hamas leader Khaled Maashal in Damascus. 
hamasIn a Press Release to Nothing British the PRC says that it is hosting the conference to “commenerate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the United Nationas Relief and Works Agency”. It goes on to give the following anti-Israel statement:
“The enormous tragedy which UNRWA faces is unquestionable. More than Six decades have now passed since the collective dispossession and forced expulsion of Palestinians from their ancestral home in Palestine because of Zionist aggression. For 5 Million Palestinians, forced exile still continuous and their Nakba – catastrophy- is still a daily reality.”
Jobbik is an extremist neo-Nazi political party with a paramilitary organization with SS-style uniforms called the Hungarian Guard (it was recently outlawed by Hungary’s High court). It proposes to abolish abortion, re-establish the death penalty and create a special police unit to deal with “gypsy delinquency.” The Guard routinely takes part in menacing marches through Roma, or Gypsy, areas and has been accused by some Hungarian politicians for the murder of some Gypsys.
Speaking at its annual 1956 rally in Budapest, to commerate the uprising, Nick Griffin said that Britain had “betrayed” Hungary during this period and said he was “speaking on behalf of the people of Western Europe”. In his maiden speech he praised Kristina Morvai.
Kristina Morvai is a well known anti-semite who in June 2009 wrote on an internet forum: 
“I would be greatly pleased if those who call themselves proud Hungarian Jews played in their leisure with their tiny circumcised dicks, instead of besmirching me. Your kind of people are used to seeing all of our kind of people stand to attention and adjust to you every time you fart. Would you kindly acknowledge this is now OVER. We have raised our head up high and we shall no longer tolerate your kind of terror. We shall take back our country.” 
This 2009 Jobbik propaganda video which has been banned by Hungarian authorities:
Also speaking at this rally are Liberal Democrat Peer Baroness Jenny Tonge and Claire Short MP. The PRC denied in conversations with Nothing British that they have invited Ms Morvai. The Palestinian Telegraph reported yesterday that she was. Nothing British spoken to Ms Morvai’s assistant, Zsanett Makkai, this morning she is intending on coming, commitments pending.

Griffin may appear on BBC Question Time

Monday, September 7th, 2009

Griffin may appear on BBC Question Time

BBC: BNP 'may appear on Question Time'

‘The BBC has confirmed it may invite British National Party leader Nick Griffin to appear on a future edition of the Question Time programme.

Although the BBC has yet to issue a formal invitation, the corporation is preparing to ask Griffin – which he is believed to welcome - to join the panel show and is already consulting other parties about appearing with him.

The BBC says it is obliged to treat all legal political parties registered with the Electoral Commission with due impartiality. “Our audiences – and the electorate – will make up their own minds about the different policies offered by elected politicians”.

A Labour party spokesman said the BBC’s decision had forced it to review its position of never sharing a platform with the BNP, while the Conservatives said they would treat Griffin’s appearance on Question Time like “any other programme” and would ensure a senior Tory was present to counter his arguments.

“We have seen the BNP do well in areas where people haven’t been prepared to tackle them and now they are elected we have got to face up to that reality,” said a Conservative spokesman.

UAF have said it will stage a demonstration outside Broadcasting House this week to protest against the BBC’s decision.

However uncomfortable some may be with the sight of the BNP on programmes like Question Time, the BNP are, nonetheless, an elected, legitimate political party and so Nothing British feels the BBC’s decision was inevitable. We do not support the BNP but we have to accept that one million people have allowed them into the democratic political system – the BBC cannot dismiss this.

We also believe, as an arena, Question Time will provide a perfect opportunity to expose the BNP’s racist core beliefs and will intellectually undermine them as a party infront of the wider British public. If we don’t want the BNP in British politics, we must address the concerns of the very people who are thinking of voting for the BNP at the next election.

BNP may appear on Question Time – BBC


The “sham” of British jobs for British workers

Friday, August 21st, 2009

Source: Balanced Migration

Evidence of the government’s failure to help British workers compete in the global marketplace mounts as nearly three quarters of a million foreign nationals joined the British jobs market last year. Figures unearthed by the Daily Mail reveal that of the 733,000 National Insurance Numbers (NINOs), a pre-requisite for employment, were given out in 2008. 

As the Recession deepens British workers are increasingly losing out in the battle for jobs. According to the OECD, seven out of ten jobs created under New Labour were taken by foreign workers, the highest proportion in any major economy. More recently, the total number of UK unemployed rose 250,000 in the three months to June 2009 to 2.5m, the highest level for more than a decade (nearly 1.6m are job-seekers while the remainder are deemed to be ‘economically inactive’).

Clearly some British workers are failing to compete effectively with workers from overseas.

Policy experts squabble over the causes. The Taxpayers’ Alliance blames the government’s easy welfare system. Others blame a open-door immigration regime, skills shortage, inflated expectations amongst British workers, hard-nosed employers driving down wages and downright laziness.

Whatever the reasons, there is clearly a failure of government policy that is leaving some British workers feeling they’re on the scrap heap and it is little wonder that many feel let down by a political elite that’s proved unable to help British workers compete in the global market-place. 

The consequences of this failure are another generation of under-skilled British workers living a life-time of unfulfilled potential, higher instances of social problems, criminality and substance-abuse, and under-achievement . The resentment caused by this frustration and failure creates a breeding ground for racists and extremists.

“Snapshot of Britain where more migrants than locals hunt jobs” – By Sue Reid, The Daily Mail.