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Posts Tagged ‘TUC’

Balls: cynical, wrong-headed and dangerous

Wednesday, September 30th, 2009

Cynical, wrong-headed and dangerous.

Ed Balls is a show-boat whose efforts to play the BNP card earlier today are cynical, wrong-headed and dangerous.

He has appointed former Chief Inspector Maurice Smithe to run an investigation into the merits of a ban on BNP members becoming teachers.

We believe that using the full force of the State in the workplace like this smacks of the kind of totalitarianism espoused by the BNP

It is an erosion of our right to freedom of expression that cuts across the spirit of our unwritten constitution. Most people who see this will worry that, “today it is the BNP, but tomorrow it could be me”. And what ab0ut members of groups that espouse terrorism, vilify homosexuality, or sanction wife-beating? Are they to be banned too?

We think that Balls’s intemperate rhetoric at a party political function dangerously helps the BNP rally its own recruits with a narrative about an over-mighty state only too happy to prosecute racists, “so long as they’re white”.

Ed Balls is out-of-date and undemocratic to imply by association that everyone connected with the BNP is a racist. That group includes 947,000 voters, many of whom come from Labour’s heartland.

Of course, it is imperative that school kids are protected from racist brain-washing, overt or subliminal. Teachers must respect the honour of their profession and the authorities must not be complacent. That is why the teaching profession is already protected by a number of measures, including a requirement for schools to have equal opportunities policies, a duty to promote racial equality, a statutory duty to promote community cohesion, a duty on governing bodies, head teachers and local authorities to forbid the teaching of partisan political activities, and the disciplinary powers of the GTCE.

Where problems have arisen, these are implemented with vigour. For example, Adam Walker, a BNP activist, currently faces a General Teaching Council tribunal  for allegedly using a school computer for inappropriate reasons. Despite Balls’s cynical implication, there is no new evidence that there is a BNP problem in our class-rooms.  

The irony is that the BNP have flourished under this Labour government. They have exploited the bona fide concerns of British voters on key issues like job displacement, immigration, Islamism and now, the economy. Many of Balls’s Labour colleagues are bravely adapting to the new challenge by reviewing “no platform” policies and preparing to address these concerns head on.  He, instead, is retreating to the failed, inflammatory tactics of legislation and regulation which will only create more resentment amongst the dispossessed, more martyrs amongst Griffin’s rag-tag army and take Britain a step closer to a police state.

It is one thing for Trade Unionists and anti-fascist groups to fly kites about oppressive legal remedies against their opponents. But it is quite another for a Secretary of State and potential candidate for the highest office of the land to exacerbate the problem with this sort of grand-standing.

News round up: James Bethell: The right needs to do more | TUC calls BNP homophobic and sexist | BNP attacks minority group

Thursday, September 17th, 2009
 James Bethell, Director of Nothing British, has written an article for ConservativeHome arguing that Britain’s centre-right needs to do more in helping to fight the BNP.

TUCTUC calls BNP homophobic and sexist

At yesterday’s TUC conference, the BNP were condemned as being both homophobic and sexist.

The BNP believes that homosexuality “should not be promoted or encouraged”,  and in its national education policy it refers to the toleration of homosexuals “propaganda” and a “disgrace”. Historically, the party has sought to criminalize it.

The party’s views on women are well known. Recently, Lee Barnes, legal director of the BNP, has referred to “modern” women as being “androgynous” monstrosities, “genderless” and “sexless”. He also believes that flat-chested women mock the “female nourishing form that gave . . . our race its life.”

The party also believes current laws on rape, divorce and abortion discriminate against men and says it aims to redress the balance.

Simon Darby refuted the allegations by saying, ”the one thing where people could accuse us of sexism is that we don’t really agree with sending women into the frontlines of battle. It’s not a sign of a civilised society when you have women fighting your wars.”

On gay parenting, Darby went on to say: “We believe we have natural views, rather than conservative ones, on parenting. We believe a healthy childhood should have a mother and a father.”

BNP refutes allegations of homophobis and sexism as unions vote to ban its members – Pink News 

ONSFifth of young Britons jobless as dole toll soars

A record 19.7 per cent of young people are out of work in Britain, according to the Office of National Statistics. Another 34.6 per cent, or 2.55 million, are classified as “inactive”.

Voter analysis suggests that the BNP’s core support is amongst 50+ men, the Fathers of these children.

There is no evidence of any growth of the BNP’s support amongst the young, despite the use of social marketing by the party’s on-line team. However, this worrying data does suggest that hopelessness will spread to the younger generation which, in turn, can lead to the sort of frustration, anger that fosters extremism and racism.

The Office of National Statistics.

BNP attacks minority group

The BNP have attacked an organisation set up to support Scotalnd’s ethnic minorities.

Ian Murphy, Dumfries and Galloway BNP organiser, branded the people of Dumfries and Galloway Multicultural Association (DGMA) as “alien minorities” and called them anti-British. 

This is another example of the BNP’s attempts to reach out beyond the confinds of northern England. Two weeks ago the party attacked Celtic FC for hosting an event to help improve social cohesion across the border with Scotland’s Asian community. The BNP have also been trying to tap into Scottish veterans by helping out FEBA, the cash strapped veterans charity. In Wales, the party have held a series of events at agricultural shows and launched Welsh nationalist t-shirts. 

We expect more of this to come as the party grows in confidence and reaches out beyond its existing hot-spots over the coming months in the build up to the general election.

BNP attacks minority group – Dumfries and Galloway Gazette

News round up: Nick Griffin: Turkey must never be allowed to join EU | TUC calls for ban on BNP teachers | “Jack Straw will take on Nick Griffin”, says Cabinet

Wednesday, September 16th, 2009

Nick Griffin starts new European Parliament term with attack on Turkey over Cyprus


Should the EU accept Turkey?

Nick Griffin has responded to an open letter from Antigoni Papadopoulou MEP, Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, in which she raised the issue of  Turkish war crimes during the invasion and occupation of Cyprus.

Griffin said that he wanted to expose Turkish “barbarism” and its record of “ethnic cleansing” in Northern Cyprus.

He went on to say: “This is just one more reason why there can be no place for Turkey within the European Union.”

Nick Griffin is right to raise the issue about Turkey’s cruel involvement in Northern Cyprus, but it sits at odds with his non-interventionist, national interest foreign policy.

Might this be an example of Nick Griffin trying to soften his image? Or is he trying to build broader coalitions within the EU Parliament? Our guess is that this is a play to the anti-Turkish sentiment amongst Europe’s neo-fascists, but particularly in Germany (NDP).

Turkey must never be allowed to join the European Union – Nick Griffin’s blog   

“Jack Straw will take on Nick Griffin”, says Cabinet

The Cabinet has agreed that Jack Straw MP should face Nick Griffin on BBC’s QT. 

The decision was disclosed yesterday by Gordon Brown in an interview with Radio City in Liverpool. He said: “I’m not afraid of debating anybody. We have to expose what they are about.”

We believe that this is a positive step forward in the battle against the BNP. Only by taking them head on will you be able to defeat them. Let’s hope all the mainstream parties don’t skate around the issues.

*** Take our Poll on who the Conservatives should chose. ***

TUC calls for ban on BNP teachers

After yesterday’s announcement by union bosses to call for a ban of BNP members from the public sector, more details have emerged from their conference.

The TUC said urgent talks should be held with the government about the incompatibility of BNP membership and jobs in teaching, the NHS and other parts of the public sector.

As we have already said, we do not believe in legislating against legitimate political parties, however distasteful, and members of the BNP have an equal right to work in the public sector so long as the promote social cohesion and not division.

TUC should spend more time addressing the issues that drive people into the hands of extremists instead of wasting time on media grandstanding.

Union leaders call for ban on BNP teachers – Manchester Evening News

News round up: TUC calls for ban on BNP from public sector | Belgium throws out neo-Nazis from army | BNP member banned from streets after racist slur

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

TUC calls for ban on BNP from public sector


Delegates at the TUC conference in Liverpool unanimously called for a ban on members of extremist parties working in the public sector.

One union boss said: “It is not acceptable that you can be a fascist at weekends, yet work between Monday and Friday accessing confidential information of members of the public”.

Another said it was “wrong” for BNP members to be allowed to work in the probation service. While the NUJ said the BBC was wrong to allow Nick Griffin, leader of the BNP, on Question Time.

These sorts of reactionary measures against the BNP are not only unnecessary (since it overstates the BNP’s influence within the public sector), but also counterproductive.

Authoritarianism and ideological grandstanding will not defeat the BNP. Addressing the issues, however, will. A more constructive and productive approach would have been for the TUC to do a point by point rebuttal of the BNP’s immigration or economic policies.

Nick Griffin has spent the last eight years trying to convince the electorate that the “Establishment” are the true fascists and not the BNP.  Making the BNP look like martyrs only proves Griffin’s point and distracts the electorates attention away from the true fascists, namely, the BNP.

(NB: Not all the Left are not in full agreement about some of the TUC delegates views on the BNP going on QT. Hadleigh Roberts, a Labour Party activist, has written an encouraging piece over on LabourList)

 TUC ban BNP from public services – The Guardian

Belgium throws out  Neo-Nazis from army

Eight soldiers have been thrown out of the Belgian army after it was discovered they had links to “Blood and Honour”, a neo-Nazi organisation with strong links to the BNP. (Many of its leaders are BNP members and Blood and Honour nazi bands have raised money for the BNP. Also see Europol report)

Belgium’s Federal Prosecutor Daniel Bernard said: “There was no evidence of an imminent attack, but from the documents the authorities had seized it was clear that the group wanted to attack the structure and institutions of the state”.

A bomb capable of blowing up a car was just one of the items seized in the raids on five barracks and 18 homes in Flanders. “We found an enormous amount of ammunition. All manner of weapons from hunting rifles to military guns, detonators and above all extreme right and even neo-nazi propaganda,” added the Federal Prosecutor.

The arrests were the result of a two year investigation. Sources claim the group had used army grounds for paramilitary exercises, shooting practice, as well as the spreading of neo-nazi ideology.

According to a report by the US Department for Homeland Security, neo-Nazi organisations are attempting to recruit and radicalize veterans and currently serving members of the armed forces in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat.

Belgium police foil alleged neo-Nazi plot – Euro News

BNP member banned from streets after racist slur

John Chappell, a 60-year old Cambridge member of the BNP, has been banned from his local streets after he declared himself to be “BNP and proud” and subjecting neighbours to racist abuse.

Chappell told a Cambridge-born man with Caribbean origins to “go back where he came from”, a court heard.

He admitted to the charges of racially aggravated harassment, racially aggravated common assault and disorderly behaviour. 

Magistrates made an exclusion order banning Chappell from going to his victims local area for six months. He was also ordered to pay them £75 each in compensation and made the subject of a six-month community order and a six-month supervision requirement, including that he tackles alcohol issues.

The Judge said: “This sort of behaviour is entirely unacceptable, and we are particularly concerned that this was witnessed by a 9-year-old girl.”

BNP supporters ban from street after racist slur – Cambridge News