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Posts Tagged ‘immigration’

Immigration still a big concern for voters

Monday, January 18th, 2010

The Tories pose a threat to the BNP

Immmigration was again in the news this weekend as more evidence showed the importance of this issue to voters.

First, a Sunday Times poll commissioned by Migration Watch found that the Conservatives would benefit if they pledged to slash the numbers of immigrants entering Britain.

The ST report says:

YouGov found that 85% of people in the Labour marginals were worried about the population reaching 70m, with 49% saying they were “very worried”.

The poll found that 44% in Labour marginals would be more likely to vote Conservative if Cameron were to say outright that a Tory government would reduce immigration to 50,000 or below.

The poll comes after David Cameron told the BBC’s Andrew Marr that he believed that Labour’s immigration policy had been too high. “We should see net immigration in the tens of thousands rather than the hundreds of thousands.”, Cameron said.

Further to this, the Equality and Human Rights Commission released a new report examining the effects of Eastern European migration, five years on. The report itself concluded that “There is no strong reason to expect a significant negative impact on wages or employment in response to the recent immigrant influx” and yet this was still widely translated in the media as “Immigration ‘has hit the low paid’”. With this wide based perception, it is no surprise that this issue matters so much to voters.

There is no strong reason to expect a
significant negative impact on wages or
employment in response to the recent
immigrant influx.

The news that the Tories would be the main beneficiaries in Labour marginals from having a tougher immigration policy is bad news for the BNP. It shows that when it comes to sensitive issues like immigration and social cohesion the Conservatives are trusted more by the British electorate than any other party.

Furthermore, the poll shows how the Conservatives can win in Labour heartlands, areas where the BNP have been attempting to break into since 2005.

No one is calling for a bidding war between the BNP and the Tories over immigration, but the YouGov poll is an important insight into how the electorate are desperately calling for the mainstream to show some initiative on this issue.

Nothing British hopes that the mainstream parties realize that saying nothing on this issue is not an option.

Cameron: I’ll tackle Immigration

Monday, January 11th, 2010

Cameron: Immigration must be cut

According to The Sun, David Cameron has indicated that a future Conservative government would seek to cut immigration by 75%.

The Conservative Party leader said he did not want to allow the population to reach 70 million, as predicted by the Office for National Statistics, “because of pressure on public services”.

Mr Cameron told the BBC that current net immigration levels (the number of people migrating to Britain over and above those emigrating) are too high and that they needed to be heavily cut.

Although net immigration has declined over the last couple of years, as a result of the recession, Mr Cameron believes that levels are still too high and put a heavy burden on Britain’s infrastructure. Previous levels have been around 200,000, or 2 million immigrants over ten years. 

Mr Cameron’s remarks come after Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, called for immigration to be controlled and announced his support for the cross party group Balanced Migration.

Mr Cameron’s call for a decrease in net immigration has been supported by Sir Andrew Green, the director of the independent campaign organisation Migration Watch, which seeks to limit immigration. But he has added that if he is serious about this issue he will make a concrete manifesto commitment.   

Sir Andrew says, “Mr Cameron is on to something. The only means open to the Government to limit population is to limit immigration. If the Tory leader is serious he will put it into his party’s election manifesto — and it will be hugely popular.” 

Nothing British has for a long time argued that immigration needs to be looked at and that it is a major concern for millions of ordinary people. We therefore support yesterday’s comments to Andrew Marr by Mr Cameron.

However, Westminster politicians have got to realise that for millions of hard-working people it is not enough to simply offer soundbites, more is needed on how they will address the issue of mass immigration. We hope that in the run up to the General Election all the mainstream parties provide more information to their candidates on how they will tackle immigration.

BNP news update – Tuesday

Tuesday, October 27th, 2009

Peter Hitchens in the Daily Mail: Griffin, the BBC and the birth of a ’stab in the back’ myth http://bit.ly/2pM5J9.

PoliticsHome: Consensus view on Question Time: Warsi shone, but BNP benefited* http://bit.ly/wTvLd

MELANIE PHILLIPS: The outrageous truth slips out: Labour plotted to transform make-up of Britain without telling us http://bit.ly/q8DGW

Sir Andrew Green: Mass immigration deliberate Labour policy http://bit.ly/2T3EJw

Spectator – Still no room for complacency about the BNP http://bit.ly/OJRfg 

Melanie Phillips – Trying to stuff the cat back into the bag – Is Andrew Neather backtracking?  http://bit.ly/178p3J 

Objective BNP scientific study into the effects of immigration

Friday, September 25th, 2009

Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking, take note! A great scientific mind has emerged from the depths of the BNP. Roger Phillips from Patriot Products Ltd has released footage of his extraordinary scientific analysis of migration to Britain.

BNP News Round UP

Friday, September 18th, 2009

BNP Nick Griffin British Legion poppy row

Nick Griffin wearing a poppyNick Griffin has responded to critics about the continual and out-of-season use of the British Legion’s poppy.

In the past the Royal British Legion have asked Griffin to stop wearing the symbol of sacrifice because they are fearful of it becoming associated with fascism.

But according to Griffin’s Euro blog, he wears a poppy because it draws attention from journalists and allows him the chance to “tell them the reason.” The BNP leader said that he wears the poppy in solidarity to a group of supporters that help homeless British army veterans.

Griffin said he is angry about the way servicemen are allegedly charged to watch televison and would stop wearing his poppy once the government ends its “disgraceful” treatment of British servicemen.

We believe that the BNP are cynically using the poppy to help promote their nasty brand of politics, that they are exploiting the warm feelings that the public have for our brave members of the Armed Forces and that politicians of all parties should celebrate their pride in Britain’s military with a bit more gusto so the BNP can’t corner the market in patriotism.  

Poppy badge shames Gordon Brown’s government – Nick Griffin

Baroness Scotland, the left and illegal immigration

One of the arguments used by the Left is that discussions about immigration are cooked up by a xenophobic right-wing press and ambitious politicians blowing a racist dog-whistle.

Is that really plausible when the Attorney General employs an illegal immigrant as housekeeper who used a simple paper-work trick to fool the very person who enacted legislation supposed to strengthen immigration controls?

We give extremists like the BNP and the English Defence League an open goal when we refuse to discuss these problems.

BNP Councillor made vice-chair of committee

A BNP councillor has been made vice-chair of committe at Redbridge Town Hall.

Other councillors are furious about the decision to make BNP member Julian Leppert deputy chairman of the “Cycling Liason Committee”.

A tiny example of how the BNP are weaving their way into the fabric of British political life.

Councillors at war over BNP vote – Ilford Recorder 

News round up: Migrants to face tougher work rules | BNP names leak fine “not enough”

Monday, September 7th, 2009

Migrants to face tougher work rules

The Financial Times are reporting today how the government are planning to cut the number of skilled workers migrating to the UK from outside Europe by 10%.

The FT believes the measures are aimed at addressing British workers’ fears of being “undercut during the recession while avoiding tougher restrictions that would have upset business.”

The Home Secretary, Alan Johnson, will announce that he is accepting all 16 proposals made by the Migration Advisory Committee to tighten “tier two” of the government’s point-based immigration system.

These include extending the period a job has to be advertised in a local Jobcentre Plus before it can be filled by a migrant worker from one or two weeks to a minimum of four weeks.

The government’s descision has caused some frustration to many and reveals how confusing it has been over migrant workers.

Prior to leaving the government, Jacqui Smith, the former home secretary, had asked the committee to consider restricting tier two to occupations with “a shortfall of British or EU workers”, which would have cut numbers more dramatically.

Critics of the scheme, such as a Sir Andrew Green, from Migration Watch, have previously said: “It is absurd for the Government to describe this points based scheme as ‘tough’.”

John Cridland, deputy director-general of the CBI employers’ organisation, told the FT: “Some businesses have been frustrated by the government frequently moving the goalposts on immigration, and we hope these proposals will encourage stability so that employers can plan ahead.”

Migrants to face tougher work rules – The Financial Times

Also see: The ”sham” of British jobs for British workers 

BNP names leak fine “not enough”

Laws should be tightened to give judges the option to jail people found guilty of serious abuses of personal data, the UK’s Information Commissioner has said.

Christopher Graham said penalties under the Data Protection Act were “pathetic” and urged tougher laws by next April.

His comments came after a judge said it was “ridiculous” he could only fine a former British National Party activist for leaking its membership list online.

On the case of Matthew Single, who leaked the BNP’s members list, the Information Commissioner said it was “not enough”.

Mr Graham is preparing a dossier to present his case to ministers.

While the BNP’s concern over this issue is legitimate. The amount of upset some members of the BNP suffered for being members of the party was unfair, and potentially very dangerous. However, the leak has raised some questions about the transparency of the BNP as an organisation. It membership rules – to-date- are for “whites only”. It has failed to properly comply with the Electoral Commission over its donations. And many of its events remain for members only (mainstream party’s hold events open to the public). If the BNP want to be treated as a mainstream party, they should start acting like one.

BNP names leak fine “not enough” – BBC

Migration debate: Must wider factors be taken into consideration when looking at its effects?

Friday, August 28th, 2009
1950s Britain, Newcastle upon Tyne.

1950s Britain, Newcastle upon Tyne.

In the debate on migration, last week’s announcement by the Government’s Migration Advisory Panel (MAP)  that migrant workers displace Britons was a positive step forward.

However, governments must try harder to address the bona fide anxieties (cultural, social and economic) of ordinary, hard working voters. Otherwise there’s a risk of driving decent people of all backgrounds into the hands of hate filled political extremists, whose only offer are simple solutions to deeply complex issues.

News round-up: 12yo girl burns golly at BNP rally | BNP launches facebook app | Italy urges the EU to address illegal immigration

Monday, August 24th, 2009

Young girl burns golly at BNP rally12 Year old girl burns golly at BNP rally

An undercover reporter for the News of the World attended the BNP’s Red White and Blue festival and recorded disturbing images of a young girl burning a golly after a mock trial where the golly, named Winston, is charged ‘with being black.’ The article also reports other racist and pro-Nazi behaviour at the event.

This follows last weeks news that a 14 year old boy, claiming to be a BNP supporter, pushed a young schoolgirl to the brink of suicide with racist taunts.

BNP launches Facebook applicationBNP Facebook application

The BNP is continuing its substantial online campaign with the launch of an ambitious Facebook application. Supporters can download the application to their Facebook page where it prompts people who view their profile to join the BNP mailing list and donate online.

The BNP are continuing to take the online initiative, spreading its message using popular social networking sites. The party has even developed its own social network site. Nothing British believes that the fight against the party could be won or lost via the internet, and encourages other political parties and movements to invest time and energy into expanding their online campaigns.

Italy urges the EU to address illegal immigration

Reuters reports: Italy called on Sunday for a common European Union solution to the problem of illegal immigration, days after the latest reported drownings of migrants in the Mediterranean.

“We must consider this a European problem. The EU has made many statements… but has not yet said just what should happen when a group of migrants reaches the borders of Europe,” Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini told a news conference.

And finally….. BNP rally hotel licence revoked

A Blackpool hotel which plays host to the annual BNP conference has had its entertainment and alcohol licence revoked for posing a risk to public safety. The New Kimberley hotel has hosted three annual BNP conferences since 2006.

The Blackpool Gazette reports: Gareth Shaw, spokesman for Blackpool Council’s Health and Safety Enforcement Section, said: “We have had many unpleasant dealings with the people responsible for the New Kimberley.”

After hearing the news last week that the BNP are having to look for a new destination for their Red White and Blue rally, Nothing British is hoping that the trend will continue and the party will run out of places to convene!

The “sham” of British jobs for British workers

Friday, August 21st, 2009

Source: Balanced Migration

Evidence of the government’s failure to help British workers compete in the global marketplace mounts as nearly three quarters of a million foreign nationals joined the British jobs market last year. Figures unearthed by the Daily Mail reveal that of the 733,000 National Insurance Numbers (NINOs), a pre-requisite for employment, were given out in 2008. 

As the Recession deepens British workers are increasingly losing out in the battle for jobs. According to the OECD, seven out of ten jobs created under New Labour were taken by foreign workers, the highest proportion in any major economy. More recently, the total number of UK unemployed rose 250,000 in the three months to June 2009 to 2.5m, the highest level for more than a decade (nearly 1.6m are job-seekers while the remainder are deemed to be ‘economically inactive’).

Clearly some British workers are failing to compete effectively with workers from overseas.

Policy experts squabble over the causes. The Taxpayers’ Alliance blames the government’s easy welfare system. Others blame a open-door immigration regime, skills shortage, inflated expectations amongst British workers, hard-nosed employers driving down wages and downright laziness.

Whatever the reasons, there is clearly a failure of government policy that is leaving some British workers feeling they’re on the scrap heap and it is little wonder that many feel let down by a political elite that’s proved unable to help British workers compete in the global market-place. 

The consequences of this failure are another generation of under-skilled British workers living a life-time of unfulfilled potential, higher instances of social problems, criminality and substance-abuse, and under-achievement . The resentment caused by this frustration and failure creates a breeding ground for racists and extremists.

“Snapshot of Britain where more migrants than locals hunt jobs” – By Sue Reid, The Daily Mail.

BNP linked blog says refugees should “live on the streets in cardboard boxes”

Wednesday, August 19th, 2009

The Green Arrow blog, which supports and has links to the BNP, in an article on the treatment of British soldiers states:

“We need a British National Party government that will give soldiers who have served their country, jobs in the police, prison service, Fire Brigades, etc when they leave the armed forces and make them priority cases for social housing. Bugger the immigrants and bogus refugees – let them live on the streets in cardboard boxes.”

Nothing British believes that while there are serious questions that needed answering about the covenant between the government and the armed forces, forcing immigrants and refugees on to the street to live in card boxes is not the mark of a civilised society.

Soldiers of the Street – Green Arrow.