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Benedict Brogan

Benedict Brogan is the Daily Telegraph's Deputy Editor. His blog brings you news, gossip, analysis and occasional insight into politics, and more. You can find his weekly columns here and you can email him at Follow him on Twitter by clicking here.

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December 29th, 2009 7:00

Morning must-reads

Ed Balls calls off the class war. Not.

Keir Starmer, the Director of Public Prosecutions, attacks Tory policy. How safe is his job?

On January 1, Gordon Brown will squash the recovery.

The Obama administration slipped out an announcement on Christmas Eve.

And an American magazine names Michael Bloomberg its nanny of the year. Which Brit would win such a contest?

Posted by Alex Singleton

December 28th, 2009 7:00

Morning must-reads

David Cameron wants the election to be a clean fight. Does Gordon agree?

Children from poor backgrounds are more likely to bunk school. But do they also have the worst teachers?

Shoppers avoid Gordon Brown’s next tax rise.

Photographers issue a plea to end “humiliating” searches by the police.

And the EU is to blame for bans on photography… not.

Posted by Alex Singleton

December 24th, 2009 21:19

Happy Christmas

It’s been a beautiful day down here in Worcestershire. The Malvern hills are dusted in snow and the frosted fields promise the white Christmas we hope for. In my Telegraph column today I report on some of what David Cameron is thinking about as he retreats for Christmas in the country with his family. These few days offer him and Gordon Brown a brief respite before what will be a gruelling campaign. I’m away in the US next week, back in the new year. Many thanks for reading this blog, and I wish you a most happy and peaceful Christmas.

December 23rd, 2009 11:05

How Reagan tagged the Commies

Lovely item from the great Ephraim Hardcastle this morning:

Rendezvouz With Destiny, a new biography of the late President Ronald Reagan by a former Republican press spokesman, Craig Shirley, discloses: ‘After Reagan was re-elected in 1984, the diplomatic tags on the cars used by the Soviet Embassy in Washington were changed to begin with the initials F.C. Nobody needed to guess what it stood for. The C was for Commies . . .’

December 23rd, 2009 7:59

Morning must-reads

Sterling falls on news that Britain is still in recession, and Fitch, the credit ratings agency, thinks Britain need to do more to cut expenditure.

Alex Salmond says it would be “outrageous” if the SNP were excluded from the party leaders’ TV debates.

The French Government buys British.

Tracy Corrigan wants to know: who will be next year’s most hated?

And Simon Heffer says that the great William Gladstone saved our country.

Posted by Alex Singleton

December 21st, 2009 15:28

Johnson goes to war

Alan Johnson had a go at ‘public schoolboy millionaires’ yesterday in the Sunday Times. “The Conservatives are the party of inherited wealth, private education and conspicuous affluence, ” he said. “If they were to win the election, you would have a mayor of London, chancellor of the exchequer and prime minister all coming from a tiny clique who went out trashing restaurants and left large wodges of money to pay for the damage.”

This has gone down badly at City Hall, where Boris “I fear no man” J0hnson is preparing his riposte for when he comes to face to face with the Home Secretary at the “Johnson v Johnson” debate organised next month by Policy Exchange. The event is ostensibly about PR, with Vernon Bogdanor seconding Johnson A and Lord Norton of Louth assisting Johnson B. But like a row about whether to put the toilet seat up, it can very quickly be turned into something else. I’m told Hizzoner is itching to “put that man Johnson in his place”. So book your seats now: the class war is about to go live.

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