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Sunday 27 September 2009 | Blog Feed | All feeds


Benedict Brogan

Benedict Brogan is the Telegraph's Chief Political Commentator. His blog brings you news, gossip, analysis and occasional insight into politics, and more. You can find his weekly columns here and you can email him at benedict.brogan@telegraph.co.uk. Follow him on Twitter by clicking here.

Morning must-reads


Shelia Lawlor, the head of think thank Politeia, wants to set universities free from state control.

Rachel Sylvester wants Nick Clegg to stop pretending he can win outright and say the other c-word - coalition.

More than a third of people have never head of the Lib Dem leader.

ICM in the Guardian gives the Tories at 17 point lead, and - more singificantly - finds that only 14 per cent of those polled believe Labour is telling the truth on the public finances.

Megan McArdle is finding the defenses of ACORN pretty ridiculous - and says that claims of a conservative media conspiracy are way off the mark.

Barack Obama says he was black before his election

…and he doesn’t like the dictionary definition of tax.

Posted by Alex Singleton

Recent Posts


  • NICK, WHO???

    Anyway ………

    1: - Mother committed suicide after ten years of harrassment & attacks: - perpetrators = NO ACTION!
    2: - Habitual shop-lifters & muggers stealing thousands to fund their drug habit: - ARRESTED & RELEASED!
    3: - Foreign serious criminals: - ALLOWED IN TO THE UK to set up crime gangs to theive and murder!
    4: - Foreign lorry driver kills family: - CHARGES DROPPED!
    5: - Great train robber - escapes, lives the good life, returns to get NHS treatment: - RELEASED EARLY to enjoy his new buggy. Might have seen him looking in travel agents window - holiday 2010?
    6: - Habitual car thieves [joy riders] causing thousands of pounds of damage each night [as seen on TV]: - ARRESTED [sometimes] and RELEASED.
    7: - Lockerbie bomber: - RELEASED on compassionate grounds - rumoured he may want to visit Britain in a few years time - after the film of his life-story?
    9: - Binge drinking YOBS, breaking noses, jaws, knocking out teeth of innocent pub goers - ARRESTED [sometimes] and released.

    Number 10: - Young lesbian teacher. A LOVE affair with a willing biologically mature 15 year old girl. Poses no threat of violence or thievery: - 15 MONTHS IN PRISON - life ruined, now AT RISK of being preyed apon by bullying lesbian inmates.

    Phil Kean on Sep 22nd, 2009 at 9:37 am

    ..and is led by a madman, Phil.

    Just why IS it that our ‘judicial’ system seeks to incarcerate the likes of the young lesbian teacher, and OAPs delinquent in their Council Thievery, yet puts dangerous criminals in the revolving door?

    Those whom the gods seek to destroy, they first make mad. Wish they’d hurry up and finish off BRuin and his fellow Sewer Party nutjobs.

    45govt on Sep 22nd, 2009 at 10:10 am
  • 45govt

    I’m always reassured as to the validity of my concerns each time I read that you see things in a similar light.

    Down with the gurning madman!

    Phil Kean on Sep 22nd, 2009 at 10:19 am

    If you are ever arrested for breaking one of Labour’s miriad laws - your defence shall now be - “I DID NOT KNOWINGLY INTEND TO BREAK THE LAW”

    PRECEDENT: Downing Street diktat 2009 - Case 1: MPs’ expenses - Case 2: Ministers employing illegal immigrants.

    So, we’ll all get away with it - just our political dictators?

    Phil Kean on Sep 22nd, 2009 at 10:38 am
  • “More than a third of people have never head of the Lib Dem leader.”

    Should that read “Never head off Lib Dem leader” or “Never heard of Lib Dem leader.” ?

    alhamilton18 on Sep 22nd, 2009 at 5:38 pm


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