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Wednesday 15 July 2009 | Blog Feed | All feeds


Benedict Brogan

Benedict Brogan is the Daily Telegraph's chief political commentator.

Darling: I will set out spending plans


I do hope Gordon Brown and Peter Mandelson will find time to read Andrew Grice’s interview with Alistair Darling in the Independent. The Chancellor puts his colleagues straight on the prospects for a comprehensive spending review this side of an election: there may well be one before polling day, he won’t make a final decision until the PBR in November. Crucially, he says Labour will have to set out its stall so that voters know what to expect. Here’s the key bit:

“Mr Darling insists the uncertain economic position means he cannot decide now whether to go ahead with the scheduled comprehensive spending review (CSR). He will announce his decision in his pre-Budget report, due in November. “To do detailed allocations running up to 2013-14 at the moment, with all the uncertainty, just does not make any sense,” he says.

He promises that, one way or the other, Labour will make its spending priorities clear before the election, in an attempt to flush out the Tories. One option might be a mini-CSR. Another is to announce before the election which budgets would be ring-fenced, challenging the Tories to do the same.

Although he hasn’t yet decided how, Mr Darling promises to ensure a clear choice. “We have to be clear, as we go into an election – and the Tories will have to be – which choices we are prepared to make,” he says.”

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  • I think you may find Darling at the bottom of a ditch pretty soon if he carries on saying things like that. Going against his bosses and Gorgons wishes..

    I also thought his boss told us it want possible to have a spending review because conditions were so uncertain…

    So someone is telling porkies again

    Michael Carr on Jul 3rd, 2009 at 11:26 am
  • And WHAT value would it have?
    Gordon’s 08/09 PBR and budget forecasts and estimates have been disastrously WRONG - embarrassingly so and picked apart on the very day they were announced.
    We now have Gordon standing in front of intelligent men and telling BLATENT LIES - and expecting EVEN them [media] to swallow such infantile and insulting
    Predictably, Labour’s deceitful pre-election propaganda campaign has started early, and has plumbed new depths of electoral abuse & insult to the intelligence of the voting public.
    WHY are we even bothering to take seriously ANY information being put forward by Gordon’s oil rag?

    Phil Kean on Jul 3rd, 2009 at 11:47 am
  • Phil - we are not taking anything that Labour says seriously.

    Robert Eve on Jul 3rd, 2009 at 1:48 pm

    Brown: Uneconomical with the actualities?



    Same Old Dog on Jul 3rd, 2009 at 9:32 pm
  • Darling: I will set out spending plans
    Can I help?
    These are few here
    1. Only in America……can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance.
    2. Only in America……are there handicap parking places in front of a skating rink.
    3. Only in America……do drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front.
    4. Only in America……do people order double cheese burgers, large fries, and a diet Coke.
    5. Only in America……do banks leave both doors to the vault open and then chain the pens to the counters.
    6. Only in America……do we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and put our useless junk in the garage.
    7. Only in America……do we use answering machines to screen calls and then have call waiting so we won’t miss a call from someone we didn’t want to talk to in the first place.
    8. Only in America……do we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight.
    9. Only in America……do we use the word ‘politics’ to describe the process so well: Poli’ in Latin meaning ‘many’ and ‘tics’ meaning ‘bloodsucking creatures’.
    10. Only in America……do they have drive-up ATM machines with Braille lettering.
    Give more money to poor not these ones.
    After a difficult first quarter, chief-in-waiting Hans Vestberg is keeping a watchful eye on the company purse.
    Although a lot could happen in the next six months, LM Ericsson Chief Executive Carl-Henric Svanberg has picked a pretty good time to bow out. He will start his new job as non-executive chairman of oil major BP on Jan. 1, 2010, after a successful seven-year tenure at the Swedish network supplier in which he helped transform it from a bloated dot-com casualty into a profitable market leader.
    Change seat often.
    Sarah Palin has made the surprise move of announcing she is resigning as governor of Alaska later this month.
    West makes a mistake, West rushes to Russia, Japan, India, Korea, Iran, and try to dominate these. West takes oil from the Middle East hoards this and sales at the price we have no idea in transit. East is messed up because of West. On the other hand, is East or was following USA to be specific all the time? Now that USA is leaning badly in the grooves of the economy quagmires, we talk of UK out now USA as West. Friend the BBC I read has another name if you did not hear. It is Bush Blaire Corporation.
    UK is following blindly to USA including this bloody keyboard I use and the spelling of centre to center.
    I thank you
    Firozali A. Mulla

    famulla on Jul 4th, 2009 at 7:05 am
  • Be vigilant against forced marriages, schools urged one UK paper says.
    Now here is my comment.
    There is a similarity
    Winston Churchill at a press reception after his visit to America Photo: PA. What is Churchill doing now in the remote part of the Today’s economy and politics? He will turn in the grave looking at us honest.
    I will fail to comment in the best possible manner if I just take the above and do not a little dash of spice Indian I am
    rampart \ram-pahrt\, noun:
    1. A fortification consisting of an embankment, often with a parapet built on top.
    2. A means of protection or defense; a bulwark.
    3. To defend with a rampart.
    To stand upon ramparts and die for our principles is heroic, but to sally forth to battle and win for our principles is something more than heroic.
    – Franklin D. Roosevelt
    Not a drum was heard, not a funeral note,
    As his corpse to the rampart, we hurried.
    – Charles Wolfe, The Burial of Sir John Moore
    There is no rampart that will hold out against malice.
    – Moliere
    Rampart derives from Middle French remparer, equivalent to re + emparer “to take the possesion of.”
    You are crazy just crazy. That is it. Read on I do not leave any doubts when I say that. New Government guidelines were issued to teachers, doctors and police to help identify and tackle the problem.
    Here is my small, very small question. The marriages are by the boy and girls (if you are grown okay, the men and women) the priest conduct the ceremonies in the church and not on the roads and in traffics or under the trees. The fathers give this son and daughters to the in-laws and outlaws as , “here this is my Ruth, Alfred, are you taking take of her/him as the lawful wedded husband husband if gay or usual as I think it is husband and wife Where are these parents? Where are the priests? Why the police and teachers, and the doctors. They are all part of the team to eat the cakes and beer and say Cheers to the newly wed. May they produce more and we drink more in the future.”
    The head of the police, the prison, the traffic, medical petitioners, headmasters on to “stop the marriages”. What is this an advertisement? On the other hand, the papers from the loo?
    Honest I think with lack of cash we are losing the brains and monkeys.
    I thank you
    Firozali A.Mulla

    famulla on Jul 4th, 2009 at 1:39 pm
  • all I can say is Ha, Ha, Ha….good thing the world is going to end in 2012, which will save face for Govt I suppose…..
    Poor Darling, he knows the financial truth, and so if he presents a budget that would actually achieve its aims, it will be as unpopular as salad with the Obese…..
    More on the search for Osama Bin Salsa, at http://www.josieg6.wordpress.com

    Josieg6 on Jul 5th, 2009 at 2:19 am
  • The UK should follow Honduras’ lead and deport Brown, the EU might then take its lead from the OAS and kick the UK out of itself, and that would be no bad thing.

    Why is the entire Civil Service, even the so called intelligence services, incapable of understanding the most basic principles of security. It seems they are as irresponsible with information as the MPs are with expenses.

    Surely anyone in Sawers position, including as a senior diplomat, let alone as future head of MI6, has a duty to ensure that his/her family have a basic set of rules regarding security. Using social networks would have to be near the top of the THOU SHALT NOT DO list.

    RightPaddock on Jul 5th, 2009 at 11:06 am
  • Where we are and where we want to go.
    London close: Late rally fizzles out
    LONDON (ShareCast) - Footsie (news) made a brief attempt to lift itself into the blue in late trading but finished where it spent most of the day: firmly in negative territory.
    World Bank President says 2009 still dangerous
    LONDON (ShareCast) - World Bank President Robert Zoellick said in a letter to G8 host, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi that although the fall in the global economy has been stabilised, 2009 still remains a “dangerous year.”
    BASF to axe 3,700 jobs in Ciba integration
    By Jana Weigand
    LONDON (ShareCast) - German chemicals giant BASF plans to cut 3,700 jobs by 2013 as part of its integration of Swiss rival Ciba.
    One day, the Pope is visiting America and driving around Washington in his limo when he gets an idea.
    “Driver? Can I drive for a while?”
    “Sure,” says the driver. How can you say no to the Pope? So the Pope takes the wheel and starts driving like a maniac all around Washington — dodging in and out of traffic, going eighty, cutting people off. Soon, a cop pulls him over. But when the Pope rolls down the window, the cop stops dead in his tracks, and goes back to the car.
    “We got somebody really important here,” he says to his partner.
    “Who is it? Is it a senator?”
    “No. More important.”
    “The president?”
    “No. More important.”
    “An ambassador? Who?”
    “I don’t know. But the Pope is his driver.”
    That is our economics no more no less.
    Russia is signing the deal with USA to allow the arms etc to pass through her territory. The breakfast tomorrow will tell us what is given against the missile shield in Poland. Nevertheless, all are hopeful the Obama preserves the sanity to end the Afghanistan wars and the Muslims, rightly low in all directions. That is our democracy. Do what you at all the costs
    I thank you
    Firozali A. Mulla

    famulla on Jul 6th, 2009 at 5:45 pm
  • Tell me if you do understand
    Without control, there is no power. What does this mean? There are two men. One is dumb. He cannot speak. One is blind he cannot see. The dumb needs water he puts his hands like a cup to show he wants a drink of water. How does blind ask for water?
    All rubbish news today from Putin to Poland and missiles. There are no shake hands between Brown and G8 Brown wants to spend, spend, and spend as if this is money Crazy.
    Obama goes back to school again fifth time, and Sarah Palin is laughing her head off in the tub filled with the rose water. “The president and I agreed that the relationship between Russia and the United States has suffered from a sense of drift … President Medvedev and I are committed to leaving behind the suspicion and rivalry of the past.” Obama
    “My understanding is, President Medvedev is the president and Prime Minister Putin is the prime minister.” Obama.
    Blind says,” I want water”. He can speak!!!!!!!!
    I thank you
    Firozali A. Mulla

    famulla on Jul 7th, 2009 at 11:09 am


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